Finally someone calls it by it's proper name, Mary Jane…
Hi.. want to be my girl friend?
Will you marry me???? 😍
Defo about time to legalise
Sorry but Americans are under English Common Law so the UN laws do not apply to the US. Cannabis is a arabic word and illegal to use in English Common Law. Marijuana is pronounced in Spanish and also illegal to use in English Common Law. Hemp is english for the cannabis plant and is the only legal word to define the plant in English Common Law. So all Hemp laws are legal in English Common Law, but marijuana and cannabis laws are Nule and Void. So fuck the UN's illiteracy.
Everytime I see these videos, I fall in love.
FYI schedule 1 drugs are heroin, LSD, Oxycontin etc.. Schedule 4 is how they want to classify it.
She is soooo beautiful 😍😍👸🏿✨
Oweee she's tough unc!
Baltimore is a waste of time and the UN is a sewer house. There's more but you'll find it on your own.
We need this in P.A i’ve been dreaming about this for years 🙌🏻❤️✌🏻✌🏻🤞🏻
Legalize Georgia
Keep her
thought u.s.a. is trying to get out of UN :/
She makes me horny, well done westfesttv.💪🍆🍫
Boy that hostess is fine!!!! Got dayum.
Thanx snoop for bring such beautiful gorgeous talent…
Nice video!
We want to see Snoop Dogg. That's what we here for GGN
To that punk bitch that's talking shit about my black sisters .You need to take your dog face picture mother for a walk on that leash you own.and put it on her dirt ring neck.
I like her but, GGN is wayyyyy better!
Real story bout Baltimore, your an idiot and don't know what the fuck your saying. I live here. Yeah they say that's what they're doing. Baltimore is a cesspool and should be burned to the ground. It's full of assholes who are useless and provide nothing to society. The only way to fix the joke that Baltimore is is to end it. Simple. Factual. Hate when idiots who don't live in a place act like they know what the fuck they talking about. Here's a fact: cops are the most poorly trained professionals in the world. They have the lowest average iq. They are dumb. Those are facts. Report that shit!
unsubbing to this trash channel.
she get me so horny
what happeneds if weed is legalised and everyone starts using it and stops going to school or work
what is that on your nose, is it pimple or something?
Finally someone calls it by it's proper name, Mary Jane…
Hi.. want to be my girl friend?
Will you marry me???? 😍
Defo about time to legalise
Sorry but Americans are under English Common Law so the UN laws do not apply to the US. Cannabis is a arabic word and illegal to use in English Common Law. Marijuana is pronounced in Spanish and also illegal to use in English Common Law. Hemp is english for the cannabis plant and is the only legal word to define the plant in English Common Law. So all Hemp laws are legal in English Common Law, but marijuana and cannabis laws are Nule and Void. So fuck the UN's illiteracy.
Everytime I see these videos, I fall in love.
FYI schedule 1 drugs are heroin, LSD, Oxycontin etc.. Schedule 4 is how they want to classify it.
She is soooo beautiful 😍😍👸🏿✨
Oweee she's tough unc!
Baltimore is a waste of time and the UN is a sewer house. There's more but you'll find it on your own.
We need this in P.A i’ve been dreaming about this for years 🙌🏻❤️✌🏻✌🏻🤞🏻
Legalize Georgia
Keep her
thought u.s.a. is trying to get out of UN :/
She makes me horny, well done westfesttv.💪🍆🍫
Boy that hostess is fine!!!! Got dayum.
Thanx snoop for bring such beautiful gorgeous talent…
Nice video!
We want to see Snoop Dogg. That's what we here for GGN
To that punk bitch that's talking shit about my black sisters .You need to take your dog face picture mother for a walk on that leash you own.and put it on her dirt ring neck.
I like her but, GGN is wayyyyy better!
Real story bout Baltimore, your an idiot and don't know what the fuck your saying. I live here. Yeah they say that's what they're doing. Baltimore is a cesspool and should be burned to the ground. It's full of assholes who are useless and provide nothing to society. The only way to fix the joke that Baltimore is is to end it. Simple. Factual. Hate when idiots who don't live in a place act like they know what the fuck they talking about. Here's a fact: cops are the most poorly trained professionals in the world. They have the lowest average iq. They are dumb. Those are facts. Report that shit!
unsubbing to this trash channel.
she get me so horny
what happeneds if weed is legalised and everyone starts using it and stops going to school or work
what is that on your nose, is it pimple or something?
Weed vs Alcohol vid here:
Education is power! Stay medicated,stay healthy peeps✌️😘☁️
I’m on your head snoop you know damn well this channel is becoming a radical left safe haven you’re wrong for that
I’m on your head snoop you know damn well this channel is becoming a radical left safe haven you’re wrong for that
Шоколадка что то говорит ничего себе
What’s happening to this channel?
They better use the story of that Charlotte web girl's story to sway the UN. Works every time
Natural beauty forget the weed lol
Bout to finish watching the wire for the first time season 5 in b-more is still fucked up damn I use to work out there
this aint snoop channel anymore, unsub
What's her IG
It's just something about her 😍
I thought it was designated Schedule Class 1 ???, did they change or reverse the ratings ? -1 was the worse or highest …
Adaeze/@adaebae is my favourite of the Merry Jane crew. Loving the THC news!
"god speed & good weed" to you too Miss Adaeze <3