Chris Hedges: Who Killed the American Dream? | On Civil Society | August 27, 2018.
We kicked off the fall 2018 season of our On Civil Society series with a talk by Chris Hedges, where he discussed his new book, “America, The Farewell Tour”.
natifi is the only hate group paid and controlled by soros and his ilk.illegal imigration abortion destruction of the family these are what are destroying society these are liberal causes so leave them they do not care about you.
Violence is the ONLY mechanism that has caused change in the past, what on Earth would make you think that violence would be ineffective now? We will NEVER gain economic humanity from global robber barons until their blood runs like rivers in the streets. Believing in any other effective mechanism is folly.
The crown's only use for citizen-SHIPS, is to use people to back a form of dollars to further the old bitches political verbal DIARRHEA, and STAY, powerful. Since 1789. ..the year they "granted,…independence" hahaha
Newsflash, todays "dollars" are evidence that the u.s. is merely a intellectual property company, backed by a human capital operating program
Climate change is a natural cycle. Don’t confuse the issue Chris.
Awh, theres your cute little "Public Tool…" Talking (of course) about a "long listed educated i'm better then your class spew" HAHAHAHAHA
Chris is happy to be white. What in the hell is white.. Russians aren't white.. Russians hate White people ..
Hey talk about the first eight presidents, STARTING WITH JOHN HANSON, or we'll stop listening.
england, did NOT grant ME, ANYTHING. it "granted the united states independence", BUT THATS JUST THEIR DEAD, CORPORATION. #BOYCOTTHECUNT.COM:-)
Ummm…cant everyone agree the ENGLAND is, our WORST, ENEMY? i mean, her Cocksuckers have been..essentially, making decisions for us since 1789, that…WHERE NOT HERS TO FUCKING MAKE,? YES? OHHH, YES!
You know what is really weird? As "bleak" as it seems it is addictive to hear the truth. lol Now I have dealt with many people who "cannot handle the truth" as in the face as its symptoms are all around us today. I understand why they want to live in denial, I mean these are some BUT UGLY GLOBALIST BANKER AND SOLD-OUT POLITICIAN ugly truths.
But, perpetuating the "dream" that this batch of devolved human DNA which just so happened to land here is "the best thing in the world", that is actually an even uglier lie. The truth is it is all the same "boat" on this planet, regardless how the globalists may adorn their deck on the Titanic, it is still the Titanic folks.
But, it is good to see there are plenty of stalwart rebels who also like to hear the actual truth, no matter how ugly it may actually be in this reality. That in itself is hopeful, as the globalists near extinction. Their little chump world government won't make it four years.
Protocols of Learned Elders ofZion.
Nosheen is a skilled interviewer and didn't soft-pedal her questions. She challenged Chris on several points very well. He definitely seemed to bridle at the implication he, too, is a hypocrite. In particular, the Trump paradox – how the liberal class dismisses Trump as a moron (which I also do). Chris clearly thinks he's a moron but understands why he was attractive to certain people, (which, I admit, I don't understand as I guess I am just too privileged and insulated). The only thing I can understand is that Trump is symptomatic of a declining democracy and empire. That makes sense to me. (Dec. 2019)
Funny how GM, with all it's cheap labor (with no benefits or pension plan) their vehicles are no cheaper.
Not all anarchist subscribe to the same ideologies btw, like when he says anarchist do…I believe in a modern egalitarian society small egalitarian communities but I also believe if you want to be rich or not equal go form your own identity just dont harm others so a new culture and politics and way governing would have to be created. At the end of the day we're always going to be bounded by our human and the social structures we create or are bounded by or born into.
This is where I disagree with Chris Hedges. Antifa and black bloc wouldn't exist if there weren't fascist openly marching in the streets. Antifa and black bloc are a direct result of the far right violent racist groups as a defensive tactic.
I disagree with Mr. Hedges in one regard. The extreme right-wing Donald Tramp supporters, (all 45% of you), are not “victims”. These horrible people are the “perpetrators”. These a-holes made a conscious decision to vote for this POS POTUS. No one put a gun to their heads, no one “tricked” them or “fooled” them into supporting Tramp. (They were “tricked” the same way the German people were “tricked” into voting for Hitler.) These people knew exactly who and what they were voting for, and, if they didn’t, then they are either too stupid or too mental ill to make rational decisions. These people will never come to their senses, because they believe 100% in the anger and hatred that the GOP and their Faux news advocates spew out. These people are “deplorables”.
