So in the end, as it was predicted years ago,cannabis is now Anglo americans with suits and deep pockets who make the most money. While the runts of the litter get the least amount of money licensed grow facilities and dispensaries. The runts get the minimum wages. Remember cannabis is nothing more than an agricultural plant.the price will keep going down .anyway happy it's legal like alcohol or cigarettes
Considering making half my eating regimen gummies
for us, the only site I trust on for weekly paychecks of around $280 is OneBizOpp .c o m just google it (remove spaces), super easy 2 hours a day work
Just dont hire all hipsters with edgy tattoos and thick frame sunglasses like colorado did
Creepy blonde
Not comfortable with these pe9 even being part of the industry
I will not be purchasing anything produced by Cresco that smug bitch n the pompous beard
Need is a strong word. You don't need a state license if you are not a employee of the state.
F$#@ yo jobs. Grow your own and leave the states sponsored garbage to crumble. I donot support the use.
How many lives you hypocritical white people ruined?? Now y'all gonna suck up jobs but did n't suck up the convictions.
So in the end, as it was predicted years ago,cannabis is now Anglo americans with suits and deep pockets who make the most money. While the runts of the litter get the least amount of money licensed grow facilities and dispensaries. The runts get the minimum wages.
Remember cannabis is nothing more than an agricultural plant.the price will keep going down .anyway happy it's legal like alcohol or cigarettes
Considering making half my eating regimen gummies
for us, the only site I trust on for weekly paychecks of around $280 is OneBizOpp .c o m just google it (remove spaces), super easy 2 hours a day work
Just dont hire all hipsters with edgy tattoos and thick frame sunglasses like colorado did
Creepy blonde
Not comfortable with these pe9 even being part of the industry
I will not be purchasing anything produced by Cresco that smug bitch n the pompous beard
Need is a strong word. You don't need a state license if you are not a employee of the state.
F$#@ yo jobs. Grow your own and leave the states sponsored garbage to crumble. I donot support the use.
How many lives you hypocritical white people ruined?? Now y'all gonna suck up jobs but did n't suck up the convictions.