Cannibas or weed has been legalised in many countries. Some people use this to justify their abuse and addictions. Listen to this balanced view on weed.
Salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi ta'Ala wa barrakahtuh my dear brother and teacher. Shukran shualykran shukran!!!! JazakAllah khair dear brother Mufti!! Masha'Allah I am SO happy you touched down on this topic, subhan'Alllah. I feel we as an Ummah need to discuss this subject more often, ESPECIALLY in the countries where it IS Medicinally and or Recreational. It especially bothers me when we see our brothers and sisters consuming tobacco as if it were Halal. Tens of thousands die each year from cigarettes. Wallahi I swear I as a believer in Islam, AND a believer in medicinal marijuana I just really wish we could bring this topic up more in our Ummahs, Insha'Allah ta'Ala. Anyway, i am blessed to have heard this little khutba from dear brother and teacher Mufti Mink, BarrakAllahu Feekum dear brother. Make a trip our to Portland Oregon someday insha'Allah ta'Ala! it would be an HONOR, and such a barrakah to have you Khateeb and Imam a Khutba insha'Allah ta'Al. Salaam Alaikum. Not only to Brother Mufti, but to all the other brothers, and sisters out the Ummah! Alhamdulilah for this beautiful, peaceful, deen. Islam has saved my life, and helpe me grow so much as a man in God all mighty. Islam has made this walk with my Raab in Dunya so much easier an simpler. I was so confused before because so many religions contradicted each other and the things in the prior scripture I just felt had been Plagerized. Forgive me for misspelling that. I just feel that I believe in the old scriptures but I feel man has been dishonest and subhanAllah thats why Islam and our wonderful Prophet Muhammad PBUH came to be Alhamdulilah. To get us back on the right track! Again I was down a dark road and Islam really helped save my life. Allah SWT, my Ummah, the brotherhood… I dunno where I would be today IF I didnt have this in my dunya. Allahu Akbar
If it wasn't for Marijuana I would'nt have been led to Islam. One could argue it "intoxicates the mind" but in reality it does the opposite, put it this way, Allah created all plant life yes? Marijuana is the only plant that has purity unlike the coca plant that makes cocaine it isn't pure it can be corrupted and turned into come and coke intoxicates the mind but Marijuana opens up the path to Allah don't let years of white man's propaganda blind you
Does Punishment for smoking weed as same as alcohol
im rolling a blunt rn may the almighty forgive
Mufti Sahab, I will appreciate if you could reference Quran to show Cannabis is haram (in black and white). Please do not confuse people with "only if necessary to save your life" narrative. If it is Haram then tell us in Black and White just like Alchohol, Pork and Adultery, but please guide us from Quran because it is the Quran to have the only authority of declare things Haram or Halal, and not a personal view.
Let's talk about the Use and Abuse…… Now I appreciate the awareness about the cigarettes etc and we all know that it is harmful for the health but one can not declare it HARAM, no matter what argument you provide. We all know that when you add a teaspoon of sugar into your tea it becomes delicious (and I believe you do it too 3 times a day at least) but when you add a handful of sugar into your tea cup and take it 3 times a day then it will poison you, but you can't declare sugar Haram. The same way when you add a pinch of salt into your food it becomes delicious but if you add a handful and eat it 3 times a day it will definitely kill you but you can't declare salt haram habibi. The same way when it is very important to rest our bodies & minds after a very long and tiring day but if one choose to laze around all day every week and every year then it will not be good for their brain and body but you absolutely can not declare this act as HARAM.
If something is Haram then muslims should refrain from it but if something is not Haram then we should be told accordingly and people should be educated about the proper use of it so that we can benefit from it, rather than abusing it (just like the above examples of abusing sugar, salt and lazing around).
I was really expecting you will shed the light on Cannabis from Quran and you will remove the confusion from 1.5 billion muslim people once and for all, but yet you chose to give your personal view only. I was expecting more from you.
