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Is CBD The Answer? Not So Fast…

Want to know more about mental health and self-improvement? On this channel I discuss topics such as bipolar disorder, major depression, anxiety disorders, …

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  1. i plan to get cbd oil with as low thc as 0,3%. i read it is antipsychotic too. thc is needed with cbd or they are useless. they activate and complicate each other.

  2. Random but what do you use to edit your videos? I love your channel! I’m a counseling student, graduating in a couple months hopefully. 🙂 spreading awareness on mental health and treatments is so important, and I seek to do that on my channel here as well. Your channel is extremely informative 💖

  3. The thing I don’t understand is CBD is legal and doesn’t require a medical card. Is there some difference between hemp CBD and weed CBD that I don’t know about?

  4. Mistakenly had this whilst on sertraline; Felt very slow for a few hours, but both doses were low. I know better now 😮

  5. When I consume CBD it has no noticable effect what so ever. Only one time after I hurt my back it seemed to release a small amount of pain.

  6. Thank you dr. For sharing your knowledge. Your videos pretty clarifying. My dad is a psychiatrist and I love this speciality. Thank you so much❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  7. Its a schedule 1 drug. So of course the studies are not there. In America only one medical FDA approved grow in Mississippi exists. America has been backwards and absurd. Please look up the University of Jerusalem in Isreal where all the data is legal and documented for most of a century. It is not new. THC is useful and I use it (beginning at age 44) for inflammation and pain bone pain and neuropathic pain. Helps a lot with anxiety and frustration fear and social anxiety. As a person with clinical depression I am out of the closet and tell my wonderful Psychiatrist everything. She is ok with me using this but we work together on a sort of diet or schedule such as I use THC/CBD from smoking flower on weekends only limited amount. I have been advised by her its much safer than alcohol which is absolutely dangerous with depression. I have ADD and completed my New Years rez by going through my entire monolithic file cabinet and reorganized my filing system thanks to Sativa. Thank God. No more procrastination I just get a little stoned and cleaning or organizing is not the soul crushing big ordeal that I nap over. Its just a necessary pain in las nalgas but not bummer from hell. I put on Freddy Mercury and kitty is my shredder. Depressed gals please try this with or without your "flowers" Freddy Mercury's song "Don't stop me Now" and put your cat in a mesh laundry container with toys. I grow my "African Queens" (cannabis plants are female originating in Africa and the Indus Valley of Asia. and I grow both regular and Pineapple flavor Catnip for Miss Kitty. BTW Cat nip as a tea is good for anxiety fun fact Cannibis , cat nip and hops are in the same family. So go ahead get that cat stoned. Drag her back down the evolutionary chain as Robin Williams used to say. Seriously Articles on Cannabis look up Lancet medical journal and University of Jerusalem Isreal is Kosher Kush kids. But if you hear voices or feel unstable do please consider waiting till you have been stabilized for 3 months. Or never.

  8. I'm very happy I've found this awesome channel. I found you on googling vyvanse and long term effects on kids and personality change. Very limited information on that …when I found the only sensible Dr. who actually reasoned through it actually is on youtube and has more videos, I came right over and subscribed! Looking forward to watching more. Very great public service.

  9. I think it’s important to look at research from before cannabis was criminalized too, because before it was criminalized there doesn’t seem to be much research on the “dangers” which I say very loosely. You see a LOT of researcher bias when it comes to these studies, and they never talk to people who’ve been using marijuana for a long time

  10. CBD oil knocks out my anxiety issues very effectively, imho as long as you purchase from a trusted source it can help you out positively. 😁 👍

  11. Consider the source…. -Do you really trust the FDA? The fda has approved of many prescription drugs that have marketed to even children… -drugs that were even recalled and certainly over-prescribed. Seriously, Food Coloring and other toxins in edible trash that is marketed as food (I think usually to the poor) is approved of by the fda. It seems like if one takes a step back, that the fda approves of things that are bad for us and poop on nature…. but the fda will be approving of cbd oil once the powers that already be can own and monopolize that like everything else. If it's government, remember…. -the same government infiltrated our ancestors and forced religion on them. what spiritual practices were that of our ancestors? We need them to find the light. -Furthermore, Would our ancestors know better now than to trust the whole establishment. Government hand in kill, steal, rape, pillage and manipulate… still comes from the same place. No true makeover. Buenas Ondas, Dr.Tracey.

  12. I have severe MS. Marijuana saved my life. I was having 50+ full body spasms every night before I tried it. I'm 5'4" and had gotten down to 95 lbs. because of the nightly workouts. If anyone saw my instant spasm relief they would be amazed. It is truly a miracle herb for many conditions.

  13. Can you make a video on Dystonic Reaction due to the use of antipsychotic medication. My 16 year old son had a Dystonic Reaction to his antipsychotic medication use to treat psychosis related to Schizoaffective Disorder. I think it’s important for to know about this as we were never informed about these kind of reactions

  14. I want to download the mood diary for PMDD but i can't. I tried through the link you posted in the description box of your video about PMDD. Can you help?

  15. I have schizophrenia. can a person with schizophrenia make decisions for themselves? I'm afraid to make decisions that don't make sense and end up hurting myself or hurting other people.

  16. The vast number of terpenes among the different cannabis strains means many individual compounds & synergies between them have vast potential. Given the absence of ANY deaths EVER through recorded history, it deserves a closer look. If our govt had NOT misclassified it as Schedule I, we may already have these answers. Our FDA allows drugs to make billions in profit while outright killing people yet we jail hundreds of thousands for consumption of a non-lethal plant. It's clear who's benefit our govt is working for & it's NOT us!

