2020 hopeful Bernie Sanders releases marijuana legalization plan
Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders just released his plan to legalize marijuana in the U.S. One America’s Salina Arredondo breaks down the proposal.
Fuck you Bernie go get fucking shot or something you old hairless toothless heartless gutless socialist CNN loving piece of Marxist shit
then he will federally regulate it and licence it and tax it taking the power away from the states and then only the federal government will be able to say who can have it or grow it or sell it JUST LIKE WE HAVE ALL BEEN ATTEMPTING TO AVOID in order to keep pot in localized hands and not a state run weed store ,,, they are gonna get burned alright sneaky little bastard
Why does Bernie want to legalized marijuana? He's only do this to help his votes.
This old creep needs to throw in the towel
Just another Democrat device to bring America to its knees! Is their any doubt that Bernie Sanders is a fully subsidized Kremlin-candidate?
The Plan: keep citizens so stoned & high they won't care what laws Socialist Demos enact. They won't even noticed they're being enslaved.
All running should be on this page…hopefully my main man trump will do the same…marijuana should have always been legal
The candidates are try to buy votes.
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie and Bernie!
We get this going tax the hell out of it. Then the rest will get pass the hard stuff with bigger highs more taxes lots of money plus a nation of junkies we rule over. Get on the dope train now.
No one could ever consume enough GRADE A SUPER POT to vote DEMOCRAT..BURNEE PANDERS AGAIN.
You can't legislate morality. It doesn't work. See Prohibition. That said, as Christians we can't make our broter stumble either. It's a complicated issue. The US prisons are full of drug offenders yet it's accomplished nothing. The bankers make too much money laudering the profits.
Bernie Sanders, You are a true evil POS
Bernie Sanders, You are a true evil POS
Bernie Sanders, You are a true evil POS
The only way the dems have a chance is to legalize pot. That is what happened in Michigan and the dems got in a governor. Little did all of those who voted for them know it wasn't the dems who got it on the ballot it was a republican. That is what happens when they are to stoned to pay attention.
122 thumbs down? Go %#$@ Yourself. We're getting our damned Tegrity weed!!!! All boring mean drunks are about to be FORGOTTEN AND DISMISSED, treated poorly. I have been thirsting for this for so long.
He is promising something thats already gonna happen, but in state-sized increments.
Of course Bernie is going to legalize weed, it's a wonder he is not offering it for free. Weed it just as bad a smoking tobacco or vaping which is putting kids on ventilators at an alarming rate. This is what the lunatic left wants for society, free everything at the expense of those who actually work for a living something Bernie is not familiar with, anyone recall the last bill Bernie got passed in Congress? This lunatic has sat in Congress for decades enriching himself off of his position thanks to the ignorant voters or Vermont and every four years America gets insulted by this lunatic when he runs for President thanks to the morons who reside in Vermont.
Just keep them out of the city they can vape weed as long as they stay out in nature.
Why spend money to stop them from getting high on harmless drug's?
Let them vape weed!
Trump 2020!
This is where I break from the Conservatives, I think it should be fully legalized, but Bernie is going too far by forgiving all past drug convictions. He's only doing that because he wants their votes, just like he wants the votes of all felons, even those still in their prison cells.
Huh….go figure, more leftist pandering.
Bernie is a senile communist!
He only talks the game ….big pharma throws money at him he fold up like a cheap lawn chair….
In case of emergency break out cannabis leagalization…
Bernie Sanders has without a doubt convinced me that he is so far off the deep end anything he does , says, is nothing but foolishness. His mind is gone.
Encourage the destruction of American's brains. That's the job of the president?
I smoke weed everyday I have for 25 years. President Trump was the first President I ever voted for and I will be voting for him again in 2020
Kamala harris promises free Oxy for everyone.
I wonder how much of a kickback Sanders will get for these grants
Forget it Bernie, you're running on fumes and you know it! Just GO AWAY already, geez… >:-)
He’s playing to his audience, everybody knows that marijuana is going to be eventually legalized in America and pretty damn soon pay attention to what’s going on in our country
Helloooo..Earth to Bernie….An E.O cannot overturn a federal law..So he cannot declare MJ legal if an existing law prohibits it..
Legalize it and right after he gets the votes, he will tax it heavily . That is the ONLY reason for doing it. Tax and spend is the way of the Dems.
No one cares, Trump has said many times that it's a states rights issue, keep the Federal government out of my weed. Don't want no Canada weed.
I'd quit smoking weed before I agree to communist, socialist, illegal immigrant loving policy.
They have lowered themselves (all of them ) to just selling lies
Liar liar pants on fire….do not vote for this Socialist!
i am not against leagalizeing pot,but sanders is a total idiot.for one thing the old fart would'nt make it through his first term.come on people,the guy is a fossil.
I'm offended that this traitor thinks users of cannabis are that daft
1A & 4A says it already is
Wanna give me back the $430 fine I paid once upon a time for my dime bag? Fucking doubtful
This POS will do anything and everything to be the leader of the FREE WORLD so he can take freedom away!!
