If the responsible stoners dont want to get caught there is an app for that thank god ! The name of it excapes me right now because I am all buzzed up on cannabis . The app basically warns the driver that there is one of these totally unfair police checkpoints up head. Your phones simply beeps and warns you that the police are up ahead doing unrealible swab tests on unimpaired drivers .
No sound? As someone keenly wanting to study this area of medicine, I was very excited to see that this lecture was on your playlist. I have just sat down to watch it and am gobsmacked that a LECTURE has NO SOUND! This is crazy! Could you please update your file with sound or add subtitles from a transcript?
If the responsible stoners dont want to get caught there is an app for that thank god ! The name of it excapes me right now because I am all buzzed up on cannabis . The app basically warns the driver that there is one of these totally unfair police checkpoints up head. Your phones simply beeps and warns you that the police are up ahead doing unrealible swab tests on unimpaired drivers .
No sound? As someone keenly wanting to study this area of medicine, I was very excited to see that this lecture was on your playlist. I have just sat down to watch it and am gobsmacked that a LECTURE has NO SOUND! This is crazy! Could you please update your file with sound or add subtitles from a transcript?
No sound?
No sound!?