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What will the future of 5G bring? – BBC Click

5G is coming. The next generation of wireless technology will give us self-driving cars, smart cities and could even teach you to score a goal like Messi.

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    dehumanization, totalitarian governments, ruthless megacorporations and damaging biological effects on humans that are not even mentioned

  2. This is a nightmare…and a military kill -grid…dissidents (anyone) can be monitored tracked and killed or disabled in an automated way and the natural world will be devastated. Listen to Barrie Trower and ignore this propaganda for a 'Brave New World.The Industry and BBC are lying to you-this technology is very very harmful to living things!

  3. We really need to think twice before advancing tech into next endless level. Look what had been achieved in our civilization? What the world had become? It doesn't make it better. It's not the technique itself, it's about the human. It's human's nature to turn things negative. Sometimes we just need to walk slower and think faster.

  4. The late 1,2 and 3g are meaningless nowadays only 4g is the game changer to the world of technology with it realible and fastest browsing capabilities. What make the 5g dangerous as this is the world of digital perspectives.

  5. hi there bbc..a documentary was put out on panarama in around was about drugs on wirral peninsula..i went 2 jail but come out clean n have been gripe with u is a geezer john who keeps showing this vid after im targeted everywer i go as someone has obviously forged my name to give permission2 keep showing it.its harsh coz now im threatened were i go i have used ur complaints procedure but 2 slow that the stress is killing me.someone in ur company is a criminal n i am seeking legal advice as this shouldnt be happening as only promotes h8

  6. Prior to the ubiquitous use of lead, asbestos and DDT (as three examples), I wonder if there were credible scientific studies available regarding the overall safety of any one or more of these items to humans and/or the environment? I haven't researched this but I suspect, if there were such studies, they were few and far between and not readily accessible.  Whether there were safety studies done and available or not on any  one of these three items is pretty much a moot point. We all know what happened.

    Okay, fast forward to present time where the world is experiencing an ever-increasing proliferation of man-made emfs from countless electronic devices that is saturating the space life is occupying. And now, we have 5G rolling out.

    In our enthusiasm and excitement regarding wireless technology, self-driving vehicles, IoT, A.I., and dreams of enormous monetary rewards…are we choosing to overlook the potential adverse ramifications that our proliferation of this technology might bring about? 

    Those who promulgated the use of lead, asbestos and DDT and those who embraced its use, didn't know what they were dealing with and how their enthusiasm to use these items was going to bring about devastating consequences for life and the environment. Fortunately, when it comes to man-made emfs and 5G, scientific studies regarding the adverse impact of this tech on life is abundant and easily accessible to the public at large. A good place to find some of these studies is here:

    The question a person has to ask themselves is, am I more interested in monetary returns that are directly or indirectly connected to this tech, or am I more interested in good health now and in the future for myself and others? 

    Slow down, you move to fast, got to make humanity last. There is always a safe way to accomplish what one wants to accomplish. The safe way might take a bit longer but in the long-view more is gained.

  7. I still use my 5G Motorola "Beeper" … is a light speed indeed : call grandma from across the Universe on a 5G two quarters and dime 'phone boot'….responds time .00001 milisecond

  8. Telecom Risk Assessment Handbook states – get the media to do 'advertorials' describing things in a more positive light than would normally happen and do not cover local stories – so even though Bristol groups have posted more destruction of trees than anywhere else for that 5G infrastructure we just hear ooh lots of small masts to unlock the potential of 5G, ' a risk techies are willing to take' with no vote and no coverage of the people saying stop

  9. Can you imagine a communist state holding all the data of your very being? Where you go, what you eat, who your friends are, what you like, who you hate? Not that common folks like me matters but what about the data of persons of interest- like govt officials , oppositions… the lists are endless!

  10. When its dangers far outweigh its benefits, its implementation remains unnecessary and counterproductive to advancing civilization. Disingenuous reporting, folks. Disregard.

  11. No body . .not one consumer is asking for this. It is being shoved down our throats. Beware folks. . .you are being decieved. You will become the victim is you think this is good for you. . .be prepared to pyt down all your devices soon.

