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Marijuana Medical Benefits

What you should know about vaping and e-cigarettes | Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin

E-cigarettes and vapes have exploded in popularity in the last decade, especially among youth and young adults — from 2011 to 2015, e-cigarette use among …

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  1. starts off with some good information and then moved straight in to innuendo and false information.really TED Talks are becoming a joke

  2. Big tobacco wins again! Congratulations. Cigarette sales and subsequent deaths are guaranteed to rise, but hey, at least the sanctimonious anti-smokers get a smug "I told you so."

  3. There are lots of pro-vaping comments here from people saying they used it to quit cigarette addiction. I am all in favour of that.

    But having done so, do they then give up vaping, knowing that it too is dangerous? Or have they just swapped one set of dangers for another?

    If you have children, or expect to in the future, do you think about the responsibility of being around for them as they grow up, which means maintaining your health, not damaging your lungs?

  4. This lady sucks. Vaping got me off of a 20 year addiction to cigarettes. Nothing else worked. Cigarette use among teens and adults is also dropping!

  5. Worst description for vaping.
    Vaping is a safer alternative to smoking.
    Vaping is strictly for adults who already smoke. This will help them quit smoking.
    Teens/children's should not vape. This is mentioned on all the vaping devices and juices.
    If vaping is dangerous for kids then smoking is way more dangerous and we should first ban cigarettes.
    And for God's sake – YES adults like different flavors. More the flavors, more changes of quitting smoking.

    Humble request to all the parents/smokers listening to this lady – Please see the bigger picture here and educate your kids to be away from vaping. Instead of banning vaping altogether.
    This video concentrates only on one side of the coin.
    Also never expected TED to arrange such one-sided lecture on something so critical for our society.

  6. I've seen vaping pull people away from cigarettes, opioids (with CBD juice) and sugary food addiction (sweeter flavors). Name a product more effective. Nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycol and the same stuff put in foods the world over is all that's in these.

    Get educated. Stop trying to ban something you clearly don't understand. I've noticed something here. Whenever a anti-vapor is presented with actual facts they get stupid with rage. We call that a "tell" in emergency services.

  7. I smoked 15 yrs…switched to vaping for 3 yrs…now smoke and vape free…live example of eliminating addiction.

  8. Here’s an answer to all of you! There’s no such a thing as good or bad smoking, and there’s no such a thing as trying to quit. What is that?
    It’s all in smoker’s mind and power of self to say “that’s it, from today on I’m not smoking anymore”. That’s the bottom line! If you fail to stop its your weakness it’s not addiction to nicotine so please stop with the nonsense. I’ve been smoking for 23 years and when I decided to quit I didn’t want anything to “replace” the cigarette.. no gums, no vapes, or sitting next to a smoker to “get a bit of smell”. You make a decision, you stick to it! Otherwise you’re just weak… yeah it’s hard, it’s fucked up.. but it’s not painful – you’re were not addicted to heroin or met.
    It’s you and your decision.
    Vapes smell and taste awful, cigarettes even worse.. just have a carrot instead! 😃

  9. Vaping saves lives… It saved mine. Any teen caught with a vape should be heavily fined. That way the parents would have to get involved. The problem is really about proper parenting, not about teen vaping.

  10. Here's what it's all about folks! States have agreed to not allow individuals to sue big tobacco for damages caused by tobacco products and in turn big tobacco pays these states enrolled in that program copious amounts of cash… Now that big tobacco is losing copious amounts of money due to individuals choosing vaping over tobacco these states are in turn losing insane amounts of money and aren't happy about it at all. Their racketeering scams aren't working anymore and they're pissed as can be so they're attacking the one thing standing in the way of they're precious money. This isn't about public health or you'd see cigarettes, fast food, gmo's, round-up, soda etc being banned.. It's nothing more than fear mongering propaganda being perpetuated in the same manner as the demonization of cannabis. Don't trust the media, politicians or government agencies as they don't give a fu©k about you or your health…only about their money.

