Legalizing Recreational Marijuana Today Across the United States of America !!!,,,, ,,😎👑👽💀
California legalized medical pot about 15 years ago and this last election 58% said it should be legalized for recreational use. But here's the catch. They left it up to the individual counties to say how it would work out. My county is in cowboy country up North and they voted no dispensaries, no outdoor growing, not more than 6 plants. I can't afford to grow indoors so I'm thinking of starting a class action lawsuit because they are discriminating between poor people and those better off. I have to drive 42 miles each way if I want to go to a dispensary. I still grow my plants outdoors organically and I've never had any problems. Your neighbors pretty much have to turn you in since nobody else can see or smell it. P.S. I am on medical and my pain is down to one pill a day vs. 5 pills a day before. It really works.
My stepsister had to die of breast cancer because no one would loosen up and try Simpson oil. She had to die in dark pain because some people think it is more important to be a law-abiding citizen than to have compassion that trumps this wrong law. It is a matter of State Law vs Divine Law . . . our ancient archetypal dilemma
Surprise Surprise . . . Israel is way ahead of the US on cannabis research!
I'm loading up on MPX. (Canadian based.) They will have 10 fully operational dispensaries going in several states.. Production and sales going on in Canada at the end of 2018. Arizona dispensaries alone has a revenue run rate of $5 million/month.
Debra is very nice.
I was going to say even if you are using it legitimately as medicinal, once it becomes available non-medicinally why bother to pay all that money to get a medical card?
Why is it surprising that boomers smoke more and more. as a boomer I use to smoke a lot back in the 70's, when Reagan started drug testing I was forced to stop smoking if I wanted to keep my job. Now that I am retired eff the Feds I can finally smoke again.
He's not going to be used to used give me the money up in Texas I'm talking about Governor good out of it he's always worried about making money off these private prisons and industries instead of legalizing pot if all states legalize in Texas once this for sure but Governor says no that's a shame a public know another reason he's so used to making money like that that he's not going to give his way up but what fighting 100% hard down here to get what we want and I don't think that's right 90% of Texans what's this but or Governor don't want to listen but this ways you can make money completely on legalization in the state of Texas I'm different jobs as well he can legalize pot remove the oil field to Texas right now I have a friend in Mexico in the oilfield he tells me everyday people are out there lined up waiting to kidnap an oilfield worker and they got weapons so with that said we just got to cut off Mexico remove the oil field to Texas and legalize pot so we can benefit from building in the wall you giving money to the school district so we can keep the students safe that's how he can do that but he's not used to that so he's not going to give up the money here is making right now he's too selfish that's how I look at it
Cannabus prohibition is dead in this country
We are supposed to have it decriminalize for recreation use this July (In Ontario Canada) but government now says they won't be ready until Aug or Sept…'s a great step but they are making it that only the government can grow and sell, which is BS. We should be allowed to grow our own, and buy it where we want. The government is going to be selling it through the LCBO ( our liquor/beer stores), but only certain cities and the ones that do sell it won't sell alcohol too! I guess time will tell and we will see how it goes.
Using weed for medicine in non-medical or crook mecical states is just terrible. I am getting too old to tracknit down and it really helps me with multiple ailments. I can't move because I need to be here in the south for Family.
The "Medical Value" of Cannabis "EXTRACTIONS" will NEVER MATCH the MEDICINAL and NUTRITIONAL value of consuming RAW ORGANIC CANNABIS, as SALAD ingredients or by JUICING RAW CANNABIS! Extracted and "processed" byproducts of cannabis have miraculous benefits for millions who can't grow their own, but those benefits will never match the value of eating the raw plant grown in your own garden.
Baby boomers grew up in the "hippy era", so many of them knew (long ago) that cannabis (in moderation) doesn't harm anyone and, as seniors, they have lots of body aches, pains, and stress that are relieved by cannabis. To anyone who understands those two facts, the popularity of Pot with Baby Boomers should come as no surprise.
