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Tore the house up and got one guy with a small charge that will most likely be probation
Not much help for first woman. She got herself out. She’s only alive because HE let her live. I guess it’s like the fire dept….they never save the house they’re called to, but the ones next to it.
Did the first police officer that was shot through the door make it? That's a lot of blood D: (edit) okay yeah the officer did survive after 3 days in Hospital
What about the dog though….
Ok not all suicidal bipolar people who aren't takin their meds are bad. Just this guy but story of my life bruv
You can tell that dude just woke up in the second video. I feel bad for him they didnt needa do all that to him
Kinda loving the rock music in the beginning
lol John doe
surprised they actually showed the brain matter & body
Instead of putting the kids at risk. How about hitting the house on Saturday or Sunday?
In swat vans on the way they don’t have a epic look they laugh and talk before they arrive
Does home owner's insurance pay for the damage to the house when the windows and bars are pulled off like that?
“Aye lil T what’s up?” Cop: “aye”
imagine if they had the wrong number and called some random guy
This one made me 😢 God bless you all and stay safe🙏 next season please I’m running out of show to watch hehehe
They should have to cover the cost of the house's repair, and its a crime and a shame they dont.
So glad to see such professionalism and care about people's lives as much as safety from them. Considering moving to Texas now tbfh
What a genius crew. Selling meth in an area that doubles the charges when they get caught. Dumb poors.😂
Government vs unarmed citizens? We don’t stand a chance. Look at these testosterone juices flowing, anticipating military engagement to squelch the enemy—us or anyone they wanna target.
Such overkill on pulling that window out when the door would suffice!
When the lady was on her cell, they should have asked her to text a picture of the guy’s brains on the floor. Instead they make her drag herself to the door and open it?
The only issue in the second case was the guns. If they legalized marijuana in Texas, the guns wouldn’t be an issue.
Wait was it that guys last warrant before his operation???
I wish they would start telling the truth of the matter. They say people are innocent until proven guilty, that's total BS! You are GUILTY until proven INNOCENT! Geezz smh!
Show me them using the WIFE on a Rich persons house to bust some cocaine, though.
These pigs should have hit that house while these poor INNOCENT KIDS WERE HOME SLEEPING not when they were in school they put them kids in harms way, an of crouse blame everyone else like always
That school episode would be intense. I want to see it
Goes without saying the first case was insane and tragic. The second one, I felt bad for that homeowner. I am certain those dealers didnt own that home and if I had to guess, the state pays the rent there. I wonder if the owner of the home gets a claim or what? Bc they tore that home slam up. Lastly to sell drugs next to an elementary school… that's pure vile.
I'm sorry but these guys can be way too much! They tore that house apart for no reason! That was so so unnecessary!!!! Too much. It probably will be an abandoned half boarded up house that sits and rots now. Great job guys on going way over board
Love Dallas SWAT? Stay up to date on all of your favorite A&E shows at
Tore the house up and got one guy with a small charge that will most likely be probation
Not much help for first woman. She got herself out. She’s only alive because HE let her live. I guess it’s like the fire dept….they never save the house they’re called to, but the ones next to it.
Did the first police officer that was shot through the door make it? That's a lot of blood D: (edit) okay yeah the officer did survive after 3 days in Hospital
What about the dog though….
Ok not all suicidal bipolar people who aren't takin their meds are bad. Just this guy but story of my life bruv
You can tell that dude just woke up in the second video. I feel bad for him they didnt needa do all that to him
Kinda loving the rock music in the beginning
lol John doe
surprised they actually showed the brain matter & body
Instead of putting the kids at risk. How about hitting the house on Saturday or Sunday?
In swat vans on the way they don’t have a epic look they laugh and talk before they arrive
Does home owner's insurance pay for the damage to the house when the windows and bars are pulled off like that?
“Aye lil T what’s up?”
Cop: “aye”
imagine if they had the wrong number
and called some random guy
This one made me 😢 God bless you all and stay safe🙏 next season please I’m running out of show to watch hehehe
They should have to cover the cost of the house's repair, and its a crime and a shame they dont.
So glad to see such professionalism and care about people's lives as much as safety from them. Considering moving to Texas now tbfh
What a genius crew. Selling meth in an area that doubles the charges when they get caught. Dumb poors.😂
Government vs unarmed citizens? We don’t stand a chance. Look at these testosterone juices flowing, anticipating military engagement to squelch the enemy—us or anyone they wanna target.
God bless Scooter
32:00 ok we get it your the pooleeeece
Fraidy cat woman beater. Lots of them around.
Such overkill on pulling that window out when the door would suffice!
When the lady was on her cell, they should have asked her to text a picture of the guy’s brains on the floor. Instead they make her drag herself to the door and open it?
The only issue in the second case was the guns. If they legalized marijuana in Texas, the guns wouldn’t be an issue.
Wait was it that guys last warrant before his operation???
I wish they would start telling the truth of the matter. They say people are innocent until proven guilty, that's total BS! You are GUILTY until proven INNOCENT! Geezz smh!
Show me them using the WIFE on a Rich persons house to bust some cocaine, though.
These pigs should have hit that house while these poor INNOCENT KIDS WERE HOME SLEEPING not when they were in school they put them kids in harms way, an of crouse blame everyone else like always
That school episode would be intense. I want to see it
Goes without saying the first case was insane and tragic. The second one, I felt bad for that homeowner. I am certain those dealers didnt own that home and if I had to guess, the state pays the rent there. I wonder if the owner of the home gets a claim or what? Bc they tore that home slam up. Lastly to sell drugs next to an elementary school… that's pure vile.
I'm sorry but these guys can be way too much! They tore that house apart for no reason! That was so so unnecessary!!!! Too much. It probably will be an abandoned half boarded up house that sits and rots now. Great job guys on going way over board
This guys are stupid