Sometimes, our mind brings out ideas that are a little illogical or outlandish or just downright crazy. Funny thing is, there are scenarios when these wacky ideas …
Na house cats dont give a shit if u look or not u getting attacked. Lol
As an Iowa State grad, you got 3:26 wrong. That is actually our rival school out east who paints it pink.
Want to stop hiccups
Hold your breath till you’re about to pass out and it stops
To Get ridd of a hiccup you can hold your nose, while putting water into your mouth and swallowing 3 times.
Sorry for grammar
1:18 a good alternative is to have someone ask you to prove that you have hiccups
The one about Norwegian prisons are the dumbest thing I´ve heard. There is one such facility, it´s called "openly serving" you are able to be transferred to it when you´ve served 2/3´rd off your sentence. however, such a place is often reserved for inmates with low sentences, such as serving fines, parking tickets etc. The others has to file for a transfer to a minimum or low security prison after serving their time at a high or maximum security facility. There´s also no law that says how long you can be on isolation, that´s why some inmates have to serve up to multiple years in isolation cells in one stretch. Check your facts you fool, fckin wishful thinkin you got going on there.
Shit I thought this vid will finally be without mysogyny. But nah.
WARNING, INSTRUCTIONS NOT CLEAR! Fingered butthole, ended up with shite all over ma finger… Went to wash hands, forgot about shite on finger… I'm now cleaning shite from all over my house, but hiccup free 👍
How come when they mention pot growers(drug dealer) society always have to put a picture of an african american or latino man full of jewelry, why can a pot grower be asian or canadian.
So we are being drugged by Washington state
In ur videos, and yes i also have hiccups
Dude are you part of Anonymous? U throw theyre masks in all the time
If i got hiccups for the rest of my life i will not put my hand on my….. You know 😅😅
3:34 it’s University of Iowa the Hawkeyes that did this not Iowa state
I think I might go to Norway and make a crime to go to prison
> is against buying plastics > Promotes flame weeding …
Norway best
Definitely amazed
Na house cats dont give a shit if u look or not u getting attacked. Lol
As an Iowa State grad, you got 3:26 wrong. That is actually our rival school out east who paints it pink.
Want to stop hiccups
Hold your breath till you’re about to pass out and it stops
To Get ridd of a hiccup you can hold your nose, while putting water into your mouth and swallowing 3 times.
Sorry for grammar
1:18 a good alternative is to have someone ask you to prove that you have hiccups
The one about Norwegian prisons are the dumbest thing I´ve heard.
There is one such facility, it´s called "openly serving" you are able to be transferred to it when you´ve served 2/3´rd off your sentence. however, such a place is often reserved for inmates with low sentences, such as serving fines, parking tickets etc. The others has to file for a transfer to a minimum or low security prison after serving their time at a high or maximum security facility.
There´s also no law that says how long you can be on isolation, that´s why some inmates have to serve up to multiple years in isolation cells in one stretch. Check your facts you fool, fckin wishful thinkin you got going on there.
Nice in 1:40 Lithuanina flage 😻
The last one can be harmful for soil.
Regarding the balls here is a video
Did anyone see a hacker??????
11:32 damn
My craziest idea was jacking off to this video as the narrator talks
5:17 tbh.. unfortunately he didnt got his revenge on the bully..
Eh Swedish prison is like norways
Yes I will finger myself in order to fix my hiccups better yet maybe in public
Or you know, if you're not allergic to peanut butter, you can just eat that to stop hiccups
There is leftover weed being fed to pigs? Wtf? How? Where? I’m gay and guys call me a pig feed it to me.
Promiscuous gardener 🤣
The #1 Burning weeds and brush back…. I was doing that when I was 12yrs old, but I am from Tennessee.. SO….
When i saw ‘ to reduce evaporation ‘ I wanted to yell what i learned from veritasium that they serve a different purpose
Well as a bisexual i'd not mind to finger myself to stop a hiccup.
1:33 The power of pussy
Shit I thought this vid will finally be without mysogyny. But nah.
Fingered butthole, ended up with shite all over ma finger…
Went to wash hands, forgot about shite on finger…
I'm now cleaning shite from all over my house, but hiccup free 👍
How come when they mention pot growers(drug dealer) society always have to put a picture of an african american or latino man full of jewelry, why can a pot grower be asian or canadian.
So we are being drugged by Washington state
In ur videos, and yes i also have hiccups
Dude are you part of Anonymous? U throw theyre masks in all the time
If i got hiccups for the rest of my life i will not put my hand on my….. You know 😅😅
3:34 it’s University of Iowa the Hawkeyes that did this not Iowa state
I think I might go to Norway and make a crime to go to prison
> is against buying plastics
> Promotes flame weeding
He said long fight at 7:28
Remeber when this channel did "du du du, AMaZiNg!!!!"
Who thought homo when it said balls
If I'm going to commit a crime I'ma go norway