i support the drug war and the freedom fighters that kill pigs and their worthless children and families.
i can drive an hour north to mi and buy an oz. better than waiting an hour or more for my drug dealer. and anyways it hilarious when pigs die from a made up war
just know every fucker who is trying to keep gods plant banned from the people will burn in hell like the marijuana I fucking smoke ilegally bitches
How retarded can people be. But its ok for alcohol to be legal and for teens to drink lmao.
for fucks sake, legalize already.. colorado has been legal for 7 years, I know people who live in madison who drive to michagan to buy $3000 of cannabis for personal use.
It's becoming legal by all the surrounding states, people will just go to other states and get it. Wisconsin may as wee just legalize it because the the government will get money and less people will get in trouble with the law. It's safer than alcohol and if it's legal it will probably overtake alcohol and less fatalities will happen
So go get CBD just about everywhere in Wisconsin!
This is why I hate living in Wisconsin, our law makers are stuck in the dark ages and scared of boogeymen. It’s hilarious seeing this old ass dudes acting like bud is some terrible stuff but probably get wasted every night and kill brain cells and their liver. Smh just legalize it the good it would do would TOTALLY outweigh the bad
Anyone by spooner Wisconsin know where to get weed
Ha ha
Wi sucks dick everyone is stuck in the past when the people that want it legal out wiegh the people that don’t want it so why the fuck is it illegal
Y'all need to get used to the fact that Wisconsin will be the only state in the entire mid west with no cannabis policy what so ever
I hope Wisconsinites spend millions in Illinois. The Wisconsin bear belt is stuck in the past. All the politicians care about is money I hope people start going down to Illinois to spend there money. And the people from Illinois should be careful in Wisco.
Come on vacation leave on probation.
Dumb fucks long term use of anything is bad for you. Caffeine, alcohol, junk food etc. Yet still allowed in wi. Hell were the beer State, fucking hypocrites all these lawmakers
Free the weed …
Theres always a guy with white hair who hates weed
They don’t actually care about the kids brain health if they did we would be seeing major reforms to our school system. This “harmful to adolescents” gimmick is fucking dumb. Tobacco and alcohol are far too easy for children in high school to get their hands on. Yet they aren’t been prohibited state wide
Please Don't give up be patience and just wait have faith that medical marijuana legalization will come soon to all states in America.Best wishes. hope they can see that Oklahoma state has passed full medical marijuana legalization and it's doing very good and also I see good things Oklahoma state is growing I see more beautiful people who have to move here to Oklahoma where medical marijuana legalization is available to all and I am so saddened that people they have to move out from there state just to get there medical marijuana medicine cannabis. then I am so sorry that other states still have no clue.so I guess states where they don't want to fully understand legalization medical marijuana legalization i guess alcohol alcoholism is doing better things for them that's so very sad but it's the truth 👎👤👎
Please cbd. Has. Helped me with my anxiety it’s just not enough just please I’m on. My knees begging just legalize it it would do more good then bad so wake up Wisconsin
good luck from Canada
Put it up for a vote by the people ! Why is this left to lawmakers to decide ? We need to make it a topic up for vote if this bags of wind want to openly say such a crazy thing like never .
Ron Johnson told me personally he supported this as long as it was used to balance the budget . So not all republicans are as anti as that ass !
"as harmful as lead." With all due respect, go pound sand. The abuse of any substance in adolescents is harmful. Including sugar, alcohol, and tobacco. But here in Wisconsin we do our best to be the drunkest state in the nation. While at UW Stout I knew several students who died or were injured from alcohol use but not one from marijuana. Enough with "what about the kids" arguments. Enough with the misinformation. It's time to give Wisconsinites control of their own conciousness.
why does everyone in media still call it "marijuana." call it cannabis for fuck's sake
i love how lawmakers act like teen usage will go up even though it should only be 21-older. teenagers are already smoking weed. wake the hell up and stop acting like people aren't smoking already.
