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Doctor Fact-Checks Politicians On Coronavirus

I’ve fact-checked the media a couple weeks ago on the coronavirus headlines, now its time for me to keep the politicians honest. From Joe Biden to President …

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  1. Doctor Mike please answer is it possible if someone gets this sars cov-2 virus and his body fights with it without even noticing and he won't show any symptoms and get recovered on his own.?
    Is it possible that someone's immune system is so strong that his antibodies are enough to terminate this virus even without any medications?

  2. My mom for some reason hates you even though I’m telling her that ur a professional like u do this for a living….. saying that “u do have the right information” she really believes that putting a blow dryer to your face works. She gets all of her information from Facebook and I keep listening to grown men and women video themselves saying they know how to get rid of the COVID-19 it’s so stupid. What do I do to make her listen to u or just think about what good information and what’s misinformation

  3. Mike: (is a doctor, super smart, went to med school)
    Also Mike: A… 2…
    (No hate I just thought it was funny)

  4. You said, “Please tell the full story’ take your own advice ! You are so one sided ! The drug President Trump was advocating was approved and working miracles. Maybe you should be not be so political motivated!

  5. President Trump does not care about the people of Usa nor health care providers on front lines. Too bad even the rich ppl are not safe cuz the virus does not care either.

  6. Hi Dr. Mike, I was wondering if I can get your opinion. I am a premed student right now in my first year of undergrad and I got a job to work at the hospital for the summer in the beginning of the year before the outbreak… Although due to the covid-19 pandemic, the program was put on hold and I was offered a different position. Do you think it's safe for me to do so? I really want to help but I don't want to risk my family getting the virus as well. The position would require me to have a basic amount of interaction with the patients and I will be under the guidance of a doctor or nurse at the hospital.

    Thank you for your input in advance!

    P.s. I'm from Canada Ontario, in case that helps with pinpointing the risk factor.

  7. The problem is, you are intelligent, Mike, and our elected officials are largely idiots. I am so glad you are here and being who you are. Thank you for all your posts.

  8. The virus disintegrates at high temperatures, about 140 degrees, so I thought how do we raise our temperatures to 140 well I found this method, I thought it was goofy too, but basically take a flamethrower directly to the face. It sounds stupid but it works.

    All jokes aside, keep up the good work Doc.

  9. hey now say that they are going to force people into taking coronavirus vaccine

    and they also say if you don't take the vaccine you will be sent to prison for a very long time and your children will be removed from your custody and you're children will be forced vaccinated

    if you really want to know about the "coronavirus" it's a man-made virus coming from the vaccine along with all the toxic ingredients that's in the vaccines as well

    just like the tuberculosis man-made virus and the polio man-made virus

    Don't take the vaccine and don't let them give the vaccines to children and resist at all cost

    Remember Evil history repeats itself

    Don't be a sheeple

    like the many people before you

    talk about communism in the United States Corporation

    After the fictional coronavirus outbreak in communist China the media in the United States say every single child must receive by force the coronavirus vaccine this is just two days after the Lies of this corona nonsense virus outbreak in communist China this happened after China has turned on all of their 5G cell towers

    communist China is lying about a coronavirus outbreak the real agenda is to force everyone into vaccinations

    the coronavirus is the 5G Cell Towers 5G cell towers that's producing huge amounts of radiation that's causing damaging effects to human health thats all.

    coronavirus is a hoax it's nothing more than the 5G cell towers that's producing huge amounts of radiation

    Remember Evil history repeats itself

    Don't be a sheeple like the people before you.

    it's hilarious.Doctor Mike refuse to debate me I told him you bring your pro vaccine evidence and I'll bring my anti-vaccines evidence

    which vaccines will cause brain damage , physical damage and organ failure and internal damage and cancer and early death.

    let's have a debate he refused to have a debate with me I told him to bring evidence to support his claim

    he doesn't return my emails and my phone calls

    Brainwash Doctor Mike is ducking and dodging me at every corner he knows the truth and he's afraid to admit it

    vaccines , anti/Pro depression , antibiotics and depopulation

    Dr Russell Blaylock MD – Truth About Vaccines

    CDC Whistle Blower Full Audio

    Luke Maguire This is my baby boy Bobby born 22-01- 16 : My child's vaccine reaction

  10. This didn't age well. Chloroquine works, and masks are now being sanitized by they tens of thousands. POTUS is in the business of providing hope.

