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Marijuana Medical Benefits

5 years not smoking weed update…

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  1. Yo, bro you should totally post more vids on TikTok I just now found out you had one, Especially your music I could use your music in my TikToks and idk it’d just be cool lol.

  2. I really love your videos. Im so happy I cam across your page. youre so well spoken and articulate. ugh small accounts need way more recognition!!!! youre so wise and down to earth, I wish we were friends lol

  3. so good to hear yours & other people’s testimonies about things that i was bound to also. Man, God is soooo good. I was addicted to weed too before God saved me. Crazy thing about it is I had always claimed that i would never become addicted to it the way my mom & family was. But then i did. God was the only way out. I quit cold turkey January 2019. God took that desire outta my heart. I was sick of the dependency, paranoia, weight loss, no appetite, sleeping all day, isolation, emptiness, suicidal thoughts. I can’t take credit for that only God gets the glory. He could’ve allowed me to be satisfied with it & he could’ve just left me where i was at. He could’ve left all of us where we was at BUT HE DIDNT!!! Thank Jesus for his mercy & grace 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

  4. God is bringing me out of this. I am only finding freedom by trusting in God. Everything around me says it is ok to smoke. I hear God though. He tells me he has better plans for my life

  5. Praise God. I feel weed is like the tree that the LORD told Adam & Eve to not partake in. It’s from God but NOT meant for us

  6. That’s good bro, so proud of you, wish i can say the same for my sex addiction, keep me in prayer bro as well as my porn addiction. God bless you always and for the content. Stay safe

  7. Its my birthday 🎂today im 16 years old🎂 and seeking god in this time ive come to a low place but am seeking god and coming as i am to him. He will heal me.

  8. Over seven yrs clean from it. I hated chasing the bag. Needed it to do everything.oh and now i actually have a savings lol …i even voted against it for rec use. Thats a miracle from God.i used to be the type that would fight tooth and nail to keep smoking and have every excuse. Im glad i dont have to keep chasing that high that btw never was good enough …

  9. I was addicted to weed for 4 years straight. With my longest high (constant 24hrs) being a whole year. Its an idol and a deep sin, that I cant even begin to articulate the negative effects it has upon your perspective, reward system, hope and ethic, and how you start off having fun with it with friends, then going into mild abuse alone and it deepens to deep abuse where you cant get off of it, I smoked before everything, after everything, behind my family's back, everywhere. In that deep abuse state its just a total blur, felt like an animal and a total drug addict, craving for the next high, thinking I was at peace and a total guru with it, but deep inside I just was so empty and NUMB.

    Eventually you realize one of the worst things weed does to you long term is puts you in a total state of numbness, for me it was as if my sensitivity to things just died. And thats the illusion that many fall into thinking that potheads are just chill, to be honest we were just numb. Numb and hopeless, to the point you arent moved by much. Brush it off and get high, is what you'd be thinking.

    Anyway, I got to my knees at the peak of my depression and cried out to Yahusha HaMaschiach (real name of our Saviour), and He saved me. He is so merciful and long-suffering. He is truly our only hope in being saved from the snares of this world. In our lowest state, in our submission, by his spirit He grants us repentance and strength to forsake sins, and in doing so we begin to walk in the spirit, and we begin to bear fruit.

    Love, peace, joy, is all from Him and in Him alone. Abiding in Him (keeping His commandments) is when you really live and finally get the satisfaction your being so tirelessly sought for in many pathetic worldly avenues your entire life.

    Know deeply that He who formed your heart is able to mend it.
    That in His right hand, pleasures forevermore.
    Yahusha the way the truth and the life.
    Praise Yahuah!
    Our eternal rest.