  12. It is the new goal for the industry to create 5G but in reality they are far from this once again another brand the clients sell a product that hasn't actually been achieved yet but then again when we do take things at face value and Believe the Hype that is put forward that does not truly Lee tell you the whole truth

  13. The experts are wrong. Jobs will be hugely impacted in the next 10 years by technology because we are at a tipping point of an exponential convergence of several key technologies along with business innovation. Jobs will disappear forever, much faster than the experts anticipate. The economy will thrive with less people working. America may have a permanent 20 or 30% unemployment in a booming economy. Many technologies that have been in development for the past 10, 20, or 30 years will erupt at roughly the same time (within the next 5 or 10 years) and totally disrupt the transportation, energy, health, communications, manufacturing, work, and money. These technologies include:
    • Renewable Energy and Storage (Battery Technologies, Kinetic Energy Storage, Hydrogen, etc.)
    • Electronic Vehicles (EVs)and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)

    • Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

    • Food Processing – meatless meats, vertical farming, hypogenic farming. Agrivoltaics. etc.

    • Gene Editing Technologies – (CRSPR), designer drugs, designer babies, synthetic DNA, synthetic biology

    • Robotics

    • Communications – 5G, LiFi

    • Nanotechnology

    • Sensors

    • Autonomous Drones

    • 3D Printing

    • Blockchain Technologies – crypto-currencies, smart-contracts, crypto-law, peer-to-peer secure transactions, global reserve crypto-currency, Internet 2.0

    Many of these disruptive technologies combined with business model innovation will destroy millions more jobs, but most of these jobs will not just be blue collar jobs, these jobs will affect lab technicians, X-ray technicians, accountants, lawyers, engineers, surgeons, call center workers, receptionists, ranchers, retail sales clerks, food processors, programmers and many more. Some of these technologies have serious legal, moral, and ethical questions that we should be discussing and debating right now instead of wasting time talking about light bulbs!

    Unlike other disruptions that have come before, with the convergence of so many disruptive technologies and business model innovations, the economy will not be able to create as many jobs as will be destroyed (not shipped overseas but gone forever). There are only so many solar system installer and wind power jobs that will be created and only so many programming jobs will be needed in the future (soon the computers will be writing their own code). We need to look at the big picture and see what’s really ahead for us all in the next 10 years.

  14. Utterly sickening. How about the BBC get a perspective from someone like, say, Dr. Barrie Trower, a British physicist and microwave radiation expert, who is arguably the most qualified scientist in his field? It is imperative that 5G is halted and there's investment in safer alternatives such as LiFi (which uses light to transmit data instead of harmful electromagnetic radiation). Awareness is key – spread the word.

  15. Shorter waves cant travel through trees either. So what's the solution, chop all the trees down. Oh let's not forget this crap is super dangerous. But good old BBC won't mention the health problems associated with it.

    FYI BBC this is why the public dont trust you. You are just a propaganda outlet for big business and the government.

  16. Public Service Announcement: No, Tin foil cannot protect you from these frequencies, Indeed tin foil does NOTHING to block radiation. the tin foil hat theory is pushed by the mainstream for a reason in movies ect, because they know it A:does not work and B: makes people who think it works look really dumb and thus generally lower the opinion the world has of so called "conspiracy theories"

  17. People need to go and watch videos of Hans Jenny and how sound (frequencies) effects our bodies. Without standards the 5G companies are playing with fire and we are the guinea pigs.

  18. What will Country File say when the 5g has totalled all the pollinators, and everyone is infertile or having miss carriages. BBC click you are pretty poor in your reporting considering the thousands of biological scientists reporting the evidence for massive health and environmental damage that this will do. REALLY irresponsible reporting. What will David Attenborough say??? Maybe he'll be be happy the young lefties can stream his eco armageddon documentaries from the top of Everest, while killing off what's left of nature, I suppose the infertility will be a bonus and slowly eradicate the human cancer from the planet.

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