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Marijuana Medical Benefits

Pot is harmful to pregnant women: Dr. Marc Siegel

Fox News medical correspondent Dr. Marc Siegel on the potentially harmful side effects of legalized marijuana.

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  1. FOX Business .. stick with Business .. Health N Wellness is not ur forte ….
    Dr Siegel .. TUMS for morning sickness ??? WTF……………………

  2. More like "fake news" instead of fox. Good job keeping the stigma and propaganda alive guys. You're only helping the drug cartels by spewing this shit. Big pharma must be paying you guys a pretty penny.

  3. FAKE NEWS. Sorry but this is bogus. Of course if legal more people will use it thus the chance of having it in their system will go up. It is meaningless.
    Same with the babies. what percentage of these moms were involved in illegal activities. Most of them. Other illegal drugs more or less a given. No perspective at all that Pot was the cause of the problems. Also what if only smoking it is a problem. This seems like propaganda not a real study. A study with the sole purpose being to attack pot.

  4. How many fatal accidents were caused by drunk drivers Vs drivers on pot last year in Colorado? The problem here is if there were 20 fatal car accidents attributed to pot smokers and 1,200 due to alcohol during the same calendar year the far right would only call for pot to be made illegal.

  5. Dr. Marc Siegel is ignorant for sure. I have literally seen many babies in medical marijuana states born ONE HUNDRED PERCENT HEALTHY after the mother used cannabis daily the entire time. Not just once, but many times I have seen it. This is FACT, as I have seen this 1st hand, while Marc has literally no experience, even as a pharmacy pill abusing doctor, I have more experience than he does on this actual subject

  6. Alcohol and cigarettes are also harmful to pregnant women but they're not banned.. I'm a believer in GOP policies on the economy, border security, illegal immigration etc. But having watched my Dad dying of cancer and gaining pain relief from pot that 10 different pharmaceutical pain relievers failed to provide, I do believe that medically prescribed marijuana should be made available to cancer sufferers and other patients that can have relief. As far as recreational use is concerned, if adults are allowed to drink and smoke cigarettes, they should be able to use pot. Alcohol does far more damage than pot ever did. Plus it can…. 1. Be taxed and… 2. Taken out of the hands of drug dealers and separated from the guys who will try to sell hard drugs..

  7. Bullshit!!! My son is 22 and an aircraft engineer, his mother smoke the whole time she was pregnant!!! This is bullshit!! This guy doesn't know his ass!!!

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