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What do Andrew Yang and other 2020 Dem Candidates think of Marijuana Legalization

On this edition of Problem Solver Politics Cardon and Cody take a look at another of one of Andrew Yang’s 100+ policy proposals. Legalization of Marijuana.

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  1. All the prohibition of meth does is put it into the hands of criminals and actually wouldn't even change the amount of people who do it. Let's get rid of the DEA all together and then maybe we can see how things play out. I can imagine that the 2000 million dollars the DEA gets and the extra prison taxes can be put towards something a bit more noble than supporting a system that will ultimately make no change. People will get high if they want to get high, as simple as that!

  2. What that hell do you mean detriment, alcohol creates a million more issues! Getting raped and taken advantage of is far harder when your high than wasted!

  3. You should have the right to do what you want with your own body period
    As long as you arent harming anyone, it shouldn't be anyone's business

  4. Legalization fine but do not be like California and pardon violent crimes and theft. Those should stay illegal felony. Prop 47? Was it. Yeah you are idiots in California for legalizing smash and grab crimes.

    To pass weed legalization.

  5. Check out my grow op of millions of plants (short clip on my channel of one of our greenhouses). If there is enough interest shown, I will show the entire operation of 100+ acre sized greenhouses, most equipped with hydroponics, as well as the extensive outdoor grow. I can also explain how it works. We are licensed to both grow and sell certain marijuana strains.

  6. Cody subjectively saying "This drug is ok, this is icky, that one has no place in society" is like picking his favorite food at a cafeteria and telling the chef not to sell anything else. People who buy into Cody's subjective sliding scale always move the goalposts to maintain this self-appointed authority to know where the line is between good for you and bad for you.

    For example, psychedelic mushrooms and edible marijuana both have psychedelic properties, so if you are ok with selling edibles you have no footing to prohibit selling psychedelics in store as well. When you digest marijuana, your liver produces a compound creating visuals/body highs akin to mushrooms.

    If Cody's argument is instead rooted in the addictiveness of a product, then we must apply that legal scrutiny to ALL products sold. But even that argument gets ridiculous when you analyze our current blindspots toward addictive products. Sugars for example cause chronic diseases, as does tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, or addictive behaviors like gambling, life-threatening risk taking like skydiving, etc. I am of the opinion that humans have a right to pursue their own happiness, and that is disconnected from what makes some other person happy so long as my choice is not DIRECTLY affecting them. If you're afraid that your child being exposed to my choice of fun is irrevocably harming them, be a better parent and set your own artificial boundaries. But I'm not your kid so don't try setting boundaries on me.

  7. I think the best way to analyze is to look at other countries. The Netherlands has its legal and there country hasn’t fallen apart in chaos. Everyone there is super nice, and they understand to his their own. Cody’s argument is that it maybe harmful to society and I have to agree somewhat, when I found out my 14 year old cousin smoked I felt ashamed because of how young he was, I know it doesn’t physically harm anyone, but drugs can inhibit a mans life progress if he lets it. That is a fact. There are people who smoke and make billions and are geniuses and there’s one who start to try harder and harder shit. Best thing about the USA is that we can let them make their own choices. If the odds are stacked against society like super addictive drugs. Then the gov steps in because if individuals lose then the collective people can win together.

  8. I smoke but I’m kind of with Cody on the fact that once we agree that being a little high off weed isn’t bad, but the decriminalization of mushrooms kind of scares me. That’s a big jump in intensity but the people who support the mushrooms are the ones who smoke weed everyday and more tolerant. Huge potential for medical industry. Love how each household can grow it. I’m for the legalization but the mushrooms decriminalized scares me.

  9. Thank you for sharing the story about your daughter and the pain and hardship the state brought down on you for being a good father.

  10. Let's make sure there's an understanding of the difference between LEGALIZATION and DECRIMINALIZATION.
    Decriminalization is NOT Legalization.
    Legalization means it gets sold as a commercial product in stores and it can move freely as a good or service.
    Decriminalization means you'll still go to jail if you try to turn it into a business, but if you're just a rando using it personally then you won't get locked up and have the authorities lining up around the block to FUCK YOUR LIFE with a sandpaper strap-on.

    ALL NARCOTICS SHOULD BE DECRIMINALIZED. ALL OF THEM. The fact that they'll kill you is a choice you are ALLOWED to make. But they should NOT be legalized – corporations and other organizations should have NO right to make it a business.

    Some of these should be fully legalized though:
    Cannabis – Definitely legalize. Completely.
    Shrooms – Legalize. Absolutely.
    Cocaine – … I am less thrilled at this prospect
    Heroin – Fuck that.

  11. Yang Gang, please volunteer for phone banking. I did it for an hour last week and it was very easy (at my own home and used Yang's template from his site once you sign up). Talked to a few people. People who answer phone banking calls are those who are also going to pick up phones for polls. And we all know that Yang needs to poll at 2% to qualify for Sept. and Oct. debates.