  11. Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin is a danger to public health. Is she funded by Big Tobacco or was she radicalized online?
    Public heath officials have declared war on public health. Tobacco kills 7 million people every year, and they are at war with the only effective method to get people off of cigarettes.
    This is genocidal. It is a campain of lies, that could kill tens of millions of people.
    She sites talking points of extremist groups that make Trump sound honest, like Truth(pathological liars). They count weed vaping as a type of nicotine, calling it e-cigarette use to get to their 900% lie. The THC oil vials, called cartridges, or carts for short are flooding across the country. All the kids started doing an illegal oil based vaping drug that doesn't work with nicotine vaping equipment, rather it has it's own equipment that doesn't have nicotine cartridges as a choice. It is these devices that have 3 power levels. Only an extremist would rationalize calling weed use a type of nicotine addiction. Well unless they work for tobacco companies that don't want vaping, as their product is a combustible cigarette.
    She lies about regulations not keeping up as the liquids are the same. Nobody uses e-cigarettes anymore, rather they vape. This is because vaping is twice as effecting in getting people to quit smoking as studies have shown. Again she is referencing extremist literature, as did Trump's surgeon general.
    Juul is a cartridge system, as the 'pods' are disposable. Juul is a cartridge system based on Pod system, that is set up for covert vaping. Those are smoked like cigarettes, as 'mouth to lung', but with micro puffs. They have higher nicotine as you are not intended to take full pulls, rather micro pulls so you don't exhale any vapor. These are used for work, as to not spread the smell of bubble gum or what ever, around. It's so you are not a nuisance at work, just as you don't want to be the guy who microwaves fish at work.
    puff limiters could be required for covert vaping devices to prevent them from being used as cigarettes 2.0. That would hit Juul, and simply impose a higher cost, for a device that requires a job, to need.
    Now we go to VG/PG at 7 minuets in. Propaline glycol is used in intravenous medications by doctors. Vegetable glycerin is a sugar alcohol.  People have been vaping them for almost 20 years without issue.  A 3 1/2 year study of children who vaped and never smoked, showed no health impact at all.  Eating lots of fast food does have an a very measurable impact on health after 3 1/2 years.  The alcohol was used for menthol flavor until a study showed decreased motor skill without users feeling inebriated.  They moved away from that as soon as it was known.  These are not like cigarette companies who intentionally add poisons.
    The vapor is mostly comparable to a medical nicotine inhaler.  Frying an egg in a frying pan with butter Pam goes well beyond what is produced by vaping in terms of toxicity.  
    Nicotine is bad, and I can't argue with that.
    Research studies show a 80% successes rate with vaping after 2 years without smoking, as opposed to 9% with patches.  
    She is asking for a campain against vaping without any evidence, and this sounds like the message of Big Tobacco.  
    The flavors help with short circuiting the addiction.  Memories are stored with the emotions of the time and the can bring the user back to a time before they were slowly killing themself.  That helps them remove the addiction.  Why should be told what flavors we can have.  Should adults be able to have wine or is wine made with grapes to appeal to children?  Should food have flavors?  Should spices be legal?
    She wants people to go back to smoking cigarettes that kill 7 million a year, because she longs for a fictional past, or works for big tobacco.
    Her thinking will kill tens of millions.  Currently government, media and doctors are pathologically lying in a war against smoking succession.  If their points were valid, than they wouldn't need to lie.  One doesn't build good things upon deception and lies.  
    Nicotine vape contains no oil, yet the media paints the deaths from oil inhalation of THC vaping as a nicotine problem.  If you need to lie then you are not pursuing good goals.  Evil goals are what one finds wrapped in lies.  
    Genocide is your goal.

  12. She should have educated people about their right to bear arms, to protect yourselves, from vape addicts blowing toxic Vape in your breathing space.

  13. Yes but nobody is saying the kids are going to do it anyway raping smoking chewing doing drugs whatever pure pressure. I was 13 when I stated tobacco products. I'm 32 yours old now. My mom was 12 when she started smoking cigarettes. Back before vapeing came out I went to Kennywood seen at least 20 kids smoking cigarettes or chewing. So my point is even if vapeing dident come out kids still will do it.

  14. This is perhaps the most BS-laden TED talk I've ever had the displeasure to watch.

    The Medical Establishment in the USA (and now in India) are the ONLY organizations on the planet who do not fully support vaping as a less dangerous alternative to smoking. I think we're starting to see now what is really behind their attitude–cigarettes are a MUCH more effective tool of Eugenics than ecigs.

    Don't think for a minute that vapers who are "in the know" don't understand what's REALLY going on here…

  15. Wheres your proof?…. statistics, science behind this lead and other bullshit your saying….. vaping has made me quit smoking cigarettes… I agree with the majority of the comments people like you are the reason why people are not switching to vaping rather than smoking you disgust me

  16. Did anyone else see a uninformed person trying to act informed still saying she knows nothing. you can spend a hour or 2 doing the research. a healthier alternative that got big in the time frame from almost no knowledge to being everywhere is definitely a 900 percent increase. same with smart phones to analog phones.. the fact is they are here to help us as adults quit to something safer.
    It,s sad no one wants to try to truly inform. did you talk about the fact that teen smoking is down drastically?

  17. Why is vaping being blamed for health problems.
    E cigarettes don't put themselves in the persons mouth, the person puts the E cigarette in their mouth,
    Put the cause of blame on the right culprit.
    Same thing with cigarettes.

  18. Kids can get cigarettes and booze illegally so why arent we banning that, also, nicotine is on the same stimulant category as caffeine…so should we ban soda, beer, and cigs

  19. The only reason why they are pushing any sort of negativity and MISINFORMATION towards vaping is because the STATES need to get VAPING classified under the MSA to pay off state debts. Too many people are quitting smoking for a scientifically proven "95% safer" adult alternative and the states are loosing money

    Once these states can not pay their debts the feds will swing in and bust them for using our tax dollars at their leisure. Hence the emergency ban. Check out #Dashvapes and #VapingWithVic for more info

    They need the negative light on vaping to help promote this emergency ban for 6 months to give them time to figure out how its going to be classified.

    Vaping will be back and with all of the flavors and once its heavily taxed and classified under the msa you wont hear about it again and the illnesses will sink to the bottom never to be heard of again.

    Its not about the kids health as kids start smoking every day and drinking underage and as we have seen there is still both freely on the market.

  20. Ohhhh wow let someone who know nothing about vaping talk about vaping this is stupid people like trump this dumass have not vaped I feel like they tried it once, coughed and decided its bad

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