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Flashback Friday: Childhood Constipation and Cow’s Milk

The elimination of all dairy products was found to cure constipation in up to 100% of kids tested, leading to a resolution of rectal inflammation and complications …

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  1. Is there any data on how to stop prevent cure myopia with lifestyle factors ( nutrition /exercising/specific tasks/rest or anything)

  2. It amazes me people still think we need to drink Cows milk and it get me so mad when the diary industry promotes cows milk to children

  3. It makes me mad that due to the idea of ‘ideal food = cow’s milk’ gave me chronic constipation, terrible nausea and vomiting, and endless colds, infections. My parents thought milk was good for me ad until I was in my thirthees and had developed artritis I got the advice of a holistic health worker to quit all milk. Problems solved. But not all damage could be cured, unfortunetely. Btw I was born in the sixthees and ‘milkpropblems’ didn’t exist back than🤨

  4. I was constantly constipated as a kid and always had belly aches, doctors explained it with my cystic fibrosis. Until I went vegan for three weeks just for fun and everything magically disappeared… turns out I'm casein intolerant. 🙂 They could've saved me 18 years of pain, had they just done a simple food intolerances test!

  5. My parents used to make me drink milk and I hated it. They had good intentions they believed the marketing that it makes you grow. I also had constipation and strongly disliked milk. Eventually I learned to like milk but I’m so happy I gave up all animal products now.

  6. awesome….. so true… BUT in my opinion, it isn't just an "allergy" to cow's milk… this is also a NATURAL reaction to the massive amounts of calcium that cow's milk has… over time… over much calcium causes constipation… If the children were given "fortified" ( with calcium… as unfortunately so many plant milks do… ) soy milk, i would bet that the constipation would continue…. of course also, the over much calcium also can be the cause of wheezing /asthma and the like… over much calcium, unless it is balanced with magnesium, causes tightness ( headaches, cramps, period pains, constipation, difficulty breathing, vomiting, morning sickness, seizures etc etc etc also kidney stones…. ) … it HAS to be in balance with magnesium, otherwise there are problems… and the amounts in cow's milk or fortified milks are already too great to be easily, if it all, able to be balanced with magnesium unless one supplements heavily with magnesium…

  7. Wow this video solved a mystery for me from my childhood! So crazy. I’m vegan now and don’t have those problems anymore thank goodness

  8. Cows milk tastes disgusting to a human . Absolutely horrible only like it when it was chocolate milk . Child abuse nations ! Freaking insane ! This will go down in history as

  9. It never bothered me when low flow commodes were introduced. As a plant based whole food eater, I hate those commodes.

  10. Another thing that is rarely spoken of is the effect of dairy on women 's mental health and moods. I have seen women suffer from severe menstrual cramps and have extreme moodiness and if you think the estrogens in dairy are not a contributor you are delusional. There are some seriously high levels of these hormones especially if you are blessed to eat the dairy from a cow who was pregnant at the time . Add that to a woman's baseline estrogen levels and you can cause a lot of mental and physical distress. Stop the madness people, it is killing you . Drinking the milk of another species and especially after infancy is ludicrous . Half the women I know had or have breast cancer . You think thats a normal reality of life ? Yikes.

  11. It is all because we and our parents were stupid enough to buy the propaganda/lie put out by the dairy industry of "Milk! It does a body good." If pediatricians had a clue or if parents had any inclination to think for themselves and do their OWN research, they'd discover not only is dairy terrible for kids and adults and extremely constipating, but so are grains and legumes and meat. My mother used to tell me that it was "normal" and "o.k." not to have a bowel movement for a few days. While I wasn't forced to drink milk, we had plenty of cheese and ice cream and sour cream vegetable dips and yogurt. Finally after giving up dairy in my thirties, I discovered what it was like to have normal healthy regular eliminations.

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