"He is not got health required to be fit for office, dividing the vote. He will never be President! The truth is plain as daylight"
Fuck you Bernie go get fucking shot or something you old hairless toothless heartless gutless socialist CNN loving piece of Marxist shit
then he will federally regulate it and licence it and tax it taking the power away from the states and then only the federal government will be able to say who can have it or grow it or sell it JUST LIKE WE HAVE ALL BEEN ATTEMPTING TO AVOID in order to keep pot in localized hands and not a state run weed store ,,, they are gonna get burned alright sneaky little bastard
Why does Bernie want to legalized marijuana? He's only do this to help his votes.
This old creep needs to throw in the towel
Just another Democrat device to bring America to its knees! Is their any doubt that Bernie Sanders is a fully subsidized Kremlin-candidate?
The Plan: keep citizens so stoned & high they won't care what laws Socialist Demos enact. They won't even noticed they're being enslaved.
All running should be on this page…hopefully my main man trump will do the same…marijuana should have always been legal
The candidates are try to buy votes.
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie and Bernie!
We get this going tax the hell out of it. Then the rest will get pass the hard stuff with bigger highs more taxes lots of money plus a nation of junkies we rule over. Get on the dope train now.
No one could ever consume enough GRADE A SUPER POT to vote DEMOCRAT..BURNEE PANDERS AGAIN.
You can't legislate morality. It doesn't work. See Prohibition. That said, as Christians we can't make our broter stumble either. It's a complicated issue. The US prisons are full of drug offenders yet it's accomplished nothing. The bankers make too much money laudering the profits.
Bernie Sanders, You are a true evil POS
Bernie Sanders, You are a true evil POS
Bernie Sanders, You are a true evil POS
The only way the dems have a chance is to legalize pot. That is what happened in Michigan and the dems got in a governor. Little did all of those who voted for them know it wasn't the dems who got it on the ballot it was a republican. That is what happens when they are to stoned to pay attention.
122 thumbs down? Go %#$@ Yourself. We're getting our damned Tegrity weed!!!! All boring mean drunks are about to be FORGOTTEN AND DISMISSED, treated poorly. I have been thirsting for this for so long.

He is promising something thats already gonna happen, but in state-sized increments.
Of course Bernie is going to legalize weed, it's a wonder he is not offering it for free. Weed it just as bad a smoking tobacco or vaping which is putting kids on ventilators at an alarming rate. This is what the lunatic left wants for society, free everything at the expense of those who actually work for a living something Bernie is not familiar with, anyone recall the last bill Bernie got passed in Congress? This lunatic has sat in Congress for decades enriching himself off of his position thanks to the ignorant voters or Vermont and every four years America gets insulted by this lunatic when he runs for President thanks to the morons who reside in Vermont.
Just keep them out of the city
they can vape weed as long
as they stay out in nature.
Why spend money to stop
them from getting high on
harmless drug's?
Let them vape weed!
Trump 2020!
This is where I break from the Conservatives, I think it should be fully legalized, but Bernie is going too far by forgiving all past drug convictions. He's only doing that because he wants their votes, just like he wants the votes of all felons, even those still in their prison cells.
Huh….go figure, more leftist pandering.
Bernie is a senile communist!
He only talks the game ….big pharma throws money at him he fold up like a cheap lawn chair….
In case of emergency break out cannabis leagalization…
Bernie Sanders has without a doubt convinced me that he is so far off the deep end anything he does , says, is nothing but foolishness. His mind is gone.
Encourage the destruction of American's brains. That's the job of the president?
I smoke weed everyday I have for 25 years. President Trump was the first President I ever voted for and I will be voting for him again in 2020
Kamala harris promises free Oxy for everyone.
I wonder how much of a kickback Sanders will get for these grants
Forget it Bernie, you're running on fumes and you know it! Just GO AWAY already, geez…
He’s playing to his audience, everybody knows that marijuana is going to be eventually legalized in America and pretty damn soon pay attention to what’s going on in our country
Helloooo..Earth to Bernie….An E.O cannot overturn a federal law..So he cannot declare MJ legal if an existing law prohibits it..
Legalize it and right after he gets the votes, he will tax it heavily . That is the ONLY reason for doing it. Tax and spend is the way of the Dems.
No one cares, Trump has said many times that it's a states rights issue, keep the Federal government out of my weed. Don't want no Canada weed.
I'd quit smoking weed before I agree to communist, socialist, illegal immigrant loving policy.
They have lowered themselves (all of them ) to just selling lies
Liar liar pants on fire….do not vote for this Socialist!
i am not against leagalizeing pot,but sanders is a total idiot.for one thing the old fart would'nt make it through his first term.come on people,the guy is a fossil.
I'm offended that this traitor thinks users of cannabis are that daft
1A & 4A says it already is
Wanna give me back the $430 fine I paid once upon a time for my dime bag? Fucking doubtful
This POS will do anything and everything to be the leader of the FREE WORLD so he can take freedom away!!
"He is not got health required to be fit for office, dividing the vote. He will never be President! The truth is plain as daylight"