you continuously support and uplift a predatory MLM and it is DISGUSTING.
"in 2019, this list helped me decide for the best essential oils hope it helps you out too!"
Very Nice Introduction to the Young Living Essential Oils! Thank You!
Dont get sucked in
NATURAL DOES NOT MEAN SAFE! Example, Arsenic is a natural chemical element.
how much is the starter kit
Love the honesty about you not knowing what the heck to do with the stuff on the bottom. Thank you for the great video. So fun.
I loved this video. I got my starter kit about a month ago. My two go to oils are stress away and valor. Love love 💗
this is so embarassing
I love how thorough you are explaining the oils! great for new members of young living!
when I select it says $165 ..?
Hi! I'd like to order but I'm Philippines. And I don't like the PSK from Phil. Can you help me?
Did you know that the founder of young living Donald Gary Young, delivered his daughter in a whirlpool and held her underwater for nearly an hour and resulted in her death, and his list goes on. I’m so sorry that you guys are wasting your money on this junk.
Everyone, if you don't like essential oils or YoungLiving just move on to the next video, Look/ dig into your any of the company's you currently are supporting and you will more than likely find something pretty bad, Example: Nike and Amazon. Just food for thought. –
I'm sorry this is not about the oils this is about the light behind you with the flowers could you tell me where you got them from or how they're made you can email me at Rose steinmacher at please let me know and if you have a website that does other stuff than just the oils please let me know so that I can go watch him I don't do Twitter or any of the other stuff all I do is Facebook or YouTube
I am binging the oily stuff videos all night 😀 so sad though, that the desert mist diffuser is not included in the starter kit. At least not in germany..
Hi Nikki love your videos I'm thinking of getting the kit under you just waiting to come up with the money I'm sure saving for it love the introduction of the kit can't wait thank you for the valuable information. 😍😘👍🏻👍🏻
It's hard to decide to invest or not, essential oils have been a big part of my life especially with my mood. It really depends on individuals if you want to invest or not. I usually try different Brand’s and stick with what works for me. My current Favourites oils are from bontaniq, young living I use thieves cause I love the Christmassy smell and The Aroma hub. Thanks for explaining each of the oils @Nikki, loved the video.
Well they have a class action lawsuit going on it’s a pyramid scheme . Don’t be an a@@ promoting this .
This is not helping my excitement for my starter kit to get here! Can't wait to sell this!!
Does this come with the snake oil blend, the one that’s a remedy for various cancers?
I Love essential oils and the benefits they produce. I thank you for sharing these oils with me. You're super awesome!!!
I’ve been thinking about this product 😊
Don't promote Young Living there a nasty mlm
I learning so much! Thanks girl!💕
you continuously support and uplift a predatory MLM and it is DISGUSTING.
"in 2019, this list helped me decide for the best essential oils hope it helps you out too!"
Very Nice Introduction to the Young Living Essential Oils! Thank You!
Dont get sucked in
NATURAL DOES NOT MEAN SAFE! Example, Arsenic is a natural chemical element.
how much is the starter kit
Love the honesty about you not knowing what the heck to do with the stuff on the bottom. Thank you for the great video. So fun.
I loved this video. I got my starter kit about a month ago. My two go to oils are stress away and valor. Love love 💗
this is so embarassing
I love how thorough you are explaining the oils! great for new members of young living!
when I select it says $165 ..?
Hi! I'd like to order but I'm Philippines. And I don't like the PSK from Phil. Can you help me?
Did you know that the founder of young living Donald Gary Young, delivered his daughter in a whirlpool and held her underwater for nearly an hour and resulted in her death, and his list goes on. I’m so sorry that you guys are wasting your money on this junk.
Everyone, if you don't like essential oils or YoungLiving just move on to the next video, Look/ dig into your any of the company's you currently are supporting and you will more than likely find something pretty bad, Example: Nike and Amazon. Just food for thought.
I'm sorry this is not about the oils this is about the light behind you with the flowers could you tell me where you got them from or how they're made you can email me at Rose steinmacher at please let me know and if you have a website that does other stuff than just the oils please let me know so that I can go watch him I don't do Twitter or any of the other stuff all I do is Facebook or YouTube
I am binging the oily stuff videos all night 😀 so sad though, that the desert mist diffuser is not included in the starter kit. At least not in germany..
Hi Nikki love your videos I'm thinking of getting the kit under you just waiting to come up with the money I'm sure saving for it love the introduction of the kit can't wait thank you for the valuable information. 😍😘👍🏻👍🏻
It's hard to decide to invest or not, essential oils have been a big part of my life especially with my mood. It really depends on individuals if you want to invest or not. I usually try different Brand’s and stick with what works for me. My current Favourites oils are from bontaniq, young living I use thieves cause I love the Christmassy smell and The Aroma hub. Thanks for explaining each of the oils @Nikki, loved the video.
Well they have a class action lawsuit going on it’s a pyramid scheme . Don’t be an a@@ promoting this .
This is not helping my excitement for my starter kit to get here! Can't wait to sell this!!
Does this come with the snake oil blend, the one that’s a remedy for various cancers?
I Love essential oils and the benefits they produce. I thank you for sharing these oils with me. You're super awesome!!!