The boys learn how to throw clay and make a bowl from scratch! Who do you think will make the best one? Get your official Try Guys color hoodies and phone …
21:50 Wes’s face “Daddy, what is this wired looking hat?” Lmao
The Pottery Girl Sounds Like Deligracy
“Lets all wear checkered shirts and not tell zach”
I really want a short video with keith sneaking over to zach and putting oilives in the Bowl and get zachs reaction😂😂
The bowl song sounded like a song we sing at church????
Idk but I really feel like zach's a little bit grumpy and shady in this vid esp. towards the first lady (ex: when she tried to help fix his bowl and the "olive" idea"… It kinda make me like him less..
Wes looked like he wanted to eat that bowl 🤣🤣🤣
Unus Annus is just Mark and Ethan’s version of the try guys with more death
Great video but really, not a single word about the toxicity of glazes? They should be wearing gloves! They are treating the glazes like they are kids paints, but in their liquid form most of them are basically poison. And not every glaze is food safe.
Ok but that end shot of Ned with his little family is just🥺🥺🥺 they literally look so happy, you can see it in their eyes I’m cRYING
wait is Eugene gay or does he just like doing drag? i mean i support both being part of the LGBTQ+ community, but im just wondering
Olives are delicious, IN A BOWL!?
Next Video: Try Guys Break into Zack's house and fill his bowl with Olives
I really want to know if Keith ever put olives in that bowl
6:44 The lady’s face💀😂
Missed opportunity to say adora"bowl"
just "hear" the romance.
"If it's turning clockwise you're doing it wrong"
Y'all are really against left-handed potters aren't you?
Notes from this.
Zack WILL put olives in his bowl
Neds bowl got on the wall
Eugene had the time of his life
Keith made a bowl just like the bowls at his house
11:09 I think he did
me, who took 2(?) semesters of ceramics in high school: flashbacks
This video never made me feel more single
Still waiting for that try guys fill Zach’s house with olives video
Squeeze that bowl make it grow
This is like Eugene dropped his three children off at a friends to do arts and crafts while he went and did “adult stuff”
Watch Ned drink glaze
Bruh WHERES the old Chinese pottery master
21:50 Wes’s face
“Daddy, what is this wired looking hat?”
The Pottery Girl Sounds Like Deligracy
“Lets all wear checkered shirts and not tell zach”
I really want a short video with keith sneaking over to zach and putting oilives in the Bowl and get zachs reaction😂😂
The bowl song sounded like a song we sing at church????
Idk but I really feel like zach's a little bit grumpy and shady in this vid esp. towards the first lady (ex: when she tried to help fix his bowl and the "olive" idea"… It kinda make me like him less..
Wes looked like he wanted to eat that bowl 🤣🤣🤣
Unus Annus is just Mark and Ethan’s version of the try guys with more death
Great video but really, not a single word about the toxicity of glazes? They should be wearing gloves! They are treating the glazes like they are kids paints, but in their liquid form most of them are basically poison. And not every glaze is food safe.
Ok but that end shot of Ned with his little family is just🥺🥺🥺 they literally look so happy, you can see it in their eyes I’m cRYING
wait is Eugene gay or does he just like doing drag? i mean i support both being part of the LGBTQ+ community, but im just wondering