You are a puppet Vicente why don't you return the land you stolen from the people around your ranch
the "whole enchilada" LOL
sorry guys!!! I saw this f@ckin' devil's RAT,I had to dislike the vid!!!
Fuckimg clown he his accountable for half million deaths in mexico, in the stupid war on drug , that he and Calderon supported upon Mexicans that only thing it brought is grive , sadness and sorrow to this beautiful country and thats not all, his secretary of energy felipe Calderon former president , in the same package he was spending all the nafta money in a stupid war against drugs that now suddenly they support the use of them after killing half million people he also made the nafta on behalf of this bastard , and now he is talking good of marihuana when he killed thousands of people for not trafficking only for smoking he killed thousands unbelievable, hes a fucking clown 🤡 garbage disgrace of humankind’s honor. I got your answer NAFTA IS A GREAT BUISSNES INDEED BUT NOT TO MEXICO THATS THE PROBLEM YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IS HAVE CAUSED A 60 BILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT TO THE USA AND ALL THE EMIGRATION THANKS TO VICENTE FOX HE STOLE EVERY-SINGLE DOLLAR NEVER IMPROVED NAIDER SECURITY OR ECONOMICS TO THE LABOR CLASS IN MEXICO INSTEAD HE STOLE ALL HE COULD , TO GET MARRIED AND LIVE THE MOVIE HIS LIVING IN ITS CALLED (FOXILAND) A WORLD LIKE DISNEY I REPEAT MAFTA made a 65 billion dollar deficit to the USA because this son of a biatch stole all of it him and his lover Martha and there sons , they came in to the office whit no money and came out of the office owning petroleum companies huge ranch and house in the usa etc etc here in mexico whe are looking forward to put him in jail NAFTA IS GREAT NOT FOR MEXICO ONLY FOR VICENTE FOX , FELIPE CALDERON AND ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO ALL OF WHICHT HAVE MADE THEM SELF RICH AT EXPENSE OF THE USA NAFTA TREATMENT , 63 B D INCREDIBLE THAT YOU STILL BELIVE THE PROBLEM ARE THE PEOPLE AND NOT THE CORRUPTION LIKE THIS STUPID CLOWN 🤡 DONT YOU HEAR WHAT HE IS SAYING HOW HES LEFT WHIT NO ARGUMENT OR VOICE AT THE END. .? Come on didn’t you hear the witness testimony on chapos case about 20 md he wave to fox to flea out of jail , you have to remember that fox got in to the office and 50 days later el chapo Guzman flea for the first time from jail does that did not ring a bell in the nafta? Or DEA? Of FBI? Or CIA? Come on guys you can do better
Cuando te vea te voy a dar un puntazo EN la jeta …. gracias a ti idiota el exterior piensa que somos como tú imbécil
Q chinge a toda su putaaaaa pinche madre culero tracionero malinchista sin huevos hojala lo dejen si ningun peso al puto por ratero
Fox y Martita … huachiculeeeeeros.
You are one of the biggest criminals in the globe. Hope that you get investigated as soon as possible, so you stop doing your illegal business.
You are going to JAIL!!! the Mexican people want their money back rat!!
El chapo sends his best wishes
Khiron can expect a boycott from Mexican citizens soon, if they don't get rid of Vicente Fox.
Vicente Fox sucks donkey cock in Tijuana
You are a puppet Vicente why don't you return the land you stolen from the people around your ranch
the "whole enchilada" LOL
sorry guys!!! I saw this f@ckin' devil's RAT,I had to dislike the vid!!!
Fuckimg clown he his accountable for half million deaths in mexico, in the stupid war on drug , that he and Calderon supported upon Mexicans that only thing it brought is grive , sadness and sorrow to this beautiful country and thats not all, his secretary of energy felipe Calderon former president , in the same package he was spending all the nafta money in a stupid war against drugs that now suddenly they support the use of them after killing half million people he also made the nafta on behalf of this bastard , and now he is talking good of marihuana when he killed thousands of people for not trafficking only for smoking he killed thousands unbelievable, hes a fucking clown 🤡 garbage disgrace of humankind’s honor.
I got your answer NAFTA IS A GREAT BUISSNES INDEED BUT NOT TO MEXICO THATS THE PROBLEM YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IS HAVE CAUSED A 60 BILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT TO THE USA AND ALL THE EMIGRATION THANKS TO VICENTE FOX HE STOLE EVERY-SINGLE DOLLAR NEVER IMPROVED NAIDER SECURITY OR ECONOMICS TO THE LABOR CLASS IN MEXICO INSTEAD HE STOLE ALL HE COULD , TO GET MARRIED AND LIVE THE MOVIE HIS LIVING IN ITS CALLED (FOXILAND) A WORLD LIKE DISNEY I REPEAT MAFTA made a 65 billion dollar deficit to the USA because this son of a biatch stole all of it him and his lover Martha and there sons , they came in to the office whit no money and came out of the office owning petroleum companies huge ranch and house in the usa etc etc here in mexico whe are looking forward to put him in jail NAFTA IS GREAT NOT FOR MEXICO ONLY FOR VICENTE FOX , FELIPE CALDERON AND ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO ALL OF WHICHT HAVE MADE THEM SELF RICH AT EXPENSE OF THE USA NAFTA TREATMENT , 63 B D INCREDIBLE THAT YOU STILL BELIVE THE PROBLEM ARE THE PEOPLE AND NOT THE CORRUPTION LIKE THIS STUPID CLOWN 🤡 DONT YOU HEAR WHAT HE IS SAYING HOW HES LEFT WHIT NO ARGUMENT OR VOICE AT THE END. .? Come on didn’t you hear the witness testimony on chapos case about 20 md he wave to fox to flea out of jail , you have to remember that fox got in to the office and 50 days later el chapo Guzman flea for the first time from jail does that did not ring a bell in the nafta? Or DEA? Of FBI? Or CIA? Come on guys you can do better
Cuando te vea te voy a dar un puntazo EN la jeta …. gracias a ti idiota el exterior piensa que somos como tú imbécil
Q chinge a toda su putaaaaa pinche madre culero tracionero malinchista sin huevos hojala lo dejen si ningun peso al puto por ratero
Fox y Martita … huachiculeeeeeros.
You are one of the biggest criminals in the globe. Hope that you get investigated as soon as possible, so you stop doing your illegal business.
You are going to JAIL!!! the Mexican people want their money back rat!!
El chapo sends his best wishes
Khiron can expect a boycott from Mexican citizens soon, if they don't get rid of Vicente Fox.
Vicente Fox sucks donkey cock in Tijuana