Im a resident of Minnesota and all i have to say is that its time to end prohibition on a harmless plant.
What's the point of government when they ignore public opinion and just do what they want. Such a joke all need to be fired
tyrants crooks nazis do i have to go on?
Thats ok the bars still legal to get waisted and kill people at the wheel.
Marcus should not have spoken. With such a important topic we need people who can present themself in almost a perfect manner.
Man I'm pissed off….FUCK Minnesota….Born and raised here but ready to move my family somewhere that respects freedom of personal choice.
What a bunch of assholes. If this is an example of the people who run states, no wonder this country gets more fucked up by the day. This is what happens when Republicans run shit. Make a note.
under age marijuana use has gone down by 4% since legalization in Colorado……………………………………..documented by many sources
the police officer said that the state limit on the amount of THC in marijuana would lead customers to go to the black market……………………………………………………..but there are no limits on the amount of THC that can be in legal marijuana in any state………………..………………………………………..''''''''''Marijuana legalization states have taken no steps to limit the potency of marijuana, which has increased sharply in recent years''''''''''………………..…………………………….
I don't see the black market of alcohol flourishing………………………………………………it's tiny and insignificant ………………..………………………………..I would rather have corporations benefit from marijuana than violent criminals
at 20:20 the first speaker admits that marijuana use among the youth population has gone down in the past few years in Colorado after legalization
we were one of the earliest states to relax marijuana laws and now here we are still keeping it illegal. blue state my ass. 80% of us want this. the other 20 lose, and that's how democracy works. idiots.
Ron Latz fought hard and true
THCA is NOT a psychological high! OMG.
Wonder how many of those republican senators drink alcohol at times. Hypocrites. I feel bad for that lady with her son who was killed by a drunk driver. But Weed is irrelevant since the driver was drunk. If it were a axase of someone only on weed it would have been relevant. It’s dispicable they used her emotional testimony to create fear especially when the culprit was booze. I consider myself a republican generally but I’m willing to vote nothing but democrat until pot is legal to spite those republican hypocrites.
80% of MN want regulated marijuana. Seriously, who does this committee work for? The people? Because 80% of minnesotans just got denied. I have been advocating for years. I've heard so many times from others but they feel as if "their opinion doesn't matter." And I would reassure them that their opinion mattered. That they are an important member of society too! When 6 of 9 elected officials just denied 80% of the population of Minnesota with their request to end the prohibition.
Seriously, who co-authors a bill that is going to openly admit to vote against it. You may have been a physician however you were not using factual current data.
I just have to say that the majority of the testimonials that opposed the bill did not give accurate information. I feel that it's completely unfair that the elected officials have openly disregarded The public's opinion in regards to state-regulated marijuana. The Judiciary Committee had just denied us all of our basic constitutional rights that have been appointed to the states by the federal government. Sad!
Looks like we just got a nice list of politicians who will not be getting voted back Into office!!!!
Im a resident of Minnesota and all i have to say is that its time to end prohibition on a harmless plant.
What's the point of government when they ignore public opinion and just do what they want. Such a joke all need to be fired
tyrants crooks nazis do i have to go on?
Thats ok the bars still legal to get waisted and kill people at the wheel.
Marcus should not have spoken. With such a important topic we need people who can present themself in almost a perfect manner.
Man I'm pissed off….FUCK Minnesota….Born and raised here but ready to move my family somewhere that respects freedom of personal choice.
What a bunch of assholes. If this is an example of the people who run states, no wonder this country gets more fucked up by the day. This is what happens when Republicans run shit. Make a note.
under age marijuana use has gone down by 4% since legalization in Colorado……………………………………..documented by many sources
the police officer said that the state limit on the amount of THC in marijuana would lead customers to go to the black market……………………………………………………..but there are no limits on the amount of THC that can be in legal marijuana in any state………………..………………………………………..''''''''''Marijuana legalization states have taken no steps to limit the potency of marijuana, which has increased sharply in recent years''''''''''………………..…………………………….
I don't see the black market of alcohol flourishing………………………………………………it's tiny and insignificant ………………..………………………………..I would rather have corporations benefit from marijuana than violent criminals
at 20:20 the first speaker admits that marijuana use among the youth population has gone down in the past few years in Colorado after legalization
we were one of the earliest states to relax marijuana laws and now here we are still keeping it illegal. blue state my ass. 80% of us want this. the other 20 lose, and that's how democracy works. idiots.
Ron Latz fought hard and true
THCA is NOT a psychological high! OMG.
Wonder how many of those republican senators drink alcohol at times. Hypocrites. I feel bad for that lady with her son who was killed by a drunk driver. But Weed is irrelevant since the driver was drunk. If it were a axase of someone only on weed it would have been relevant. It’s dispicable they used her emotional testimony to create fear especially when the culprit was booze. I consider myself a republican generally but I’m willing to vote nothing but democrat until pot is legal to spite those republican hypocrites.
80% of MN want regulated marijuana. Seriously, who does this committee work for? The people? Because 80% of minnesotans just got denied. I have been advocating for years. I've heard so many times from others but they feel as if "their opinion doesn't matter." And I would reassure them that their opinion mattered. That they are an important member of society too! When 6 of 9 elected officials just denied 80% of the population of Minnesota with their request to end the prohibition.
Seriously, who co-authors a bill that is going to openly admit to vote against it. You may have been a physician however you were not using factual current data.
I just have to say that the majority of the testimonials that opposed the bill did not give accurate information. I feel that it's completely unfair that the elected officials have openly disregarded The public's opinion in regards to state-regulated marijuana. The Judiciary Committee had just denied us all of our basic constitutional rights that have been appointed to the states by the federal government. Sad!
Looks like we just got a nice list of politicians who will not be getting voted back Into office!!!!