Wow, what a bunch of asshole comments about the guy. He is not forcing you to do anything. At least he has a job.
Why all the fat jokes? it’s just results from munchies
This fat mutha fucker I smoke pot chronically and ik for fact that I bust my ass at my (jobs) mangers always love me and your choices out side of work should be yours alone employers have way to many rights they should be only dictating what I do at work not me at home smoking my problems away
Best thing to do guys is get clean. I couldn’t sleep the first night or Eat. After that I’m good. I workout everyday now.(I already do) but it helps.
I failed
Anyone think I can get thc out of my system In 16 hours ?
Anyone think I can get thc out of my system In 16 hours ?
Why is he built like a cheeseball
I smoked a blunt the day before my swab test at a home improvement store. Just drink lots of water and for me I used peroxide and mouthwash and of course lots of brushing so it can be beat
Ive been on colanapin for 3years at my doctors passed all the test for 3 years my doctor left so the other doctor took me & i knew he dont like to give out colanapin with a pain pill So they lied told me that the colanapin didnt even show up in my test Its sooo Fked up Complaty cut me off colanapin after 3years Seems really wrong to me did 15 colanapin the week before 2 a day & one the morning of my test i did one i put them under my tongue they dissolve so quick.. So either the test was messed up witch it was a different saliva test this time i said why is it diff she said they have been having trouble with this kind of drug tests told me they 3 times so far… Orrr they just lie & dont give a fuck about there patients witch i have to lean towards that & here i am kicked off my drug cold turkey & im 1000% sure they where in my system What are u suppose to do?.. Seems kinda coincidental i fail my first test in 3years the first time my normal doctor is not there & the new doctor wont give colanapin.. I talked to the first lady thats nice she said they wont give it to you becuase your on the other pill the next lady lied said NO colanapin in your system i laughed said thats impossible..
""Will you atleast wein me off of it Thats against our policy""
Soo any who what i need to know with these white cardboard thigs turn blue on the top after i suck on them (cuz im in a wheelchair in pain & get treated like Shit on top of it now that my Doc is gone) How do i read the paper the doctor gets to say whats in your system what would colanapin come up on that paper or computer write out..? Please help Thank you
Really very confused here! I had to see a dr ONLY to get a slip for an X-ray order! I submitted a urine test, and was also asked to do a swab! I felt this was very strange to give both. I was NOT OBSERVED either! I will say that the swan never even touched my saliva! How in the hello could it come back positive? This is ludicrous! I don’t even use drugs.
Cant just let me work in peace. Not like we do all the work anyway smh
This guy tested positive for abuse of junk food..
Why all the fat jokes from the dope heads!? Yall better pass that test
looks to me like youre smuggling about 150 kilo’s under your shirt.. and while i would have no problems passing any of your tests, i’d be curious to see if you could pass up a golden corral..
Food a drug you fat fuck
Maybe you should make better choices in your personal life about your diet and exercise program or complete lack of one.
I understand employers not wanting employees to use drugs at work and I am on board with that 100%. However employers can stay the hell out of my personal life unless you want employees in yours asshole.
Does amazon (California) still reject people for marijuana use despite it being legal?
I smoked a cbd pen with .03 thc it has been 51 days since I smoked the pen will I pass a probation swab test going to the lab?
I get you don't want your employees high on the job. But what someone does on their free time is their choice. What gets me is if you use marijuana for pain out side of work. You can still loose tour job for failing a drug test. Meanwhile its okay for you to use pain killers. smh
Weed doesn't ruin jobs, drug tests do
Fat fuck
making people afraid of the choices they make in their own free time , what wonderful people you are. hopefully the diabetes takes you fast
Thank me later.
Wow, what a bunch of asshole comments about the guy. He is not forcing you to do anything. At least he has a job.
Why all the fat jokes?
it’s just results from munchies
This fat mutha fucker I smoke pot chronically and ik for fact that I bust my ass at my (jobs) mangers always love me and your choices out side of work should be yours alone employers have way to many rights they should be only dictating what I do at work not me at home smoking my problems away
Best thing to do guys is get clean. I couldn’t sleep the first night or Eat. After that I’m good. I workout everyday now.(I already do) but it helps.
I failed
Anyone think I can get thc out of my system In 16 hours ?
Anyone think I can get thc out of my system In 16 hours ?
Why is he built like a cheeseball
I smoked a blunt the day before my swab test at a home improvement store. Just drink lots of water and for me I used peroxide and mouthwash and of course lots of brushing so it can be beat
Ive been on colanapin for 3years at my doctors passed all the test for 3 years my doctor left so the other doctor took me & i knew he dont like to give out colanapin with a pain pill So they lied told me that the colanapin didnt even show up in my test Its sooo Fked up Complaty cut me off colanapin after 3years Seems really wrong to me did 15 colanapin the week before 2 a day & one the morning of my test i did one i put them under my tongue they dissolve so quick.. So either the test was messed up witch it was a different saliva test this time i said why is it diff she said they have been having trouble with this kind of drug tests told me they 3 times so far… Orrr they just lie & dont give a fuck about there patients witch i have to lean towards that & here i am kicked off my drug cold turkey & im 1000% sure they where in my system What are u suppose to do?.. Seems kinda coincidental i fail my first test in 3years the first time my normal doctor is not there & the new doctor wont give colanapin.. I talked to the first lady thats nice she said they wont give it to you becuase your on the other pill the next lady lied said NO colanapin in your system i laughed said thats impossible..
""Will you atleast wein me off of it Thats against our policy""
Soo any who what i need to know with these white cardboard thigs turn blue on the top after i suck on them (cuz im in a wheelchair in pain & get treated like Shit on top of it now that my Doc is gone) How do i read the paper the doctor gets to say whats in your system what would colanapin come up on that paper or computer write out..? Please help Thank you
Really very confused here!
I had to see a dr ONLY to get a slip for an X-ray order!
I submitted a urine test,
and was also asked to do a swab!
I felt this was very strange to give both.
I was NOT OBSERVED either!
I will say that the swan never even touched my saliva!
How in the hello could it come back positive? This is ludicrous!
I don’t even use drugs.
Cant just let me work in peace. Not like we do all the work anyway smh
This guy tested positive for abuse of junk food..
Why all the fat jokes from the dope heads!? Yall better pass that test
looks to me like youre smuggling about 150 kilo’s under your shirt.. and while i would have no problems passing any of your tests, i’d be curious to see if you could pass up a golden corral..
Food a drug you fat fuck
Maybe you should make better choices in your personal life about your diet and exercise program or complete lack of one.
I understand employers not wanting employees to use drugs at work and I am on board with that 100%. However employers can stay the hell out of my personal life unless you want employees in yours asshole.
Does amazon (California) still reject people for marijuana use despite it being legal?
I smoked a cbd pen with .03 thc it has been 51 days since I smoked the pen will I pass a probation swab test going to the lab?
I get you don't want your employees high on the job. But what someone does on their free time is their choice. What gets me is if you use marijuana for pain out side of work. You can still loose tour job for failing a drug test. Meanwhile its okay for you to use pain killers. smh
Weed doesn't ruin jobs, drug tests do
Fat fuck
making people afraid of the choices they make in their own free time , what wonderful people you are. hopefully the diabetes takes you fast