  12. Just legalize it freedom is legalizing it. It means ending the bureaucracy of the “war” on drugs. You take the criminal aspect, drug trafficking aspect out and yes just like alcohol tax revenues. The opioid crisis could be minimized as well.

  13. This all comes down to one law. Are you allowed to kill yourself. If you are then you should be able to go to a doctor and get a prescription for heroin and get it filled at CVS.
    We’ve wasted trillions of dollars on the war on drugs and we are worse off than ever. They just got 50 tons of cocaine at the Philadelphia port.
    50% of the money generated from this should go for health care, and the other 50% should go into our educational system. So now you have the Addis’s paying for their own healthcare and paying for the next generation to be better off and less likely to do drugs.

    Prohibition does not work. You have to fight the demand not the supply. Who would you rather the money go to some drug lord in Mexico, or the people of the United States to help them with their education and healthcare. This is a no brainer.

  14. Full legalization 👍👍 we need to look towards societies that are more successful at educating their people about drugs.
    Andrew Yang is definitely taking a step in the right direction 🇺🇸

  15. Cardon raised a good point in this so called conservative "small Gov". This is an old point so I'm not saying anything new here but the hypocrisy remains; that conservatives always claim to want small government and yet when it comes to War, women's body right, marijuana etc they want HUGE government, couldn't get enough of it. They claim not have the money for healthcare, freedom dividend, infrastructure etc pretty much anything improves ppl, actual American ppls lives but somehow they spent trillions, and I repeat, TRILLION of dollars on War borrowing on creditcards. What's the rationale behind? The answer is none. There isn't any. Hypocrisy simple as that. They could care less about American ppl but big corporations money interests. I know this may offend Cardon cuz i can tell he has a conservative side (perhaps more of it) in him but I wonder what his position (and cody's) is on this hypocrisy.

    You either want a small Gov or u don't, u don't get to have it both ways. And if they want a Gov that only works for the top 1%, that's perfectly fine. But fucking own it and stop feeding American ppl this "limited government" bullshit cuz it's only "limited" up to their discretion and they don't get to have this discretion in the first place.

    Apologies in advance if this offends any conservatives watching the show. I'm simply trying to resolve and understand their apparent ideological paradox.

  16. There are tons of people who recreationally use heroin and you would never know. There are online forums all over the internet for these groups of people. Drugs are not always what they are stigmatized as.

  17. Legalize marijuana. You can walk into a store and get hard liquor if you are over 21, and OD right outside the store. I haven't heard of anyone dying, or getting diseases from marijuana use. Opiates are another thing; I believe in decriminalization, but I don't think that should be legalized. They clearly has very serious detrimental and addictive effects, and it's not a question of whether or not drug abuse would get worse if the access was much higher.

  18. So look no farther than Portugal and Switzerland for guidance…as far as your drug debate goes… America has ignorantly ignored the empirical evidence that exists on the best path for substance control and regulation, resulting in endless conversations like the one I just watched. After complete decriminalization of most substances, it is all about educating our fellow Americans about personal responsibility and making smart personal choices.

  19. So you think if Meth was legal, a mass of people would suddenly run out to walmart and snort that sweet glass? Everything should be legal. Maybe distribution should be illegal, but at the very least everything should be legal to possess and treatment programs should be funded with tax money.

  20. Marijuana should be legal and taxed. it should be handeled similar to alcohol for recrenational use, with a minimum age and laws clear labling regarding potancy about driving when impaired by it.

    and with no limits in a medical setting regarding age and strenth.
    i dislike prohibition but take the policy of maximum freedom of the individual but mitigating as best posible any negative impact that would have on other and socity

  21. Cannabis legalization is a no brainer.
    What's more intriguing is regulating psychedelics and opioids. If you're using publicly-funded services like fire/ambulance/police, maybe we need a 3 strikes rule.
    Stuff is personally legal, but after a few f-ups (overdose, etc) you don't get to saved anymore.
    We have to figure out how to foster responsibility as a culture over blanket prohibition.

  22. Decriminalization is more efficient than legalization as legalization often means regulations that can make it harder for people to have access, because of the hoops it can create.

    Decriminalization benefits everyone whereas legalization benefits those with control power more. Long term we need both.

    Personally: Legalize the sale/use, fully decriminalize, and research. Research the hell out of it! That's the worst part of the current state of the law, we know so little about how it affects people; yet, what studies have been done show overwhelmingly positive results.

    A secondary affect to weed positive shifts would be the potential for hemp as an industry that could improve our country as a whole, even for people who do not partake in the THC carrying strains of the crop family.

    I have allergies that have prevented me from using for my chronic pain, but I live a life of chronic pain and so support anything that helps others in pain even if I can't use myself. Weed legalization for money safety and economic improvement, and decriminalization to get people back to their lives.

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