I love my brother Mufti Menk, always try’s to add humour to very important subjects, mahshallah.
A question if one consumes a small number on rare occasions and to talk and still be in control of mind, body and soul, beer for eg. Wine. Weed.
Would it be haraam? Note that it is a small quantity not to be abused taken by a matured and responsible person who is self aware. Will that be haraam then?
Like intoxicants can be so vast.
What I'm saying is if weed is used medically once a while for sleep etc, anxiety. I understand that Allah swt is the one who give me the healing in these things. What about beer? If one takes to be in a social environment not in a club but in a bar where people sit down and watch TV, matured controlled environment and a matured person who takes it….
Is there a chance it is makrooh?
Just need answers. I know the best is to stay away and find other alternatives.
Weed doesn't make someone do silly things unless you take it so much where you become useless and lazy and talk lazily
Is it true your duas are not accepted for 40 days if you are under the consumption of any form of intoxicant?
Can I offer namaz after 4 hours of smoking weed???
Can we use oil cannabis for tumor is that haram or no
I was sooooooooooo close to doing it thank you for stopping me
I have put some comments regarding your video at "one islamic production"..
If you trust Muaz bin Jabal can guide you to jannah then you are welcome to be under our banner..
He just said medicinal, how is it toxic? He was putting alcohol in the same context as weed wich he says weed is toxic yet have medicinal purpose.
What about cbd oil?
Weed is good. Allah is not.
is yoga permissible in Islam.
Ustaz. If a person has mental problem or physical problems. But with Allah's permission. Weed actually can help them to become healthy again. So in that context ganja is halal depend on it use. If it is over then it is haram. Like eating. Binge eating is haram.
Weed is the gate of shayateen stay away of it there no benefits in it . I dont smoke it nor drinking never liked outgoing life partying and clubs or crowds please all of you pray for me to stop cigarettes
Aslm alkm shkh, we are so grateful to have you as one of the most open minded and most educated in my opinion in the Muslim religious leaders today.I salute you to be able to open up in many subjects that most religious leaders never dared at least not while I was growing up and for this I pray that Allah Awj bless you even more knowledge and good health to continue doing your great job, "Allahumma ameen". I am in my late 50's have been suffering with severe headaches since my college years and still do suffer terrible migraines , Sinusitis and fluid in my head that may take days to drain. Alhamdulilah I consider myself to be very close to my Rabb and try my best to be a better Muslim everyday insha Allah. Recently one of my sons has recommended weed to me and I have done some research and did try chewing few leaves that gave me an instant relief with no any side effects that I get from the medicines prescribed by my Drs., of which are terrible they give me high heart palpitations, drowsiness and makes my days worst and so I quit taking them since I also suffer from Thyroid of which have to take my daily pills. I feel this weed is God given gift to cure many diseases and yes if used for that purpose only and not for the purpose of getting high then it shouldn't be haraam because the chemicals are the ones that intoxicate our blood and they end up with grave side effects. I also feel that this plant like many other things that are beneficial to humanity isn't made accessible but instead dangerous toxins like nicotine , alcohol, drugs are widely available for the only reason of destruction to humanity due to greed and destruction of religions. May Allah Swt., make us stronger in our faith and may sheiytan and his soldiers feel helpless and destroyed in their ugly acts.
I’m not religious by any means but I absolutely love how you use a human perspective to justify your beliefs. I find that many religious people tend to not use the mind that “god” or “allah” has given them to make educated decisions for themselves and stick to the literal definition of their holy book of choice (all the while not realizing their book was written by humans hundreds of years after the events written of transpired, and then rewritten by humans and translated many times over.) all I’m saying is that the literal word of god (if that is what these profits really did write) might have been diluted through humanity’s many changes to the holy script and it is nice to see you follow your beliefs without being completely reliant on ancient texts and by using your own spiritual knowledge and feelings to help influence your decision. Whatever god/gods do exist they gave you a working human mind and I certainly respect your belief that you shouldn’t do anything to damage the great gift you were given. Like I said I’m not religious but I do try to live a natural life (I eat only vegetables, don’t do any drugs, besides cannabis and coffee, and try to never cause pain and suffering to any living creature) I hope that if what you believe is true allah can find it in his heart to accept a confused young human like me❤️ much love, I wish you luck and prosperity in your journey through this planet
@Mufti Menk, how about Mariuana?
