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aphid control – kill whiteflies – 5 ways including Neem Oil

aphid control – kill whiteflies – 5 ways including Neem Oil There is nothing worse than running up to your glorious brassicas, Getting ready to pull some chard or …

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  1. G-Day Tony, what a great show. I have just started to grow vegies in a 3 metre x 2.4 metre raised plot. What I would like to know is no you supply your products to Australia.

  2. Introducing nematodes into your your soil is a great way to control pests as well as lady bugs! Great video very informative, thank you!

  3. Hi Tony, I have a question, I am growing a squash called' Gem squash' in a pot, (I am growing them upright, as I have a very small back yard) the leaves are like pumpkin leaves. I have been using pink sun Neem oil and pink sun horticultural gentle liquid soap, you mix with water.My leaves are still going yellow (I suspect Downy mildew) according to findings on the internet. I also give liquid fertilizer 7-7-7 feed for vegetables and flowers about every two weeks.I live in the UK, but have you experienced this with you Squash, how do you treat it? Suggestions well appreciated. Have a great day

  4. Love your channel Tony.. will the soap work with stopping moths and white butterfly’s laying the eggs? Because it’s destroying my veg still. I’ve got rid of the slugs following your slug video. But once the moth or Bfly eggs are hatching it’s wiping some of my veg out.


  5. Hi Toni, I find you have a good materials in your episods and I have some questions for an expert like you if you can help as I ask many other from the states and I got only few answers.
    Q1: Can you share your experience and/or solutions with ROOT APHIDS ?
    Q2: What do u think of Benificial Nematodes?
    Hope I gave you new topic for upcoming episodes.

    Thanks and regards

  6. Nothing to do with this video , but was wondering are you doing the giant potato challenge this year , not heard you mention it so far .

  7. Thanks Tony! I always get value from your videos and learn something every time. There's a lot of Spanish moss in a pear tree that I've been trying to control by just picking it off but after hearing your clip am going to try some of the antifungal stuff which will help with the creepy-crawlies too. I use castille soap too and my dozen or so tomato plants are looking good as well as the veggies in a large raised bed, built on a large pallet about 3 and a half feet off the ground so the wild rabbits can't reach it, and corn salad(the veggie) growing rampant all over! It reseeded itself from last year so am enjoying it. Good topic; thanks!Grandma in WA state🙏👵🌱💞😊

  8. I grow roses and have aphids and greenfly but I also have a lot of ladybirds which I’m trying to encourage but by using one of your suggestions will that affect the ladybirds etc. I’m worried how to go forward safely for all

  9. Hi Tony i like your videos and your methods, i will give a try to, i use a mix that i saw in another you tube Chanel that is 1 tsp of black paper / 1 garlic clove / 2 tsp of vodka . GRIND and leave rest for 24h/ them use 1tsp per1000ml water to spray all veg …..e used last year and seem work to, regards and all the best .

  10. Very enjoyable. About five years ago I set up a plot in the back garden and the whole ploy apart from the potatos were decimated by catapilars. It was terrible this year I netted the plot off. The pak choi are still getting devowered by slugs but supose I cant have everything.

  11. Perfect timing once again – I was just talking about neem oil on the last video and asking what people do with it – now I know! The plant invigorator stuff sounds interesting – might check that out. And I didn't know about not using washing up liquid – we tend to put a little oil into the mix as well to help it 'stick'. Great tips once again young Tony – and hold on – it looks like you've hit the 50,000 mark – WOOHOO!

  12. I've sometimes used Savon Noire, Black Soap for aphids on roses. I'm reluctant to use it very often as I don't know if it, or any of the other remedies you mention are harmful to the beneficial insects, such as the ladybirds and lacewings. Any thoughts on this aspect? I have noticed this year that there have been much greater numbers of greenfly from early season, but a corresponding high number of ladybird and their larvae. I'm hoping nature does the job for me.

  13. I considered neem oil myself because we saw a considerable infestation of aphids on our blackcurrant and honeysuckle earlier this year. However, I read this (Neem Oil Toxicity, from Wikipedia): "The ingestion of neem oil, even in small doses, is severely toxic and can induce metabolic acidosis, seizures, renal failure, encephalopathy and severe brain ischemia. Neem oil should not be consumed, particularly by pregnant women, women trying to conceive, or children. It can also be associated with allergic contact dermatitis.". I realise Wikipedia is far from being a consistently reliable source, but since you are using neem oil solution here on food plants, I think I'll err on the side of caution with respect to edible plants till I do more research!

  14. First time I had seen the whitefly this year and it was on my patio apple tree, the apple tree is big enough to remove the leaves that had been covered in whitefly. Great recommendations, thank you Tony.

  15. everyone talks about neem oil .i figure it works , but it cost money . i found that if i take the ash and tobbacco from ciggy butts mix water to get a liquid. then add a mashed up garlic bulb. leave for 24h's , stiring now and again. then add veg oil just before use.

  16. Hi tony another and very useful video. Ive got black fly on my pepper plants and like most gardeners ive used washer up liquid good for your your hands ,no good for theses little buggers .out of all theses products if you could use one which would it be. luv watching your tutorials on gardening keep up the good wor🌻 👍👌

  17. Thank you Tony have you any ideas on pocket plum .? Our tree has got this I’ve taken all damaged fruit off tried looking for info but not really found anything only been told use neem oil ,any help much appreciated thank you ,great video 👍

  18. Oh boy! Yes These guys can be pretty nasty and only natural remedies get rid of them and their group of friends. Thanks to natural remedies my roses are blooming and breathing.

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