How long does marijuana stay in your hair? How long does weed stay in your hair? We answer that and more in this epic science video. If you think you might …
I smoked really small amounts like 3 times about 2-3 months ago, should I be good?
What I don't understand is exactly what he said in the end: Why is it that lower paying jobs require this test when substantially higher paying jobs DO NOT? Anyone care to comment? By all means, please do…
Is this true?
Can you fail a hair test if just touch it
So even tho I have really long hair if I stay clean for 90 days will I be in the clear?
I ate two small edible cookies that were super weak. Didn’t even get me high. About a month and a half ago. Other than that I haven’t smoked in a year. I hope I pass lol from my understanding from my research I should be fine. I guess we’ll see lol
Some companies go all the way back to 4 months 120 days
All these hard grammar words, I got lost so I believe you…Thank you for sharing.
I passed a follicle by shaving 99% of my body. I played dumb and said take some hair from my leg (which clearly had no hair). They shaved dust on to a piece of paper.
Does my system have to be clean to grow clean hair or does clean hair grow after I quit smoking?
i abstained for more than 90 days and tested positive for weed ….
I gotta quit weed for 3 mths😫🙁
I am doing the macullo method so…I am good lol. yo pass this test is not hard at all
So when you shave your head , the hair that grows back is clean ?
I quit smoking 3 months ago and I was only smoking lower THC marijuana in Thailand. I've shaved my head for 15 years so testing it is not an option. So what I did was, about one month after I quit smoking I shaved off all of my body hair and let it grow back for these last 2 months. I'm assuming now that my new growth body hair and abstinence 3 months will test clean, correct?
Its bs because curly hair will test positive longer because it isn't stretched like straight hair
Just say you hang around people who smoke
Fuck ya thank u very informative and short and sweet been searching for hours
What if you have long hair?
Or a cop…
I was 84 days clean. Do I have a chance?
Forewarning, some places take a hair, armpit and an eyebrow hair sample. I knew someone that use to pass these test all the time. His job would give him a 24 hour notice that he was going to get drug tested, which was their way of saying you have 24 hours to prep to pass the test. It was hard to find good people at the job he worked at. He used a wash that masked the THC. Hours before his test, him and his GF would jump in the shower and she would help him scrub him down with this masking agent. He passed everytime… I took a saliva test, you can pass that by chewing gum or drinking ice water.
I smoked really small amounts like 3 times about 2-3 months ago, should I be good?
What I don't understand is exactly what he said in the end: Why is it that lower paying jobs require this test when substantially higher paying jobs DO NOT? Anyone care to comment? By all means, please do…
Is this true?
Can you fail a hair test if just touch it
So even tho I have really long hair if I stay clean for 90 days will I be in the clear?
I ate two small edible cookies that were super weak. Didn’t even get me high. About a month and a half ago. Other than that I haven’t smoked in a year. I hope I pass lol from my understanding from my research I should be fine. I guess we’ll see lol
Some companies go all the way back to 4 months 120 days
All these hard grammar words, I got lost so I believe you…Thank you for sharing.
I passed a follicle by shaving 99% of my body. I played dumb and said take some hair from my leg (which clearly had no hair). They shaved dust on to a piece of paper.
Does my system have to be clean to grow clean hair or does clean hair grow after I quit smoking?
i abstained for more than 90 days and tested positive for weed ….
I gotta quit weed for 3 mths😫🙁
I am doing the macullo method so…I am good lol. yo pass this test is not hard at all
So when you shave your head , the hair that grows back is clean ?
I quit smoking 3 months ago and I was only smoking lower THC marijuana in Thailand. I've shaved my head for 15 years so testing it is not an option. So what I did was, about one month after I quit smoking I shaved off all of my body hair and let it grow back for these last 2 months. I'm assuming now that my new growth body hair and abstinence 3 months will test clean, correct?
Its bs because curly hair will test positive longer because it isn't stretched like straight hair
Just say you hang around people who smoke
Fuck ya thank u very informative and short and sweet been searching for hours
What if you have long hair?
Or a cop…
I was 84 days clean. Do I have a chance?
Forewarning, some places take a hair, armpit and an eyebrow hair sample. I knew someone that use to pass these test all the time. His job would give him a 24 hour notice that he was going to get drug tested, which was their way of saying you have 24 hours to prep to pass the test. It was hard to find good people at the job he worked at. He used a wash that masked the THC. Hours before his test, him and his GF would jump in the shower and she would help him scrub him down with this masking agent. He passed everytime… I took a saliva test, you can pass that by chewing gum or drinking ice water.
So 90 days
Does it causes hair loss?
Very informative,thank you for the video
Good to know thx
Good to know.