Dean Wilson grabbed a lot of attention when he revealed his new sponsor, Ignite, but what is that exactly? How did he get linked up with the outside sponsor?
CBD cured me of cancer its a real miracle medicine
CBD&thc is gods gift legalization nationwide u shouldnt have to worry about a piss test for pot. these athletes endure alot of pain keep them off opiates and pharmaceuticals
I'm not sold on cbd..I've tried cbd stuff, thc and cbd 1:1, different strains. But sick to see deano getting deals
Awesome. About TIME someone did this! I know like Deano again!
My brother has cerebral palsy, and CBD is the only thing that stopped his muscle spasms and seizures. All other pills only intensified them.
CBD is amazing! I use oil for quick recovery between workouts and I use the topical pain cream between motos. Don't knock it till you try it.
CBD’s are the biggest fear from the big pharmaceutical companies. Reason why, it FN works!!!
Lost A1 due to the CBD running out. Couldn’t stay high long enough.
Breaking ground. Keep us updated about this great new sponsor.
Fuck NBC
it's just a stupid commercial, he has to make a living so he would push any brand of toilet paper if they paid him, " like this ASS WIPPIE brands make me awesome a better rider because my anus is not like chappy on my seat like it's better for faster like rad lap times, etc, etc………………….."
Weed is taking over the whole world nothing can stop it now can’t wait till it’s legal in nz
Isnt CBD a violation of FIM rules?
Get dan in the pits with you
Never knew Dean has anxiety.. I myself have been battling it with the past 2years with no treatment just exercise and riding my Mx bike helps but it got bad so I'm now on medication only on my 4th day.. if it doesn't work ill be giving cbd a go ! Best of luck for the year ahead Dean!
GonDean!!!!! Don’t worry about the “reefer madness” crowd.
Its a God Damn shame that NBC makes him covsr the logo. What would happen if he just said "fuck off NBC"? Its a 100% legal substance, NBC has zero right to do what they did.
I had a friend that made it pro one year, had a pretty bad shoulder problem, doctors made it worse with surgery, he ended up getting addicted to pills, changed him as a person, if i even took what his doctors prescribed him for one day i would most likely end up in the hospital, really hope people learn as time goes on to not take the trash doctors give and try something different , i dont smoke weed myself but i sure would rather than taking pills for the pain.
so why is CBD censored then?
dont hang out with dan he is a crack head
CBD cured me of cancer its a real miracle medicine
CBD&thc is gods gift legalization nationwide u shouldnt have to worry about a piss test for pot. these athletes endure alot of pain keep them off opiates and pharmaceuticals
I'm not sold on cbd..I've tried cbd stuff, thc and cbd 1:1, different strains. But sick to see deano getting deals
Awesome. About TIME someone did this! I know like Deano again!
My brother has cerebral palsy, and CBD is the only thing that stopped his muscle spasms and seizures. All other pills only intensified them.
heck yea bro CBD bro heck yea
hell yeah DEANO!!! Keep up the good work brotha
Canada 🇨🇦 loves you deaner!!! Keep’er pinned!l
CBD oil legitimately works. It really does.
hahahaha its ok dean we know ur a pot head
Yeah tell that too our stupid government
Just think of the party if Deano wins the Championship!!
Way better than opioids from big pharma! And if u need more pain relief try Kratom, I’m 40 and won’t ride without it!🤑🤑
That’s awesome to see this video, I worked at a cbd farm in Nevada and am I a huge motocross fan
Wish I could get cbd in Australia.
$150 million dollar house!??
CBD is amazing! I use oil for quick recovery between workouts and I use the topical pain cream between motos. Don't knock it till you try it.
CBD’s are the biggest fear from the big pharmaceutical companies. Reason why, it FN works!!!
Lost A1 due to the CBD running out. Couldn’t stay high long enough.
Breaking ground. Keep us updated about this great new sponsor.
Fuck NBC
it's just a stupid commercial, he has to make a living so he would push any brand of toilet paper if they paid him, " like this ASS WIPPIE brands make me awesome a better rider because my anus is not like chappy on my seat like it's better for faster like rad lap times, etc, etc………………….."
Weed is taking over the whole world nothing can stop it now can’t wait till it’s legal in nz
Isnt CBD a violation of FIM rules?
Get dan in the pits with you
Never knew Dean has anxiety.. I myself have been battling it with the past 2years with no treatment just exercise and riding my Mx bike helps but it got bad so I'm now on medication only on my 4th day.. if it doesn't work ill be giving cbd a go ! Best of luck for the year ahead Dean!
GonDean!!!!! Don’t worry about the “reefer madness” crowd.
Its a God Damn shame that NBC makes him covsr the logo. What would happen if he just said "fuck off NBC"? Its a 100% legal substance, NBC has zero right to do what they did.
I had a friend that made it pro one year, had a pretty bad shoulder problem, doctors made it worse with surgery, he ended up getting addicted to pills, changed him as a person, if i even took what his doctors prescribed him for one day i would most likely end up in the hospital, really hope people learn as time goes on to not take the trash doctors give and try something different , i dont smoke weed myself but i sure would rather than taking pills for the pain.
Meh and they say pot ruins ya life.
Hey Deano! Wanna get HIGH???????? 😵😵💊💊🚬🚬😂😂