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Trump LOSES To Obama (TYT Election Roundup)

Here’s everything you missed from the election! Ana Kasparian, Jayar Jackson, and Francesca Fiorentini, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: …

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  1. On another note: Here is Nancy Pelosi giving Donald Trump an out YET AGAIN! She says he can testify in writing. How does Congress cross-examine a written statement? This is Mueller submission by Trump yet again where he will escape public scrutiny by submitting "I do not recall" lines all over the place? What are you doing Nancy? Why are you messing up when the criminal is already on the ropes and set to be handcuffed? Why does DON THE CON get special treatment when all other witnesses testify in person? Nancy Pelosi continuing to be Trump's NIGHT NURSE yet again! Pheeeewwww!!!!

  2. Lmao😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Kentucky has had only 4 Republican Governor's since 1931! Dems have almost always had Kentucky throughout history. Also, Virginia is a suburb of D.C and was already Blue as it gets. Especially northern VA. So what is the big news here? That VA is still a shit hole state run by bafoons, and that Kentucky has once again elected a Dem? TYT, you're grasping at any thing you can to create a story lol. This is cringe worthy stuff. Hey did you hear the lady that flips off Government officials was elected? Isn't that great? Yay! You guys are Dumpster babies. Such losers and their propaganda videos.

  3. Republicans we don't want free money for poor healthcare. But billions for red state welfare,dumb border walls and wars. HELL YEAH WE ALL IN! REPUBLICONS DUMBER IN LIFE THAN FICTION

  4. Mannnnn…the New America is scary to a lot of wht folks…makes u just wonder how a lot of ppl just don’t travel or have a utopian view of the world

  5. Stock market at 27600, un-employment at 3.6 % booming economy , people vote their pocket book. Remember Obama economy 16% unemployment , SM at 14000, millions on food stamp and ISIS murdering US citizens, 2008-2016 were the Dark Ages in America in more ways then one

  6. You do realize the Democrats have won the Kentucky Governor race 8 out of 10 times and this was barely a win for the Governor. However, Republicans swept the rest of the elections taking 5/6 seats. But of course TYT is lying to you again.

  7. There will be a time when the people of the country, look at each and every politician. Looking at each one who does not do anything for them . This is a revolt for the little man .

  8. If or when all states like Virginia get rid of gerrymandering, there will be no more Republicans in Congress. NONE because America basically Democratic. They are good caring people. Republicans have had the absolute worst reputation for years.

    For the ignorant republicans saying that Lincoln and Harriet Tubman were Republicans, time had changed then. Because you know they were not like Ttump and McConnell.

  9. Except the Republicans are using an arcane rule, where, in a "contested" election, the legislature decides. There is no rule in the state Constitution of Kentucky to do a recount, or to hold a recount. The Republicans are saying there are "irregularities", but not naming what those irregularities are, so that the legislature can just PICK their own Republican candidate, nullifying the voters. Isn't that grand? Republicans coronating their own monarchy? Hang em all when do this.

  10. I see all of the hatemongers liars and hypocrites have found there way to tyt again .which means that tyt is a very populee and a huge threat to the establishment lol.thats great and another win for the progressive movement which is sweeping across this country .

  11. Here in New Zealand if you get hurt in any accident (work, home or leisure) the cost to fix it is zero no matter what. A component of our tax goes to the Accident Compensation fund. This means that it's in the government's interest to keep its citizens safe which is good for everyone.
    The USA is decades behind in this.

  12. The Old Turks is my favorite comedy show. Political hacks, but humorous. Look, they have a black guy on there to be all inclusive. Ugly Ana for more laughs. Awwww, how cute. Where's Chunk? The Turkitron mascot.

  13. I bet the US administration are all alcoholic or on some drug. Bloody joke.don't they realise the US is the laughing stock in this world. Trump has turn the US government into a reality show.

  14. TYT: Actually Obama care, might have been more beneficial to AVERAGE Americans and not the big pharmaceuticals, IF there was NO penalty involved. Obama's BIG MISTAKE #1. For instance if someone can't afford insurance, how fair was that to penalize someone for not being able to afford healthcare. There are some agencies around that go by the wages a person makes, as in the town where I live there was a wonderful agency that did exactly that, {no government involved} and the tax payers did not have to foot the bill. Money was donated to this agency and that is where the funding came from. There was a co-pay to pay. Obama's BIG MISTAKE #2, he eliminated that program and it was not placed on their crooked list. So, there for I lost my insurance plan, along with many others. That was just WRONG, if that Obama care really was for all the people, that agency would have been on the list. His plan benefited big pharm. and over priced insurance companies. Of course I do believe it helped those with pre-existing conditions, hospital stays, etc., which was great, but it really did not work out for average Americans who were in better health.

  15. You would be an Idiot to read anything into the Kentucky Gov race because Kentucky always votes Dem for governor. Bevin was the first GOP governor in 20 years and he is the most unpopular governor in the country. Trump himself couldn't stand Bevin but he almost got him reelected in one visit as bad as he was. All the other races in Ky went Republican and Behear's father was a very popular Gov in Kentucky. Mississippi flipped the last Dem held seat to Republican and they won the Gov race. The Massachusettes Republican governor was reelected and I don't think anyone think Mass is turning red or Maryland for that matter.

  16. you just want everyone dependent on the system and you just want to import more moochers so you can get more votes while destroying other people's communities… and then say we need to expand medicaid

  17. TYT is actually WORSE Fake News than the International Fake News Winner of 2015-2019, CNN, USDA Pure Bull$hit faux news.

    Young, Dumb Turks… you’re all not only suffering from Stage 5 of Trump Derangement Syndrome, you’re in the final stages of “Libturditis”, a deadly incurable brain eating disease. And We The People LOVE IT!

  18. I am an independent voter. But I like the new and innovative ideas of the progressives . Some are too far left for some Americans. The focus should be to eliminate Trump. Let’s do this and stop inter fighting among ourselves …

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