Masha'Allah. Cannabis is essential medicine. A dose of medicine I can produce naturally by myself is the only medication that has proven to shut down my father's grand mal seizures instantly. Alhamdu lillah I thank Allah daily for this wonderful gift. Equally significant is the proven abilities to treat multiple symptoms of multiple diseases or disorders simultaneously within the body of one person without any drug contraindications whatsoever. Again, this is the only medicine demonstrating this miraculous property. Cannabis is beneficial in the treatment of absolutely every body ailment that plagues man. Physical. Psychological. Our endocannabinoid system is designed in such a way that it reveals we are in fact designed to require it. All of us. We need it to achieve and maintain homeostasis. We each need proper guidance and knowledge on the halal way to incorporate its healing properties into our bodies. Varying methods provide varying benefits and varying degrees of sedation/stimulation/intoxication. It is possible to incorporate balancing properties and derive significant nutritional value from fresh whole organic cannabis vegetation and flower that is consumed raw as a food….without any level of intoxication whatsoever. Research decarboxylation to learn more about this in detail. Also research the endocannabinoid system. I pray that our Ummah acquires the divine wisdom of the halal properties and uses of cannabis and makes this knowledge available to the world. Insha Allah.
He looks like a cupcake with the dumb thing on his head
"The only weed and beer we Muslims know are tajweed and takbeer" 😂
This is not tajweed… this is canabis
brother they have cbd oil that is 1000% not going to get u high in anyway at all
Cannabis helps a lot of people and it was put on this earth for a reason. Its medicine for some of us 🙂
Respect the brother's opinion but weed is pretty much harmless. Weed doesn't have any physically addictive chemical properties. Caffeine and sugar are more addictive than weed. This is scientific fact. I personally don't believe it is haram because it works differently on different people and depending how strong the strain is. But it is a waste of time ultimately. I don't smoke it myself.
Is investing in marijuana stocks haram? Its legal in my country and the companies vouch for medicinal benefits. Any thoughts Mufti?
this guy dont know where hes talking about watch?v=GJmQ16cGBHU this guy sure he know what he is saying
Glad this is here, got Muslims literally believing that there’s nothing wrong with it according to Islam
There are plants can kill you like poison plants weed plants is one them shiitan plants in my belief is haram
I found weed in my flatmate's room I am shocked and confused what to do I am honestly concerned for her but she just won't listen if I try explaining her
what about allopathy, mostly all drugs based on allopathy harms the kidney as a side effect.
Salaam. Great lecture. There is a military grade of it. The US military wishes to feminize Black and Muslim men thru the military grades according to the research of Dr. Wesley Muhammad from the NOI. We as Muslims have to go head to head with the global Zionist plot of American scientists. Keep this subject fresh on Muslims minds.
Alhamdulillah even sheikhs teeth is on the straight path
the fact about weed is more than being high what it does is kills so much time … We should never kill our time … And it takes us far from Allah … So we shouldn't do any kind of drugs …
Weed should be banned asap in all countries. Its haram for a muslim to smoke weed. Dont make things halal which allah made haram. Alhamdulilah that i am not a weed addict.
God does not exist there is no god
Dude it's 21st century and Quran irrelevant.
What about psychedelics like magic mushroom can those be considered haram because i have seen people consume it who had been no hope in life like they had no hope in life it awakened them to a state where they got a meaningful purpose for there life like why life is important why we exit etc etc. It does not apply on all but most of the people had positive and meaningful experience from it Whats your veiw about it?
Salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi ta'Ala wa barrakahtuh my dear brother and teacher. Shukran shualykran shukran!!!! JazakAllah khair dear brother Mufti!! Masha'Allah I am SO happy you touched down on this topic, subhan'Alllah. I feel we as an Ummah need to discuss this subject more often, ESPECIALLY in the countries where it IS Medicinally and or Recreational. It especially bothers me when we see our brothers and sisters consuming tobacco as if it were Halal. Tens of thousands die each year from cigarettes. Wallahi I swear I as a believer in Islam, AND a believer in medicinal marijuana I just really wish we could bring this topic up more in our Ummahs, Insha'Allah ta'Ala. Anyway, i am blessed to have heard this little khutba from dear brother and teacher Mufti Mink, BarrakAllahu Feekum dear brother. Make a trip our to Portland Oregon someday insha'Allah ta'Ala! it would be an HONOR, and such a barrakah to have you Khateeb and Imam a Khutba insha'Allah ta'Al. Salaam Alaikum. Not only to Brother Mufti, but to all the other brothers, and sisters out the Ummah! Alhamdulilah for this beautiful, peaceful, deen. Islam has saved my life, and helpe me grow so much as a man in God all mighty. Islam has made this walk with my Raab in Dunya so much easier an simpler. I was so confused before because so many religions contradicted each other and the things in the prior scripture I just felt had been Plagerized. Forgive me for misspelling that. I just feel that I believe in the old scriptures but I feel man has been dishonest and subhanAllah thats why Islam and our wonderful Prophet Muhammad PBUH came to be Alhamdulilah. To get us back on the right track! Again I was down a dark road and Islam really helped save my life. Allah SWT, my Ummah, the brotherhood… I dunno where I would be today IF I didnt have this in my dunya. Allahu Akbar
If it wasn't for Marijuana I would'nt have been led to Islam. One could argue it "intoxicates the mind" but in reality it does the opposite, put it this way, Allah created all plant life yes? Marijuana is the only plant that has purity unlike the coca plant that makes cocaine it isn't pure it can be corrupted and turned into come and coke intoxicates the mind but Marijuana opens up the path to Allah don't let years of white man's propaganda blind you
Does Punishment for smoking weed as same as alcohol
im rolling a blunt rn may the almighty forgive
Mufti Sahab, I will appreciate if you could reference Quran to show Cannabis is haram (in black and white). Please do not confuse people with "only if necessary to save your life" narrative. If it is Haram then tell us in Black and White just like Alchohol, Pork and Adultery, but please guide us from Quran because it is the Quran to have the only authority of declare things Haram or Halal, and not a personal view.
Let's talk about the Use and Abuse……
Now I appreciate the awareness about the cigarettes etc and we all know that it is harmful for the health but one can not declare it HARAM, no matter what argument you provide.
We all know that when you add a teaspoon of sugar into your tea it becomes delicious (and I believe you do it too 3 times a day at least) but when you add a handful of sugar into your tea cup and take it 3 times a day then it will poison you, but you can't declare sugar Haram. The same way when you add a pinch of salt into your food it becomes delicious but if you add a handful and eat it 3 times a day it will definitely kill you but you can't declare salt haram habibi. The same way when it is very important to rest our bodies & minds after a very long and tiring day but if one choose to laze around all day every week and every year then it will not be good for their brain and body but you absolutely can not declare this act as HARAM.
If something is Haram then muslims should refrain from it but if something is not Haram then we should be told accordingly and people should be educated about the proper use of it so that we can benefit from it, rather than abusing it (just like the above examples of abusing sugar, salt and lazing around).
I was really expecting you will shed the light on Cannabis from Quran and you will remove the confusion from 1.5 billion muslim people once and for all, but yet you chose to give your personal view only. I was expecting more from you.
I love my brother Mufti Menk, always try’s to add humour to very important subjects, mahshallah.
