We travel to California, a state where medicinal marijuana is legal, and dispensaries are plentiful. We meet people who are benefiting from using the drug …
that last war guy made me cry, i feel his pain, tho not to his degree. GIVE US WEED, WE DONT CARE ABOUT GETTING HIGH, WE WANNA JUST LIVE!!!!!
All those people in the video who are using cannabis to treat their anxiety and/or depression are very lucky. Before I started my college years, I was always an anxious person and mostly depressed. Once I was introduced to cannabis, there was an immediate positive change on my mood. I appreciated everything with absolutely no depression. That was until 6 months ago when out of nowhere, I experienced a full blown panic attack for no reason which triggered anxiety and derealization to its full potential. I’ve been able to recover after 3 months and wish I can go back using cannabis, but the research I come across states that I might trigger my anxiety and derealization once again, which stops me from going back. Unfortunately, I’m not as happy as I was before.
Marijuana is not meant for everyone with anxiety, unfortunately. This can take a wrong direction, which I have noticed on others, including me.
I suppose if we looked into what our bureaucrats and law makers have their money invested in, we will find out why they keep it illegal. No point legalising something that will drop the value of the shares they have in 'big pharma'. Call me cynical but 60 years of watching politicians only enforces my belief that they are really only in it for the money. Look at everything they stand to loose if it is made legal. Hard to tax something you can grow in your backyard. And we have the alcohol lobby who have some very good friends in government (more shares); we don't want to take money from the legal drug pushers who pay taxes and create misery on an unprecedented scale. Perhaps politicians, if they are in politics for truly altruistic reasons, should refrain from using any recreational drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc and than they could shout from their soapbox the evils of marijuana. Can't see it happening any time soon. I also can't see them selling their shares in some pretty distasteful conglomerates either. Funny, cannabis has medicinal properties, alcohol is just poison, psychologically and physically. You can drink yourself to death, you can overdose on legal prescription drugs, and get cancer from tobacco products. Please show me the statistics of all the overdoses, broken families, and chronic diseases, cirrhosis etc brought on by alcohol and legal prescription drugs. Now show me the statistics for all the death and chronic diseases attributed to cannabis please.
4:37, is Tanya Black okay with you showing her medical history?
Thanks for making this informative and balanced doco – it's really beyond time for change in NZ, and videos like this help normalise the idea – change is coming!
It's the pharmaceutical companies that don't want that to be legalized because look how much money they will lose. But they don't care what it does to our families and they don't care about the help it actually gives people selfish selfish selfish.
Think about all those babies that will no longer suffer if we could just legalized this in all states and countries.
Please make more vids like this, bc the more pple hear about the great things this does I'm sure that's what they will take. Because taking pills leads to street drugs, in my opinion. And if this helps for all kinds pain, I bet more will use this as a method for pain instead of pills that COULD lead to street drugs.
How can you get it for Arthritis in pain everyday I also have glaucoma would like to know what to take and the dose I should take
Thank you for dedicating this to Anya, and thank you for presenting what is a very important topic for those of us seeking alternatives to conventional medicine.
that last war guy made me cry, i feel his pain, tho not to his degree. GIVE US WEED, WE DONT CARE ABOUT GETTING HIGH, WE WANNA JUST LIVE!!!!!
All those people in the video who are using cannabis to treat their anxiety and/or depression are very lucky. Before I started my college years, I was always an anxious person and mostly depressed. Once I was introduced to cannabis, there was an immediate positive change on my mood. I appreciated everything with absolutely no depression. That was until 6 months ago when out of nowhere, I experienced a full blown panic attack for no reason which triggered anxiety and derealization to its full potential. I’ve been able to recover after 3 months and wish I can go back using cannabis, but the research I come across states that I might trigger my anxiety and derealization once again, which stops me from going back. Unfortunately, I’m not as happy as I was before.
Marijuana is not meant for everyone with anxiety, unfortunately. This can take a wrong direction, which I have noticed on others, including me.
I suppose if we looked into what our bureaucrats and law makers have their money invested in, we will find out why they keep it illegal. No point legalising something that will drop the value of the shares they have in 'big pharma'. Call me cynical but 60 years of watching politicians only enforces my belief that they are really only in it for the money. Look at everything they stand to loose if it is made legal. Hard to tax something you can grow in your backyard. And we have the alcohol lobby who have some very good friends in government (more shares); we don't want to take money from the legal drug pushers who pay taxes and create misery on an unprecedented scale. Perhaps politicians, if they are in politics for truly altruistic reasons, should refrain from using any recreational drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc and than they could shout from their soapbox the evils of marijuana. Can't see it happening any time soon. I also can't see them selling their shares in some pretty distasteful conglomerates either. Funny, cannabis has medicinal properties, alcohol is just poison, psychologically and physically. You can drink yourself to death, you can overdose on legal prescription drugs, and get cancer from tobacco products. Please show me the statistics of all the overdoses, broken families, and chronic diseases, cirrhosis etc brought on by alcohol and legal prescription drugs. Now show me the statistics for all the death and chronic diseases attributed to cannabis please.
4:37, is Tanya Black okay with you showing her medical history?
Thanks for making this informative and balanced doco – it's really beyond time for change in NZ, and videos like this help normalise the idea – change is coming!
It's the pharmaceutical companies that don't want that to be legalized because look how much money they will lose. But they don't care what it does to our families and they don't care about the help it actually gives people selfish selfish selfish.
Think about all those babies that will no longer suffer if we could just legalized this in all states and countries.
Please make more vids like this, bc the more pple hear about the great things this does I'm sure that's what they will take. Because taking pills leads to street drugs, in my opinion. And if this helps for all kinds pain, I bet more will use this as a method for pain instead of pills that COULD lead to street drugs.
How can you get it for Arthritis in pain everyday I also have glaucoma would like to know what to take and the dose I should take
Thank you for dedicating this to Anya, and thank you for presenting what is a very important topic for those of us seeking alternatives to conventional medicine.