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What Really Causes Drug Addiction | Joe Rogan & Johann Hari

Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1250 w/Johann Hari:

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  1. Controversial opinion about addiction from a drug addict who has overdosed before;
    Addiction/AA/NA is a load of bullshit(mostly). There are some people who are really drug addicts/alcoholics, BUT the fact that so many people go to treatment/rehab/detox, should tell you a little something. I have been to treatment twice, for opiates and alcohol among other drugs I've used in my life(lsd, crack, spice, weed) and some of the people there were sent there for getting caught by police with marijuana ONCE. They were in rehab, for up to 3 months, FOR WEED. First time I went to rehab they would have classes where they said things that were completely untrue about weed, stuff they said back in the 1950s. Like that weed is more cancerous than cigarettes, one joint has as much tar as 20 cigarettes, or that smoking once can make you helplessly addicted, will cause psychosis, and indefinitely lead to other drugs. These as we all know today are outright lies.
    Why is it our country spends billions on treatment centers, facilities where they teach false information and are only 3% effective (they'll even tell you in treatment 97% of people go right back to full blown "addiction)?
    These centers and AA/NA function a lot like a cult. They force you to cut yourself off from friends and family that "use"(like a cult will). They reinforce this idea that you NEED them, you're HELPLESS without them(like a cult). The force you into irrational religious beliefs/ideologies that make you believe if you just go to church, GOD will magically take away your addiction. They deprive you of things and make you eat, sleep when they say you can. They make you go to 8 hours of "classes"(brainwashing pseudoscience) a day! They make you do work around the center like washing tables, vacuuming hallways, peer counseling, for "character building". All while you know they make up to 25,000 dollars from insurance for one patient A DAY. These places are a billion dollar industry, and it is basically a government funded cult/ insurance scam. Not only all of that, they also force psychiatry and medications down your throat. Oh the drugs you were taking are bad, but take these 7 drugs a day that we approve of for "depression" "anxiety" "ptsd" "psychosis" "addiction treatment" "sleep" and "ADHD", even though each has worse side effects and will kill you faster than the one drug you were taking! These are all just words they made up in recent history, "addiction" "depression" "anxiety", it is pseudoscience! It is a cult! Wake up people!

  2. For me it lets me have a temporary break and enter a world of no stress or worries. The danger is the stress or worries becoming even worse once sober

  3. Idk drugs are cool, fun and easily recreational to do. 20 year user here. 800 fico, car, thousands in banks etc. The worst thing about opiates is withdrawal it takes me 2 to 6 weeks to get though it but I only get it if I use it like alcohol. Cocaine is more like a mental withdrawal and should not be used by weak willed/weak minded people. Alcohol is nasty but I won’t stop using it. Benzodiazepines are decent too but the withdrawal is dangerous and the insomnia is not worth it. Uh meth is good if you wanna work overtime and get rich. Adderall made me thousands of dollars I was able to be a workhorse and then stop them like nothing. I have never experienced withdrawal from amphetamines. Uh I’ve been shot before and in a pretty bad car crash twice but I refused pain meds. Idk you need a strong mental or drugs will take you to the gates of hell – 57/66

  4. Billie Holliday didn’t write strange fruit…. she just sung it. Look it up. She probably should’ve stopped singing it especially considering it wasn’t her material. She ruined her career on a song someone else wrote.

  5. I’m 15 I smoked pot when I was 11 I still smoke but I took molly the pure form of extacy
    When I was 14 for 5 days Straight and I got psychosis I didn’t know it so I kept on rolling on the weekends and I went down a bad path I went to taking pills and drinking alcohol and I’ve been battling mental illness seen I was really young I didn’t know it.

  6. I’m a drug addict and I can tell you that’s not true we all have lots of character defects from a young age something is truly different in our brains before I ever put a substance in my body I felt like I was a failure and I was selfish, angry, sad drugs just gave me an escape from my own character defects I think drug addiction is a terrible combination of self loathing and hated mental problems and a small part the drugs i think if I wouldn’t be alive i would have killed my self a long time ago I can tell you it fucking sucks to be addicted I’ve been clean about 2 months I still want to get high so people need to be more sympathetic towards addicts most of us aren’t monsters we’re people who just want what you want to be happy and we thought drugs did that and it’s hard to do it the hard way by living life

  7. Study study study, the only people who knows, is the people who has been throug it.
    You can read and read, but if you haven't been there, you just think you know.

  8. I cant understand a fuckin word this guy is saying. I hate that British fast speak. It's so fucking annoying. They start out shouting and then break down their voice to a low fast mumble. I cant watch this podcast.

  9. 5:33=As a addict of 15 years at 26 i will say even there 8 out of 10 heroin addicts started with using painkillers and it was a complete goverment type mess.GIVE,GIVE,GIVE,GIVE MORE,THEN ALOT MORE,THEN


  10. Addicts come from all walks of life, rich successful(to a point) to junkies on the side of the road begging for a quarter. I don’t agree with the rat study, I have used when I was both in a shitty part of my life and also used when I was the happiest(girlfriend, job, best shape of my life etc) addicts always have reasons or something that has happened to them in their life that has caused trauma… either physical or mental that they wanna forget or numb themselves from. I think it becomes horrible and fucked when u use a drug that your brain LOVES. Then hold on to ur seat cuz ur in for a long fucked up ride. We need to educate kids at younger ages bout the dangers of drugs and addiction. Kids now a days have phones at crazy young ages so that just means we gotta talk to kids in the first, second grade bout real shit. Kids are smart and need to not be told the dangers and not sugar coated.

  11. I appreciate you making this video, please check out my new book called "Such Unfortunates" by Andrew Mann! It is available for on Amazon for Pre-Sale cheaply and will be available for reading on the 28th of May. If you are or know someone who is suffering from addiction you MUST READ THIS BOOK! It will change your life and parts of the proceeds go to get addicts help! Thank you

  12. Emotional… psychological issues… emotional/psychological pain that backs them up against a wall (figuratively) to where they have to get high to escape their pain temporary… They need a break from their psychological torture. Their painful reality …. The inability to confront the demons that lead to start abusing in the first place…. is what leads to an addiction.. Getting a high of happiness that you can’t get when you’re sober is another reason why it’s so hard to stop… Instant gratification! Way too hard to confront your demons so we go down the easier route and that’s getting high…

  13. What more needs to be said on the topic except drugs can make a person feel good and that makes ppl do ittil they ccan't do it no more, just like bustin 5-6 nuts you bust til you can't bust any more. 1 more thing about el drugos- instead of repeating no, how about honest open discussion and a reverent, respectful attitude towards molecules that can both heal&f yr s up

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