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Growing Cannabis

A 24-Hour Light Cycle during Cannabis Vegetative Stage Starves the Soil with Karuna Chourey PhD

There is a lot of debate online regarding the efficacy of the 24-hour light cycle during the vegetative stage growing cannabis. In this video, Karuna Chourey, PhD, …

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  1. Just think about tomatoes grown in a green house in Austria and tomatoes from the italian fields.. the first ones taste like water, the seconds got a nuance of taste that will send you to valhalla.

  2. I did 24/0 veg for two years. I switched to 18/6 and noticed better root development and stretch. Today I use 17/7 at a large medicinal operation and haven't been able to tell the difference while saving on electric.

  3. 05:10 Essence of the story. When the lights are on the plants produce sugars for themselves, when the lights are off they send sugars to the mycorrhizal fungi.

  4. I don't know if the things that this lady said are right. I don' agree with 24/7 lightcycle. The evolution of many plants made them need this dark period for some of their inner procedures. By not letting them rest I think we will create abnormalities ( in the plant , in the product, in ourselves).Nature makes the rules and nature can't makes mistakes. So lets take some lessons by nature. Love from Greece.

  5. Ok here is my trial .. not only on one type of plants … after switching off from 24 hours cycle for 18/6 … immediately all plants started showing extra growth
    This is the reason why i researched this 🙂 thank you for supporting my idea

  6. Good video, but it is just a plant, right? It’s not like a buddy you’re keeping out late when he has to go to work. If you can control the light couldn’t you control the possible other factors? And if not, why not just let nature be nature and plant seeds in the ground, let it grow how it’s supposed to? What’s the point in artificially controlling but only to to mimic nature?

  7. Thanks shango it's all clear to me now, here in UK we used to be about super fast hydro , tons of chemicals and get it done out the door money money . now buyers turn into growers for that organic fire and the dark cycle is vital for them premium nugs.

  8. Even 18 hrs Lights On in Vegetative Growth far exceeds the maximum of 15 hrs natural daylight at the peak of Summer Solstice and this is only sustained for a few days at most. Most non equatorial countries max out at 14+ hours sunlight at the height of summer.

  9. I would love to know what your thoughts are on lights on and off without slow dimming. I believe lights on and off immediately is a big form of stress and not natural @shangolos

  10. thank you Shango… And I am SO jealous of what you do!!(lol j/k) The people u know like Kevin Jodrey. Id so like to meet him. He is next level when it comes to cannabis…..
    Anyways, Ive watched prolly 70% of your videos by now. I love the Jodrey stuff, Soil King stuff(he cool a.f. too lol) and anything to do with breeding or cultivation practices.
    From one cannabis lover to another, thank you for the videos. Excellent info to be had there if one were to take the time to learn.

  11. Hi! With led 730nm you can trigger sleep faster by using it 5mn before lights off and 5mn after! This way plants will take about 30mn to really sleep against 2 hours in normal conditions! The infrared will mimic the signal send by the sun when it is time to go to bed!
    It allows you to go 13/11 even 13.5/10.5 with the same bloom duration or to go 12/12 and harvest sooner because plant have more rest!
    You need about 16/20w for a 4×4!
    Have a lifted one and lots of good vibes from France

  12. Some cannabis strains have been selected under indoor 24 hr lighting and have been grown this way for many many generations.
    I wonder what the dif is in plants that were selected in a 24 hr environment?
    Also plenty of plants are grown outdoors under 24 hr light or comparable.every latitude change increases daylight length.

  13. Funny how I grew all sorts of peppers capsicum pubesens, capsicum baccatum, capsicum annuum, capsicum chinense for 24 hours a day for nearly 4 months before I could put them out in the garden and trust me it wasn't laboratory sterile they were exceptionally healthy plants and produced a lot of peppers.
    I don't have a phd or any horticultural degree.

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