Will Tennessee legalize marijuana? | East Tennessee lawmakers voice support, concern
Not one bill loosening marijuana regulations has passed either chamber in the last four years, despite a 2018 poll showing overwhelming support from voters.
Get theses old ass motherfookers out of office and get some one in there that will take care of our Military men and women
That one guy sounds like he’s drunk, and yet other states are doing great with it fully legalized
Will Tennessee take care of its sick and vulnerable citizens and veterans now? Many other states have chosen to.
“Shops aren’t where you should get it” lmao okayyy. You have to get it from a physical space somehow bud. Real pharmacies ain’t gonna work if people don’t know what they’re buying and they have to find good strains through a shot in the dark. That guy is a dipshit 🤦🏻♂️ smh these people are twenty years behind. Buy yourself a ticket to CA or CO and figure shit out! It’s really not that hard!
It will make hate my home state less
Legalize it either I can still get it in TN
Wow these people in office are dumbasses "i want proof from the doctors" fkin really? Look around the US right now how much more proof do you need? "Pot shops arnt the answer" oh, so youd rather it go to pharmacies where people like my mother cant afford it and so you can get a nice chunk of the profit because the pharmacies are ate up with greed and are underhanded af
These people are just too set in their old ways and need new blood to get the ball rolling. Why are we wasting time and money on enforcing weed laws when places like my town are being turned to shit by pills and meth. Its ludicrous. Cops putting young adults in jail for weed and missing the dumbass who abuse and exploit their children to get their next meth fix. But no instead your going to ruin peoples lives by throwing them in jail for something as stupid as carrying some plants. Fk i just need to move out of Tennessee. I thought my home state would be smarter than this
Tennessee still has dry counties for alcohol. We live in the stone age here!
Bruh 33 states have it legalized is that not saying anything?
Wow he said prescribed by dr. And picked up at the pharmacy. To me that's very Unpractical. Big Pharma shity weed from the pharmacy. It sounds like it's all about money to these guys.
"But I don't think that pOt ShOpS are the place to go to get your marijuana." Okay then, where from? The pharmacies that jack prices up so high that ill people end up on the streets and dying from something as simple as diabetes? A 'POT SHOP' is a perfectly fine way of buying, and they have been extremely reputable in recent history. Fact is that you don't know what you're talking about, and are using such wording as "pot shops" to mock and demean it simply based on prejudice alone. Go die of cancer already and let us put someone new in your place, boomer.
Moved to Colorado three years ago. Smoking a joint legally while I watch this right now. Never will I come back to that backwards state. Even if the do legalize it
“nO pOt sHoPs” ok but liquor stores are aloud. there’s a reason there’s something called medical marijuana. because it’s not as harmful as people think. old people are dumb asf
Yet I bet these old men in the video that are against it have liquor and moonshine at home.
Everything they are waiting on has been delivered 1,000 times over…Tennessee is so damn stupid. as long As the baptist church and these old rickety officials are in office, this type of problem will exist.
half of them have never even smelt, or seen it in person and your letting them decide whether or not we can have it? makes perfect sense totally.
Its time for the old guard to get out of our lives! Piss off
Get theses old ass motherfookers out of office and get some one in there that will take care of our Military men and women
That one guy sounds like he’s drunk, and yet other states are doing great with it fully legalized
Will Tennessee take care of its sick and vulnerable citizens and veterans now? Many other states have chosen to.
“Shops aren’t where you should get it” lmao okayyy. You have to get it from a physical space somehow bud. Real pharmacies ain’t gonna work if people don’t know what they’re buying and they have to find good strains through a shot in the dark. That guy is a dipshit
🤦🏻♂️ smh these people are twenty years behind. Buy yourself a ticket to CA or CO and figure shit out! It’s really not that hard!
It will make hate my home state less
Legalize it either I can still get it in TN
Wow these people in office are dumbasses "i want proof from the doctors" fkin really? Look around the US right now how much more proof do you need?
"Pot shops arnt the answer" oh, so youd rather it go to pharmacies where people like my mother cant afford it and so you can get a nice chunk of the profit because the pharmacies are ate up with greed and are underhanded af
These people are just too set in their old ways and need new blood to get the ball rolling.
Why are we wasting time and money on enforcing weed laws when places like my town are being turned to shit by pills and meth. Its ludicrous. Cops putting young adults in jail for weed and missing the dumbass who abuse and exploit their children to get their next meth fix.
But no instead your going to ruin peoples lives by throwing them in jail for something as stupid as carrying some plants. Fk i just need to move out of Tennessee. I thought my home state would be smarter than this
Sign Petition protect Marijuana from Trump.!!!
Marijuana Heals, Opioids Kill. Marijuana is safer than baby aspirin.
Prohibition doesn't work!
Please support Federal Cannabis (marijuana) legalization today!
Thank you
How blind can this state be?
Tennessee still has dry counties for alcohol. We live in the stone age here!
Bruh 33 states have it legalized is that not saying anything?
Wow he said prescribed by dr. And picked up at the pharmacy. To me that's very Unpractical. Big Pharma shity weed from the pharmacy. It sounds like it's all about money to these guys.
"But I don't think that pOt ShOpS are the place to go to get your marijuana." Okay then, where from? The pharmacies that jack prices up so high that ill people end up on the streets and dying from something as simple as diabetes? A 'POT SHOP' is a perfectly fine way of buying, and they have been extremely reputable in recent history. Fact is that you don't know what you're talking about, and are using such wording as "pot shops" to mock and demean it simply based on prejudice alone. Go die of cancer already and let us put someone new in your place, boomer.
Moved to Colorado three years ago. Smoking a joint legally while I watch this right now. Never will I come back to that backwards state. Even if the do legalize it
“nO pOt sHoPs” ok but liquor stores are aloud. there’s a reason there’s something called medical marijuana. because it’s not as harmful as people think. old people are dumb asf
Yet I bet these old men in the video that are against it have liquor and moonshine at home.
Everything they are waiting on has been delivered 1,000 times over…Tennessee is so damn stupid. as long As the baptist church and these old rickety officials are in office, this type of problem will exist.
half of them have never even smelt, or seen it in person and your letting them decide whether or not we can have it? makes perfect sense totally.
Its time for the old guard to get out of our lives! Piss off