Good luck, it's never gonna happen in the state of Wisconsin, legislators here are on a 1940s refeer madness kick, funny how he talked about the effects of pot on teens what about the legal alcohol, legal pills are doing? Wisconsin will be one of the last states in the country to legalize weed and join the 21st century , legislators in Wisconsin have complete disregard of the citizens
i support the drug war and the freedom fighters that kill pigs and their worthless children and families.
i can drive an hour north to mi and buy an oz. better than waiting an hour or more for my drug dealer. and anyways it hilarious when pigs die from a made up war
just know every fucker who is trying to keep gods plant banned from the people will burn in hell like the marijuana I fucking smoke ilegally bitches
How retarded can people be. But its ok for alcohol to be legal and for teens to drink lmao.
for fucks sake, legalize already.. colorado has been legal for 7 years, I know people who live in madison who drive to michagan to buy $3000 of cannabis for personal use.
It's becoming legal by all the surrounding states, people will just go to other states and get it. Wisconsin may as wee just legalize it because the the government will get money and less people will get in trouble with the law. It's safer than alcohol and if it's legal it will probably overtake alcohol and less fatalities will happen
So go get CBD just about everywhere in Wisconsin!
This is why I hate living in Wisconsin, our law makers are stuck in the dark ages and scared of boogeymen. It’s hilarious seeing this old ass dudes acting like bud is some terrible stuff but probably get wasted every night and kill brain cells and their liver. Smh just legalize it the good it would do would TOTALLY outweigh the bad
Anyone by spooner Wisconsin know where to get weed
Ha ha
Wi sucks dick everyone is stuck in the past when the people that want it legal out wiegh the people that don’t want it so why the fuck is it illegal
Y'all need to get used to the fact that Wisconsin will be the only state in the entire mid west with no cannabis policy what so ever
I hope Wisconsinites spend millions in Illinois. The Wisconsin bear belt is stuck in the past. All the politicians care about is money I hope people start going down to Illinois to spend there money. And the people from Illinois should be careful in Wisco.
Come on vacation leave on probation.
Dumb fucks long term use of anything is bad for you. Caffeine, alcohol, junk food etc. Yet still allowed in wi. Hell were the beer State, fucking hypocrites all these lawmakers
Free the weed …
Theres always a guy with white hair who hates weed
They don’t actually care about the kids brain health if they did we would be seeing major reforms to our school system. This “harmful to adolescents” gimmick is fucking dumb. Tobacco and alcohol are far too easy for children in high school to get their hands on. Yet they aren’t been prohibited state wide
Please Don't give up be patience and just wait have faith that medical marijuana legalization will come soon to all states in America.Best wishes. hope they can see that Oklahoma state has passed full medical marijuana legalization and it's doing very good and also I see good things Oklahoma state is growing I see more beautiful people who have to move here to Oklahoma where medical marijuana legalization is available to all and I am so saddened that people they have to move out from there state just to get there medical marijuana medicine cannabis. then I am so sorry that other states still have no clue.so I guess states where they don't want to fully understand legalization medical marijuana legalization i guess alcohol alcoholism is doing better things for them that's so very sad but it's the truth 👎👤👎
Please cbd. Has. Helped me with my anxiety it’s just not enough just please I’m on. My knees begging just legalize it it would do more good then bad so wake up Wisconsin
good luck from Canada
Put it up for a vote by the people ! Why is this left to lawmakers to decide ? We need to make it a topic up for vote if this bags of wind want to openly say such a crazy thing like never .
Ron Johnson told me personally he supported this as long as it was used to balance the budget . So not all republicans are as anti as that ass !
"as harmful as lead." With all due respect, go pound sand. The abuse of any substance in adolescents is harmful. Including sugar, alcohol, and tobacco. But here in Wisconsin we do our best to be the drunkest state in the nation. While at UW Stout I knew several students who died or were injured from alcohol use but not one from marijuana. Enough with "what about the kids" arguments. Enough with the misinformation. It's time to give Wisconsinites control of their own conciousness.
why does everyone in media still call it "marijuana." call it cannabis for fuck's sake
i love how lawmakers act like teen usage will go up even though it should only be 21-older. teenagers are already smoking weed. wake the hell up and stop acting like people aren't smoking already.
Good luck, it's never gonna happen in the state of Wisconsin, legislators here are on a 1940s refeer madness kick, funny how he talked about the effects of pot on teens what about the legal alcohol, legal pills are doing? Wisconsin will be one of the last states in the country to legalize weed and join the 21st century , legislators in Wisconsin have complete disregard of the citizens
keep them coming!