On January 28, 2020, WisconsinEye senior producer Steve Walters sat down with Senator Kathy Bernier (R-Chippewa Falls) and Assembly Assistant Majority …
The problem with Politicians & politics is you have a sever lack of Right Brain Creative ideas & solutions. Just Left Brain fear & logic looking for authority to fire the gun that gets the heard stampeding in the direction that serves your satisfaction. You said there needs to be room for both Conventional & the Organic Healing Protocols which in today they're are far,far more adaptable ways of Healing than any Medical DRUG dispensary Franchise Hospital has on there MENU for Prescribed Money Profit. The Hospital Franchise Prescribe DRUG's man made Stock Market Sold Patent holding Industry production.. Yes, there need be & MUST push for Alternative Health HEALING centers, funded by the People for the People. Marijuana treats multiple Health complaints because as many Alternative Health Herbs, they perform as an adaptagin, meaning the intelligent subconscious body uses what ever constituents it discovers from the biological intrinsic vocabulary that Herb, Root, Leaf, insect,etc provides. Shamanism of the ancients spoke to plants in a Trance & the DNA of the source would express what it was good for. This is Right Brain creative thinking, understanding & permitting the psychological BELIEF system or placebo infusion to aid in the quality & function for treatment. This is why I demand Alternative Health Church Clinics take a vital role in making Alternative Health Treatment a supported & accepted Realestate , Brick & Morder establishment. Many of our elderly who have enjoyed getting there nice fancy Hair doo at a Hair Salon could like wise patronize that same establishment & receive advanced Alternative Health Science therapeutic sessions on every Body,Mind,Spirit check point. The biggest neglect in America is Human Touch, receiving physical nurturing massage, hands on communication just as & exactly what we provide a Pet Animal when we pet them & validate they are Loved, wanted & welcome! Sadly the ignorant stupid public live in left brain fear logic horror world & my best bitch slap may only provoke a conditioned response, fear & loathing. Because they refuse to entertain anything free thinking or abstract, creative, foreign because your scum.
The problem with Politicians & politics is you have a sever lack of Right Brain Creative ideas & solutions. Just Left Brain fear & logic looking for authority to fire the gun that gets the heard stampeding in the direction that serves your satisfaction. You said there needs to be room for both Conventional & the Organic Healing Protocols which in today they're are far,far more adaptable ways of Healing than any Medical DRUG dispensary Franchise Hospital has on there MENU for Prescribed Money Profit. The Hospital Franchise Prescribe DRUG's man made Stock Market Sold Patent holding Industry production.. Yes, there need be & MUST push for Alternative Health HEALING centers, funded by the People for the People. Marijuana treats multiple Health complaints because as many Alternative Health Herbs, they perform as an adaptagin, meaning the intelligent subconscious body uses what ever constituents it discovers from the biological intrinsic vocabulary that Herb, Root, Leaf, insect,etc provides. Shamanism of the ancients spoke to plants in a Trance & the DNA of the source would express what it was good for. This is Right Brain creative thinking, understanding & permitting the psychological BELIEF system or placebo infusion to aid in the quality & function for treatment. This is why I demand Alternative Health Church Clinics take a vital role in making Alternative Health Treatment a supported & accepted Realestate , Brick & Morder establishment. Many of our elderly who have enjoyed getting there nice fancy Hair doo at a Hair Salon could like wise patronize that same establishment & receive advanced Alternative Health Science therapeutic sessions on every Body,Mind,Spirit check point. The biggest neglect in America is Human Touch, receiving physical nurturing massage, hands on communication just as & exactly what we provide a Pet Animal when we pet them & validate they are Loved, wanted & welcome! Sadly the ignorant stupid public live in left brain fear logic horror world & my best bitch slap may only provoke a conditioned response, fear & loathing. Because they refuse to entertain anything free thinking or abstract, creative, foreign because your scum.
Just legalize it already.