  11. The US's "shitty" health care system apparently invented a 2 minute corona test. Also, they are now sanitizing masks by the hundreds of thousands, something they mocked Trump for suggesting last week, just like the Chloroquine drug, he was again right. He was the only one who said to close the border, while Pelosi and others were telling people to hang out in CHinatown on Chinese New Year. He also wants us to get back to work. I think he's doing a good job. Europe is doing far worse than the USA

  12. For April 12 we don’t have the numbers, as in we don’t know the maximum. But we do know the minimum people that have it, ie every confirmed test. Even if the minimum if accurate, you can easily project how many we’ll have in two weeks given our current infection rate. It absolutely is projectable, and we’re nowhere close to stopping

  13. First, Dr. Mike for president.

    Second, I’m just waiting for people to do coronavirus life hacks. “Inhale hairdryer heat!” 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

  14. Thank you for the hard work you do with spreading the current truth and calling those out for spreading misinformation, those who straight up lie and worst of all the media who loves to cause panic or mass hysteria to get people locked on the news channel to increase their ratings… wish we could get you on a news segment here in NY. Hope you and your family are safe and take care!

  15. "It's going to burn our faces"!!

    Well, if you burn enough you would die, and if you die, you can't get the coronavirus.

  16. Dr Fauchi erroneously discounted Hydroxychloroquine when it was first mentioned. He claimed there had only been in vitro studies and anecdotal cases. He appeared ignorant of the French clinical study. And since then he has routinely ignored all the growing evidence of this treatment, instead he's focused on his pursuit for a vaccine. A vaccine wont be available for another year. By then every patient with acute symptoms will have recovered on their own or died. Fauchi is too myopic. He completely disregards the effect of total social and economic shutdown on the mental and chronic health of the population.

  17. To my knowledge people young middle-aged and old are dying. To my knowledge 1 in 4 people who catch Covid-19 are not living. Is this due to lack of ventilators? I live in London UK. The private lab I work for full time for that tests for Covid-19 has asked that I volunteer to go on furlough. Should I ask my union to request that my employer claim 80% of my wages for me via the "Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme".
    And how long is the maximum I should go on furlough for?
    I can not afford to be without salary at all.

  18. i'm a trump supporter, but I also know he isn't a doctor, and people seem to rally behind him no matter what he says. so great vid… but if I may suggest something. the problem of shutting down the economy is that the resources you as a doctor use in your hospital are part of the productions that come out of our economy, someone has to make these supplies and equipment , before they are distributed among hospitals. now I know you are not implying that we should shut down the economy, but if people would have listened to guys like you, and quarantined sooner, we wouldn't have this mess of over crowded hospitals, the problem isn't whether or not the economy closes (and yes that can have its own troubles). its that nobody listened, I was listening to a doctor from john Hopkins university , on the ben shapiro show , and he said 40% of americans believe this is a hoax, (mainly on the right, which is really embarrassing to me since im on the right .) but im not a doctor and im not gonna tell you how to do your job, I hope it all works out in the end… god bless…

  19. I mean on twitter Hillary Clinton said:
    :don't take medical advice from a man who looked at a solar eclipse" and showed a picture of trump looking at the eclipse 😂😂 I don't like either of them it was just funny

  20. Thanks for doing this. I think it’s super important an expert outside the mainstream media be available and give unbiased, educated advice.

  21. Good thing this is America and not China or you would be censored!!! What happened to the doctors in China that blew the whistle on Covid-19 ? That should be the real stories concerning this virus. Also reopening wet markets . Lab testing 1.2km from the wet markets of biological viruses like Covid-19. A hospital right across the street from the lab .

  22. In fact, many Asian countries have done so many researches and taken measures to control the virus which prove to be effective, such as wearing mask wherever you go. But the American politicians refuse to take the experiences into consideration partly because of the discrimination against Asians.

  23. Almost the same Problem in Germany. Our Politics are more conservative than yours. Thats good (in this case, at least). Spread the Virus as slow as possible, until a treatment or vaccine is available.
    I've spoken to a coworker (he's in his early 20th) today, what he thinks about the virus and the shutdown in germany. He anwered: "The People where killed by the virus, aren't advantageuos for our society at all, so that's tolerable"
    Igrnore the ones, died way before their 80ties on corona That's the generation that built up germany after WW2, we have to keep them save as long as they want to , thats our resposibility. And he gives a F..k…

  24. If you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail. this guy is a doctor, he has a medical bias, and he doesn't consider the economic impacts. No judgement, its just the way it is.

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