The main reasons that Medical Use tends to go down in states that make "Recreational" Cannabis legal is that it is far cheeper to obtain, they can grow their own and juice or eat it raw (for its increased health benefits), and they don't have to give up their privacy by having to register with the friggin' government.
It was COLORADO'S LEGALIZATION & FINANCIAL SUCCESS , not California, THAT HAS TURNED THE TIDE. California has yet to demonstrate their financial success with Cannabis, because hasn't had time to show what they can do yet.
The states that legalize are all going to be in the situation of helping out the federal government if the card's get played propperly just use the tech gathered for growing to help kick start the national hemp industry the world needs tending not scavanged for what to move were at the moment on a planet not going anywere what's the rush slow and steady were the tortoise slow and calm and relaxed travelling thought the cosmos gracefully not like a hell's angel useing up precious oil reserves needed for the tortoise's joints.
If you don't quite get it about Marijuana being "Illegal" , the US Government owns the patent on it ! It belongs to them !
I hate all kinds of drunkards and vain pleasure seekers ruining their health with “substances” and having their life circling around addiction . Especially when they get behind the wheel and maim and kill innocent people.
California is a whale.
Lior, wonder if you or anybody else knows about GreenMed. GRMD. A Crypto for the purchase of weed at dispensary's connected to a c/c. Check it out?
Best channel on YT, IMO.
Where's WRG's reports on their top 2018 cryptos again? I just opened an exchange account…
Very informed guest. Love seeing females leading the cannabis sector.
Great Q's
This industry is headed in one trajectory – UP!
Lior, I downloaded your /Crash report. You called the January correction beautifully. I got my crypto profits out before it tanked, including an 800% gain on Ripple and 1,080% on Dash. You rock!!
Already doubled my money twice with your cannabis picks, Lior, LDS I got out at CAD$1.31 (103% return), Invictus MD got in at CAD1.28, sold at CAD$2.66. Cashed Up and waiting for a February/March new pick you mentioned is in the works.
Lior, thank you for sharing your portfolio for 2018 in the downloads section!! I am amazed by that.
Legalizing Recreational Marijuana Today Across the United States of America !!!,,,, ,,😎👑👽💀
California legalized medical pot about 15 years ago and this last election 58% said it should be legalized for recreational use. But here's the catch. They left it up to the individual counties to say how it would work out. My county is in cowboy country up North and they voted no dispensaries, no outdoor growing, not more than 6 plants. I can't afford to grow indoors so I'm thinking of starting a class action lawsuit because they are discriminating between poor people and those better off. I have to drive 42 miles each way if I want to go to a dispensary. I still grow my plants outdoors organically and I've never had any problems. Your neighbors pretty much have to turn you in since nobody else can see or smell it. P.S. I am on medical and my pain is down to one pill a day vs. 5 pills a day before. It really works.
My stepsister had to die of breast cancer because no one would loosen up and try Simpson oil. She had to die in dark pain because some people think it is more important to be a law-abiding citizen than to have compassion that trumps this wrong law. It is a matter of State Law vs Divine Law . . . our ancient archetypal dilemma
Surprise Surprise . . . Israel is way ahead of the US on cannabis research!
I'm loading up on MPX. (Canadian based.) They will have 10 fully operational dispensaries going in several states.. Production and sales going on in Canada at the end of 2018. Arizona dispensaries alone has a revenue run rate of $5 million/month.
Debra is very nice.
I was going to say even if you are using it legitimately as medicinal, once it becomes available non-medicinally why bother to pay all that money to get a medical card?
Why is it surprising that boomers smoke more and more. as a boomer I use to smoke a lot back in the 70's, when Reagan started drug testing I was forced to stop smoking if I wanted to keep my job. Now that I am retired eff the Feds I can finally smoke again.