Who? Corrupt politicians and rich people!
natifi is the only hate group paid and controlled by soros and his ilk.illegal imigration abortion destruction of the family these are what are destroying society these are liberal causes so leave them they do not care about you.
Violence is the ONLY mechanism that has caused change in the past, what on Earth would make you think that violence would be ineffective now? We will NEVER gain economic humanity from global robber barons until their blood runs like rivers in the streets. Believing in any other effective mechanism is folly.
The crown's only use for citizen-SHIPS, is to use people to back a form of dollars to further the old bitches political verbal DIARRHEA, and STAY, powerful. Since 1789. ..the year they "granted,…independence" hahaha
Newsflash, todays "dollars" are evidence that the u.s. is merely a intellectual property company, backed by a human capital operating program
Climate change is a natural cycle. Don’t confuse the issue Chris.
Awh, theres your cute little "Public Tool…" Talking (of course) about a "long listed educated i'm better then your class spew" HAHAHAHAHA
Chris is happy to be white. What in the hell is white.. Russians aren't white.. Russians hate White people ..
Hey talk about the first eight presidents, STARTING WITH JOHN HANSON, or we'll stop listening.
england, did NOT grant ME, ANYTHING. it "granted the united states independence", BUT THATS JUST THEIR DEAD, CORPORATION. #BOYCOTTHECUNT.COM:-)
Ummm…cant everyone agree the ENGLAND is, our WORST, ENEMY? i mean, her Cocksuckers have been..essentially, making decisions for us since 1789, that…WHERE NOT HERS TO FUCKING MAKE,? YES? OHHH, YES!
You know what is really weird? As "bleak" as it seems it is addictive to hear the truth. lol Now I have dealt with many people who "cannot handle the truth" as in the face as its symptoms are all around us today. I understand why they want to live in denial, I mean these are some BUT UGLY GLOBALIST BANKER AND SOLD-OUT POLITICIAN ugly truths.
But, perpetuating the "dream" that this batch of devolved human DNA which just so happened to land here is "the best thing in the world", that is actually an even uglier lie. The truth is it is all the same "boat" on this planet, regardless how the globalists may adorn their deck on the Titanic, it is still the Titanic folks.
But, it is good to see there are plenty of stalwart rebels who also like to hear the actual truth, no matter how ugly it may actually be in this reality. That in itself is hopeful, as the globalists near extinction. Their little chump world government won't make it four years.
Protocols of Learned Elders ofZion.
Nosheen is a skilled interviewer and didn't soft-pedal her questions. She challenged Chris on several points very well. He definitely seemed to bridle at the implication he, too, is a hypocrite. In particular, the Trump paradox – how the liberal class dismisses Trump as a moron (which I also do). Chris clearly thinks he's a moron but understands why he was attractive to certain people, (which, I admit, I don't understand as I guess I am just too privileged and insulated). The only thing I can understand is that Trump is symptomatic of a declining democracy and empire. That makes sense to me.
(Dec. 2019)
Funny how GM, with all it's cheap labor (with no benefits or pension plan) their vehicles are no cheaper.
Not all anarchist subscribe to the same ideologies btw, like when he says anarchist do…I believe in a modern egalitarian society small egalitarian communities but I also believe if you want to be rich or not equal go form your own identity just dont harm others so a new culture and politics and way governing would have to be created. At the end of the day we're always going to be bounded by our human and the social structures we create or are bounded by or born into.
This is where I disagree with Chris Hedges. Antifa and black bloc wouldn't exist if there weren't fascist openly marching in the streets. Antifa and black bloc are a direct result of the far right violent racist groups as a defensive tactic.
I disagree with Mr. Hedges in one regard. The extreme right-wing Donald Tramp supporters, (all 45% of you), are not “victims”. These horrible people are the “perpetrators”. These a-holes made a conscious decision to vote for this POS POTUS. No one put a gun to their heads, no one “tricked” them or “fooled” them into supporting Tramp. (They were “tricked” the same way the German people were “tricked” into voting for Hitler.) These people knew exactly who and what they were voting for, and, if they didn’t, then they are either too stupid or too mental ill to make rational decisions. These people will never come to their senses, because they believe 100% in the anger and hatred that the GOP and their Faux news advocates spew out. These people are “deplorables”.
Dusty Rhodes was the American dream!!!!!