A question if one consumes a small number on rare occasions and to talk and still be in control of mind, body and soul, beer for eg. Wine. Weed.
Would it be haraam?
Note that it is a small quantity not to be abused taken by a matured and responsible person who is self aware. Will that be haraam then?
Like intoxicants can be so vast.
What I'm saying is if weed is used medically once a while for sleep etc, anxiety. I understand that Allah swt is the one who give me the healing in these things.
What about beer? If one takes to be in a social environment not in a club but in a bar where people sit down and watch TV, matured controlled environment and a matured person who takes it….
Is there a chance it is makrooh?
Just need answers.
I know the best is to stay away and find other alternatives.
Weed doesn't make someone do silly things unless you take it so much where you become useless and lazy and talk lazily
Is it true your duas are not accepted for 40 days if you are under the consumption of any form of intoxicant?
Can I offer namaz after 4 hours of smoking weed???
Can we use oil cannabis for tumor is that haram or no
I was sooooooooooo close to doing it thank you for stopping me
I have put some comments regarding your video at "one islamic production"..
If you trust Muaz bin Jabal can guide you to jannah then you are welcome to be under our banner..
He just said medicinal, how is it toxic? He was putting alcohol in the same context as weed wich he says weed is toxic yet have medicinal purpose.
What about cbd oil?
Weed is good. Allah is not.
is yoga permissible in Islam.
Ustaz. If a person has mental problem or physical problems. But with Allah's permission. Weed actually can help them to become healthy again. So in that context ganja is halal depend on it use. If it is over then it is haram. Like eating. Binge eating is haram.
Weed is the gate of shayateen stay away of it there no benefits in it . I dont smoke it nor drinking never liked outgoing life partying and clubs or crowds please all of you pray for me to stop cigarettes
Aslm alkm shkh, we are so grateful to have you as one of the most open minded and most educated in my opinion in the Muslim religious leaders today.I salute you to be able to open up in many subjects that most religious leaders never dared at least not while I was growing up and for this I pray that Allah Awj bless you even more knowledge and good health to continue doing your great job, "Allahumma ameen". I am in my late 50's have been suffering with severe headaches since my college years and still do suffer terrible migraines , Sinusitis and fluid in my head that may take days to drain. Alhamdulilah I consider myself to be very close to my Rabb and try my best to be a better Muslim everyday insha Allah. Recently one of my sons has recommended weed to me and I have done some research and did try chewing few leaves that gave me an instant relief with no any side effects that I get from the medicines prescribed by my Drs., of which are terrible they give me high heart palpitations, drowsiness and makes my days worst and so I quit taking them since I also suffer from Thyroid of which have to take my daily pills. I feel this weed is God given gift to cure many diseases and yes if used for that purpose only and not for the purpose of getting high then it shouldn't be haraam because the chemicals are the ones that intoxicate our blood and they end up with grave side effects. I also feel that this plant like many other things that are beneficial to humanity isn't made accessible but instead dangerous toxins like nicotine , alcohol, drugs are widely available for the only reason of destruction to humanity due to greed and destruction of religions. May Allah Swt., make us stronger in our faith and may sheiytan and his soldiers feel helpless and destroyed in their ugly acts.
I’m not religious by any means but I absolutely love how you use a human perspective to justify your beliefs. I find that many religious people tend to not use the mind that “god” or “allah” has given them to make educated decisions for themselves and stick to the literal definition of their holy book of choice (all the while not realizing their book was written by humans hundreds of years after the events written of transpired, and then rewritten by humans and translated many times over.) all I’m saying is that the literal word of god (if that is what these profits really did write) might have been diluted through humanity’s many changes to the holy script and it is nice to see you follow your beliefs without being completely reliant on ancient texts and by using your own spiritual knowledge and feelings to help influence your decision. Whatever god/gods do exist they gave you a working human mind and I certainly respect your belief that you shouldn’t do anything to damage the great gift you were given. Like I said I’m not religious but I do try to live a natural life (I eat only vegetables, don’t do any drugs, besides cannabis and coffee, and try to never cause pain and suffering to any living creature) I hope that if what you believe is true allah can find it in his heart to accept a confused young human like me❤️ much love, I wish you luck and prosperity in your journey through this planet
@Mufti Menk, how about Mariuana?
