Syngin prepares for a month apart from Tania. Anna questions her engagement. Blake & Jasmin’s living situation changes unexpectedly. Leaving Russia brings …
Does anyone else think it’s awful that Michael and Juliana don’t want her family at the wedding bc they don’t want them to see the opulence? Maybe help her family so they aren’t worrying about “groceries” for a week and buy less flowers?
Why is doesn't Angela's daughter Skylar not work? Seriously!
Omg why is angel still on the show! I turn it off now
When Sasha says he’s been waiting to go to America for so long….. we know
Sasha's dad's shirt said fart ninjas silent but deadly 😂
If you marry this selfish guy from Turkey you will regret it for the rest of your life.
Does anyone else think it’s awful that Michael and Juliana don’t want her family at the wedding bc they don’t want them to see the opulence? Maybe help her family so they aren’t worrying about “groceries” for a week and buy less flowers?
Why is doesn't Angela's daughter Skylar not work? Seriously!
Omg why is angel still on the show! I turn it off now
When Sasha says he’s been waiting to go to America for so long….. we know
Sasha's dad's shirt said fart ninjas silent but deadly 😂
If you marry this selfish guy from Turkey you will regret it for the rest of your life.
Sasha is already bored with family #3.
Tanya and S.won’t work long term. Tanya 😳
Why should her kids make an effort he’s hidden them. The mother needs to wake up. Selfish mother.