Debra didn't fully understand. It isn't just so that you can keep using lights while you are refurbishing. An electrician does the re-wiring. They can then leave, you can replaster and repaint without getting plaster and paint on the cables. Also, you don't need to use an electrician after plastering and painting as you just screw things into the walls. But it is the protection of cables that is key.
May God Bless this guy – true humility
And for that reason – I'm In 😂❤️❤️
Eeee, by goom. Right bloooody moonkeh!
My som got an A on His test and for that reason im proud
This guys a cutie bless him
Just put a food back around the socket with some tape holding it in place, idiots!
Hahahahhahaha he watches the show he said “for that reason I m in “ so cute lil baldy qt pie
and for that reason… I'm out I mean in
I like that guy, and for that reason, I'm going to watch another episode.
This man is everything worth investing in
Jenny phoned, she's out.
I really like this guy. He done really well and he’s got a good product.
Top guy. Deserving to say the least. Well done
When theo….shows his teeth… an elegator.about to take.a chunk out of you….scary. Its.a big ask……new word for.dragons.
Before having seen the whole video: Isn't this guy the most likeable investor, ever?
he is a bald Willem Alexander (king of the Netherlands)
He was found dead 3 days later after getting his hand jammed between his invention and naked wire. Cruel world
Lovely genuine Guy, great little product !!
According to the companies house, the dragons deal never went through. At the moment, the company is split 50/50 with someone called Andrew Bean. Kinda dissapointing as most of the investments fall through.
I'm a plasterer and have to work around live sockets a lot. I've had a couple of shocks over the years so this is a great product. And for that reason, I'm in 🙂 Anyone know where I can buy them?
person: hey the weather is amazing today! jenny: and for that reason i'm out
Fix your scowl ya fat hog It’s doin nothing for your appearance You need all the help you can get
Yeah we want half when everyone buys them, then when everyone already has them you can have 60% lol
Him and Theo, it's a love connection
I did my ARDS test on the same day as Theo at brands hatch and my mate colin was his instructor!
Was a good guy to have around
most peoples pitch are amazing, but the numbers are horrible. this guys pitch was horrible, was his numbers were amazing.
I hate when the Greek guy keeps referring to his money as his children’s inheritance as though we’re supposed to feel bad for entitled rich kids who will be given 100s of millions, because they may get 100k less if an investment doesn’t pay out.
This new Dragon is pretty. A little too plump but very pretty face. And what a nice man this entrepreneur is. And a hundred thousand is a lot but not if you get it out there wide. Get 20% for $50,000. Make it a $10M product. Ha thats the buyback equity they asked for. Its good for all.
When Theo told him he also races he should have said "I'll give you a race for your money"
For that reason I'm IN
Jenny eat your heart out 👍
"Khaleesi there" 😂😂😂😂 Theo is hilarious 🤣
I have a BRAND NEW company called “buckets”…. we provide buckets to around the world.
They are good for filling with water. Being sick in. Putting Lego in….
WHo is the fat grumpy dragon? She looks eevil
These multimillionaire can see only money and don't see poverty. Greed makes them blind if they have guts they would be investing more thoroughly to change poor entrepreneur lives.
"Before these kindred car spirits, drive off into the sunset together" hahaha this narrator is gold!
Debra didn't fully understand. It isn't just so that you can keep using lights while you are refurbishing. An electrician does the re-wiring. They can then leave, you can replaster and repaint without getting plaster and paint on the cables. Also, you don't need to use an electrician after plastering and painting as you just screw things into the walls. But it is the protection of cables that is key.
May God Bless this guy – true humility
And for that reason – I'm In 😂❤️❤️
Eeee, by goom. Right bloooody moonkeh!
My som got an A on His test and for that reason im proud
This guys a cutie bless him
Just put a food back around the socket with some tape holding it in place, idiots!
Hahahahhahaha he watches the show he said “for that reason I m in “ so cute lil baldy qt pie
and for that reason… I'm out I mean in
I like that guy, and for that reason, I'm going to watch another episode.
This man is everything worth investing in
Jenny phoned, she's out.
I really like this guy. He done really well and he’s got a good product.
Top guy. Deserving to say the least. Well done
When theo….shows his teeth… an elegator.about to take.a chunk out of you….scary.
Its.a big ask……new word for.dragons.
Before having seen the whole video: Isn't this guy the most likeable investor, ever?
he is a bald Willem Alexander (king of the Netherlands)
He was found dead 3 days later after getting his hand jammed between his invention and naked wire.
Cruel world
Lovely genuine Guy, great little product !!
According to the companies house, the dragons deal never went through. At the moment, the company is split 50/50 with someone called Andrew Bean. Kinda dissapointing as most of the investments fall through.
I'm a plasterer and have to work around live sockets a lot. I've had a couple of shocks over the years so this is a great product. And for that reason, I'm in 🙂 Anyone know where I can buy them?
person: hey the weather is amazing today!
jenny: and for that reason i'm out
Fix your scowl ya fat hog
It’s doin nothing for your appearance
You need all the help you can get
Yeah we want half when everyone buys them, then when everyone already has them you can have 60% lol
Him and Theo, it's a love connection
I did my ARDS test on the same day as Theo at brands hatch and my mate colin was his instructor!
Was a good guy to have around
most peoples pitch are amazing, but the numbers are horrible.
this guys pitch was horrible, was his numbers were amazing.
I hate when the Greek guy keeps referring to his money as his children’s inheritance as though we’re supposed to feel bad for entitled rich kids who will be given 100s of millions, because they may get 100k less if an investment doesn’t pay out.
This new Dragon is pretty. A little too plump but very pretty face.
And what a nice man this entrepreneur is. And a hundred thousand is a lot but not if you get it out there wide. Get 20% for $50,000. Make it a $10M product.
Ha thats the buyback equity they asked for. Its good for all.
When Theo told him he also races he should have said "I'll give you a race for your money"
For that reason I'm IN
Jenny eat your heart out 👍
"Khaleesi there" 😂😂😂😂 Theo is hilarious 🤣
I have a BRAND NEW company called “buckets”…. we provide buckets to around the world.
They are good for filling with water.
Being sick in.
Putting Lego in….
WHo is the fat grumpy dragon? She looks eevil
These multimillionaire can see only money and don't see poverty. Greed makes them blind if they have guts they would be investing more thoroughly to change poor entrepreneur lives.
"Before these kindred car spirits, drive off into the sunset together" hahaha this narrator is gold!