Masha'Allah. Cannabis is essential medicine. A dose of medicine I can produce naturally by myself is the only medication that has proven to shut down my father's grand mal seizures instantly. Alhamdu lillah I thank Allah daily for this wonderful gift.
Equally significant is the proven abilities to treat multiple symptoms of multiple diseases or disorders simultaneously within the body of one person without any drug contraindications whatsoever. Again, this is the only medicine demonstrating this miraculous property. Cannabis is beneficial in the treatment of absolutely every body ailment that plagues man. Physical. Psychological.
Our endocannabinoid system is designed in such a way that it reveals we are in fact designed to require it. All of us. We need it to achieve and maintain homeostasis.
We each need proper guidance and knowledge on the halal way to incorporate its healing properties into our bodies.
Varying methods provide varying benefits and varying degrees of sedation/stimulation/intoxication.
It is possible to incorporate balancing properties and derive significant nutritional value from fresh whole organic cannabis vegetation and flower that is consumed raw as a food….without any level of intoxication whatsoever.
Research decarboxylation to learn more about this in detail. Also research the endocannabinoid system.
I pray that our Ummah acquires the divine wisdom of the halal properties and uses of cannabis and makes this knowledge available to the world. Insha Allah.
He looks like a cupcake with the dumb thing on his head
"The only weed and beer we Muslims know are tajweed and takbeer" 😂
This is not tajweed… this is canabis
brother they have cbd oil that is 1000% not going to get u high in anyway at all
Cannabis helps a lot of people and it was put on this earth for a reason. Its medicine for some of us 🙂
Respect the brother's opinion but weed is pretty much harmless. Weed doesn't have any physically addictive chemical properties. Caffeine and sugar are more addictive than weed. This is scientific fact. I personally don't believe it is haram because it works differently on different people and depending how strong the strain is. But it is a waste of time ultimately. I don't smoke it myself.
Is investing in marijuana stocks haram? Its legal in my country and the companies vouch for medicinal benefits. Any thoughts Mufti?
this guy dont know where hes talking about watch?v=GJmQ16cGBHU this guy sure he know what he is saying
Glad this is here, got Muslims literally believing that there’s nothing wrong with it according to Islam
There are plants can kill you like poison plants weed plants is one them shiitan plants in my belief is haram
I found weed in my flatmate's room
I am shocked and confused what to do
I am honestly concerned for her but she just won't listen if I try explaining her
what about allopathy, mostly all drugs based on allopathy harms the kidney as a side effect.
Salaam. Great lecture. There is a military grade of it. The US military wishes to feminize Black and Muslim men thru the military grades according to the research of Dr. Wesley Muhammad from the NOI. We as Muslims have to go head to head with the global Zionist plot of American scientists. Keep this subject fresh on Muslims minds.
Alhamdulillah even sheikhs teeth is on the straight path
the fact about weed is more than being high what it does is kills so much time … We should never kill our time …
And it takes us far from Allah … So we shouldn't do any kind of drugs …
Weed should be banned asap in all countries. Its haram for a muslim to smoke weed. Dont make things halal which allah made haram. Alhamdulilah that i am not a weed addict.
God does not exist there is no god
Dude it's 21st century and Quran irrelevant.
What about psychedelics like magic mushroom can those be considered haram because i have seen people consume it who had been no hope in life like they had no hope in life it awakened them to a state where they got a meaningful purpose for there life like why life is important why we exit etc etc. It does not apply on all but most of the people had positive and meaningful experience from it
Whats your veiw about it?