  17. MMJ works great for pain. I use THC and CBD. I just had a spinal fusion three weeks ago, and it helped me through that surgery. It has also helped me wean off of opioids three different times now (I've had 6 major surgeries in the last eleven years. Please be careful when you talk about pot's usefulness for pain control. They have already pretty much taken our opioids away. I don't want to see the MMJ go too.

  18. I can tell you one thing that's for certain whether the government CONTROLLING agencies like it or not, CBD saved my life quite literally…
    I have severe chronic pain due to 4 bulging discs, sciatica, systemic inflammatory syndrome, PTSD/anxiety, insomnia and my medical issues lead to frequent bouts of what is called "hypertensive crisis". The hypertensive crisis was frequently sending my blood pressure up to 218/108 and on at least 4 occassions I ended up in the ER where they gave me an intravenous ACE inhibitor to bring it back down. This was a scary time in my life! I researched natural ways to lower blood pressure and came across cbd products. Now I had tried tinctures before to not much affect but it is the cbd rich flower and concentrates which had ENORMOUS benefit to not just some but ALL of my ailments! First of all let me tell you how it saved my life… The smokeable/vaporizable cbd flower drops my blood pressure to a VERY healthy and consistent 118/79 and has done so faithfully since starting. I know it is the cbd flower because the very first time I used it I was "in H.T. crisis" at the moment with a resting bp of 181/100 and the CBD dropped my bp within 10 mins to 121/80!
    I have NOT had a single ER visit since starting and my bp remains under perfect control. I have also been able to completely stop using a powerful NSAID called Voltaren which was elevating my liver enzymes and damaging my stomach. The CBD gave me stronger anti-inflammatory benefits than Voltaren did WITHOUT any downsides or organ damage. I was able to stop taking my muscle relaxer "carisoprodol"(Soma) which is considered a highly addictive medication. The CBD relaxed my muscles just as well without the hangover effect I would get the next morning after a pill. I used to very infrequently take 10mg of diazepam when I would get severe anxiety but I never need to any longer which is great because benzos are very dangerous especially long term. I am a chronic pain patient and I take narcotic pain medication and I am able to take 40% less of my medication on some days which is awesome!. I sleep very deep and reap restorative REM sleep cycles which allowed me to cut my sleep stack supplements in half.
    Oh yeah… My PTSD and accompanying anxiety? It hardly ever bothers me at all anymore! This flower has done more in one month of use than YEARS of psychotherapy, FDA approved "drugs and chemicals" and group therapy COMBINED!
    I am a living breathing double-blind placebo controlled study LOL! I know where I was is what I am saying, I KNOW where this flower has placed me and I am enjoying feeling HUMAN again! I have shared this amazing flower with people just like me and they ALL agree with the benefits and life changing nature of this medicine.
    Some government official with a white lab coat, certifications and a clipboard cannot suppress the truth of what CBD can and IS doing! It's changing lives and the train has already left the station! Catch us if you can… We'll see ya on the sunny side of life and wellness!

  19. In my country marihuana is illegal, but users who have plants to personal consume only and can prove medical conditions are rarely prosecuted.
    I don't like the effect of smoking marihuana, it makes me feel hungry, confused and nervous. But I've always wanted to try baked marihuana.

  20. Hello Dr. Tracey Marks.First off, I want to say that I love what you do, and thank you so much for making these videos!
    I just got diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety disorder. I also have ADHD, which was diagnosed in 2017 when I was 27 years old. Could you make a video explaining Generalized Anxiety disorder, and how this can affect your life and what treatment there is? I've just thought it was part of my personality, and also blamed a lot of the things I feel and go through at ADHD.

  21. I smoked cbd flower (tch <O,2, bought in a legal shop ) and it gave me paranoia and hallucinations …While my friends who smoked it too was like «  it’s impossible that’s just cbd ,it’s all in your head » while i was really tripping and losing touch with reality.
    I was hoping that smoking cbd flower will help with anxiety and depression but i didn’t so im a bit confused right now..did someone experiences the same thing ,i really enjoy understanding why i reacted like this..

  22. Hi Dr Marks! I apologize for this comment not being on topic, but could you possibly consider making a video on the anger that can be associated with bipolar manic episodes? You've mentioned irritability before, but I would love an expansion on that, if possible.

    Thank you so much for your time and effort on these. I really appreciate your explanations!

  23. Doctor do you think that maybe blood type of plays a role in whether on or not CBD or THC affecks a person and how much it affects them?

  24. She needs to do A LOT more research AND weigh the science against the "drugs" on the market. There are no regulations with CBD right now so that makes it the wild wild west out there. The facts are, a person NEEDS to find a CBD product the is 3rd party FDA registered GMP certified laboratory. that means the they are regulated and what is listed on the bottle is "EXACTLY" what is in the bottle. Make that they have there "Test Results" readily available.
    When she does any type of comparison to drugs it shows that she is not mentioning ALL the side effects and long term potential damage they cause???

  25. Hi i have a question my son i believe had a manic breakdown at school but he has never had a breakdown before and the school transported him to the hospital there they have giving hin haldol and seraquel and now he see and hear voices because of it could the meds make him behave like that

  26. I grew up wanting to be a psychiatrist, now I am thinking more along the lines of a psychiatric nurse practitioner. Watching your videos and seeing you utilize your knowledge to help other people inspires me to go on, truly. When I think of what type of health care provider I would like to be, I think of you. Thank you Dr. Marks.

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