  10. 🌹✨ This is a very beautiful testimony, God is faithful! God builds in our hearts these little compartments and often times they get damaged and scratched up. We go through trials, trauma, puberty, heartbreaks, existential crises and all sorts of crazy things. And when we give our hearts to Jesus, He comes in and repairs those compartments and heals them. And THEN He does something really miraculous… He FILLS them! The vices and pain that were once occupying these places in our heart get replaced with holy gifts, creativity, purpose, vision, love (to name a few)! And I believe that it’s so awesome that God placed these treasure chests within us. Thank you for your vulnerability Montell! I know you’ve done so much already but this is truly only the beginning 🙂 congratulations on 5 years, God is good! 🌹✨ (also I like the filter on this video, very cool & adds a quality of warmth and comfort to it)

  11. This is a very good and helpful video for smokers who want to stop smoking. They can see that if you did it, then they can too. It's funny how I smoked weed at this age (14) and yonger (12-13) and I thank Gos for helping come out of the darkness and come into the light

  12. Weed is definitely a sin and if you can smoke it and not even be convicted then that alone is pretty bad because thats what happens when God gives you to your sin.

    Weed is something i used to smoke Everyday. I first started smoking in sixth grade and i continued up until my 10th or 11th grade in highschool. I smoked on the weekends, i would wake and bake and be high tell dark or until i ran out of weed. On weekdays i would smoke when i would come back from school. I did this everyday for years. I would smoke at that parks, the forest, shed in my backyard, out in the open in my backyard, i would smoke in cars, behind stores, i even smoked on church ground.. i smoked everywhere. You can say it was an idol. Weed is a sin, it alters the way you perceive reality even if you are aware of your surroundings, Thats the sneaky thing about weed.Even before i gave my life to Christ, i would become deeply convicted and what once gave me pleasure and joy, now had made me sorrowful and depressed, everytime i would smoke it felt like i wanted to crawl in a dark cave and hide there. It made me paranoid & insecure. I havent smoked in a pretty long time i would say a few years, i really dont keep track because i just take it day by day but there was times where i would smoke once because i would make the excuse "oh im stressed or by back hurts from work" so i would smoke but that was just me returning to my idol.. I struggled very bad with porn you can say my porn addiction was just as bad as my weed addiction, i also havent looked or done anything with porn in a very long time as well. I also surrendered that to God.. But i brought that up because i remember, i wasnt doing either but i remember i smoked weed again and it made my drop my guard because i wasnt sober minded and NO LONGER vigilant and that gave the enemey a foothole to make me fall… While i was high it began with a video on youtube of a girl.. Then a google search… Then before i knew it there was no turning back and i remember after it was all done i felt so shameful and so disgusting and so vile.. The feeling of when your in your flesh goes away quickly.. And i remember getting on my knees and bowing to God begging for his forgiveness… I havent dont either since because i know both are traps from the devil and my master is Jesus Christ.

  13. Ive never been a big smoker
    most of the influence came from meeting new ppl, so for years I was always on and off like months in between.
    Yesterday I finally felt myself getting tired of it.
    Tired of procrastination
    Tired of being outside of the present moment tired of the need to escape or using it as a tool to be creative
    I just got tired of cheating myself and God so along with a major addiction I let go recently
    Smoking will definitely follow.
    Stay strong Guys ❤️

  14. I just want to say I’m very blessed by your content Montell. As someone who actually caught Covid-19 I’ve been terrified these past couple of weeks, but God is doing miracles in my family. I quit listening to secular music (with lyrics) because 1. I don’t want to fill my spirit with that nonsense 2. Listening to it either takes me away from God or makes me angry, so I decided to quit listening to it. Your music has been a life saver these past couple of days. You inspire me so much, and helped mold me into a better Christian. Love your story, and your ministry at this point. Keep following the Lord, keep walking in Faith, God is going to do wonders in your life. I’m happy that you quit smoking, I stopped 2 years ago.
    Live Like Christ ❤️

  15. Had always told myself that I’d stop smoking weed when I find something that would give me the same feeling I had when I was high and when I started pushing into Jesus, I found an even greater feeling. Struggled a bit to get out of it at first but it’s safe to say that I don’t need it anymore.

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