We got our chi flowing and opened our third eyes with tiny little needles all over our bodies. Would you try acupuncture? Check out our latest family merch drop, …
I always thought acupuncture was about pressure points not about energy and shakra I feel like pressure points make more sense, but I still don’t believe it works
By don’t believe it works, I mean I don’t think the whole energy movement thing is real, I think some pressure points are real but not to the extent that people think, I think the nerves sending signals to different parts of the body makes sense, because that how nerves work, but poking those pressure points don’t fix organ issues the that makes no sense
I feel like a lot of the “energy feelings” people get are a placebo effect, if you’re told you’ll feel energy then your going to think you feel energy, get someone who doesn’t know what this is, don’t explain it, and get them to do it, I bet they wouldn’t feel anything except the nerves reaction to the needles like your body weirdly shaking for example
Eugene keeps saying like “mother or china” “oh wtf” “Tokyo “
Roooobert ❤️ I looove this guy! Wish I could get poked around like them too 😭 Just hearing his voice relaxes me 🤤
"I've had four knee surgeries uh.. on my knee." brilliant…
The person who invented acupuncture prob fell on a porcupine and said “wow that feels really nice”
He reacts just like they do I love it
I have had 4 knee surgerys on my knee
I've had four knee surgerys- On my knee Ah yes Ned – I wouldn't have guessed
I’ve always had a problem with the wording “alternative medicine”, like if the western medicine is the only true way to treat the human body. First of all, the living body is still a great mystery even to western medicine. And second of all (I might be biased by growing up with an “alternative” medicine) western medicine to my believe is more adapt to treat problems that need immediate treatment, but often lacks the ability to heal the body in the long term or even prevent the occurrence of certain problems. Like the video said, there should be a marriage between them. “Alternative” and “western” are all just branches of medicine.
Keith , Ned , Zach : it feels relaxing
Eugene : AHHHHH
If you are going to read the comments it’s really just people repeating the same stuff
The doctor is so funny and has loads of personality.
When they started saying they felt loopy, I was like GOD THEY GOT DRUGGED
“I’ve had four knee surgeries… on my knee”🤣🤣🤣🤣
I think only Asians have fear of needle cause I’m really afraid of them
Thank acupuncturist’s name is literature one letter off my name
I always thought acupuncture was about pressure points not about energy and shakra I feel like pressure points make more sense, but I still don’t believe it works
By don’t believe it works, I mean I don’t think the whole energy movement thing is real, I think some pressure points are real but not to the extent that people think, I think the nerves sending signals to different parts of the body makes sense, because that how nerves work, but poking those pressure points don’t fix organ issues the that makes no sense
I feel like a lot of the “energy feelings” people get are a placebo effect, if you’re told you’ll feel energy then your going to think you feel energy, get someone who doesn’t know what this is, don’t explain it, and get them to do it, I bet they wouldn’t feel anything except the nerves reaction to the needles like your body weirdly shaking for example
Eugene keeps saying like “mother or china” “oh wtf” “Tokyo “
Roooobert ❤️ I looove this guy! Wish I could get poked around like them too 😭 Just hearing his voice relaxes me 🤤
"I've had four knee surgeries uh.. on my knee." brilliant…
The person who invented acupuncture prob fell on a porcupine and said “wow that feels really nice”
He reacts just like they do I love it
I have had 4 knee surgerys on my knee
I've had four knee surgerys-
On my knee
Ah yes Ned – I wouldn't have guessed
I’ve always had a problem with the wording “alternative medicine”, like if the western medicine is the only true way to treat the human body. First of all, the living body is still a great mystery even to western medicine. And second of all (I might be biased by growing up with an “alternative” medicine) western medicine to my believe is more adapt to treat problems that need immediate treatment, but often lacks the ability to heal the body in the long term or even prevent the occurrence of certain problems. Like the video said, there should be a marriage between them. “Alternative” and “western” are all just branches of medicine.
Keith , Ned , Zach : it feels relaxing
Eugene : AHHHHH
If you are going to read the comments it’s really just people repeating the same stuff
The doctor is so funny and has loads of personality.
When they started saying they felt loopy, I was like GOD THEY GOT DRUGGED
“I’ve had four knee surgeries… on my knee”🤣🤣🤣🤣
I think only Asians have fear of needle cause I’m really afraid of them
Thank acupuncturist’s name is literature one letter off my name
I laugh out loud at every episode 😂😂
try guys get massages
This scares me
Dr. Youngs reminds me of Mc Steamy from Grey's Anatomy.