In this video we show how to properly utilize a buchner funnel for filtering an alcohol based tincture that will then be ready for evaporation. Available at ...
Hı . İ want to make propolis extract in propylene glycol. How to ?
Is there a problem with some wax and lipid in the final product or is it more for looks?
Is there not a danger that alcohol could be inadvertently sucked into the vacuum pump?
Just purchased the pro, can I still do this?
Why dont you winterize it before you filter so the waxes will be more separated?
Please how are you even in the cannabis business and the clock on the wall behind you is NOT STOPPED AT 4:20?? – REALLY DUDE?
what type of paper is it?
Need to make one on purging
well my order will be placed saturday this will be so much better for filtration and way less time than the traditional way great info
Great video. Thanks
Will you stock the filters to sell us?
Great video! I was hoping for this! Will you make one on purging and why you would purge?