He's not going to be used to used give me the money up in Texas I'm talking about Governor good out of it he's always worried about making money off these private prisons and industries instead of legalizing pot if all states legalize in Texas once this for sure but Governor says no that's a shame a public know another reason he's so used to making money like that that he's not going to give his way up but what fighting 100% hard down here to get what we want and I don't think that's right 90% of Texans what's this but or Governor don't want to listen but this ways you can make money completely on legalization in the state of Texas I'm different jobs as well he can legalize pot remove the oil field to Texas right now I have a friend in Mexico in the oilfield he tells me everyday people are out there lined up waiting to kidnap an oilfield worker and they got weapons so with that said we just got to cut off Mexico remove the oil field to Texas and legalize pot so we can benefit from building in the wall you giving money to the school district so we can keep the students safe that's how he can do that but he's not used to that so he's not going to give up the money here is making right now he's too selfish that's how I look at it
Cannabus prohibition is dead in this country
We are supposed to have it decriminalize for recreation use this July (In Ontario Canada) but government now says they won't be ready until Aug or Sept…'s a great step but they are making it that only the government can grow and sell, which is BS. We should be allowed to grow our own, and buy it where we want. The government is going to be selling it through the LCBO ( our liquor/beer stores), but only certain cities and the ones that do sell it won't sell alcohol too! I guess time will tell and we will see how it goes.
Using weed for medicine in non-medical or crook mecical states is just terrible. I am getting too old to tracknit down and it really helps me with multiple ailments. I can't move because I need to be here in the south for Family.
The "Medical Value" of Cannabis "EXTRACTIONS" will NEVER MATCH the MEDICINAL and NUTRITIONAL value of consuming RAW ORGANIC CANNABIS, as SALAD ingredients or by JUICING RAW CANNABIS! Extracted and "processed" byproducts of cannabis have miraculous benefits for millions who can't grow their own, but those benefits will never match the value of eating the raw plant grown in your own garden.
Baby boomers grew up in the "hippy era", so many of them knew (long ago) that cannabis (in moderation) doesn't harm anyone and, as seniors, they have lots of body aches, pains, and stress that are relieved by cannabis. To anyone who understands those two facts, the popularity of Pot with Baby Boomers should come as no surprise.
The main reasons that Medical Use tends to go down in states that make "Recreational" Cannabis legal is that it is far cheeper to obtain, they can grow their own and juice or eat it raw (for its increased health benefits), and they don't have to give up their privacy by having to register with the friggin' government.
It was COLORADO'S LEGALIZATION & FINANCIAL SUCCESS , not California, THAT HAS TURNED THE TIDE. California has yet to demonstrate their financial success with Cannabis, because hasn't had time to show what they can do yet.
The states that legalize are all going to be in the situation of helping out the federal government if the card's get played propperly just use the tech gathered for growing to help kick start the national hemp industry the world needs tending not scavanged for what to move were at the moment on a planet not going anywere what's the rush slow and steady were the tortoise slow and calm and relaxed travelling thought the cosmos gracefully not like a hell's angel useing up precious oil reserves needed for the tortoise's joints.
If you don't quite get it about Marijuana being "Illegal" , the US Government owns the patent on it ! It belongs to them !
I hate all kinds of drunkards and vain pleasure seekers ruining their health with “substances” and having their life circling around addiction . Especially when they get behind the wheel and maim and kill innocent people.
California is a whale.
Lior, wonder if you or anybody else knows about GreenMed. GRMD. A Crypto for the purchase of weed at dispensary's connected to a c/c. Check it out?
Best channel on YT, IMO.
Where's WRG's reports on their top 2018 cryptos again? I just opened an exchange account…
Very informed guest. Love seeing females leading the cannabis sector.
Great Q's
This industry is headed in one trajectory – UP!
Lior, I downloaded your /Crash report. You called the January correction beautifully. I got my crypto profits out before it tanked, including an 800% gain on Ripple and 1,080% on Dash. You rock!!
Already doubled my money twice with your cannabis picks, Lior, LDS I got out at CAD$1.31 (103% return), Invictus MD got in at CAD1.28, sold at CAD$2.66. Cashed Up and waiting for a February/March new pick you mentioned is in the works.
Lior, thank you for sharing your portfolio for 2018 in the downloads section!! I am amazed by that.
Great guest.