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5 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (August 30th, 2019)

New Moon Energy Update – August 30, 2019 – (This Is BIG!) FREE Higher Self – MP3 Guided Meditation: **************** VICTOR’S …

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  1. If you want a clear conscience, more energy, more intuition eat high vibrational foods. Be a plant based vegan 🌱 best decision I ever made and I squat 300lbs so it will not effect your muscle mass or anything negative quite the opposite actually.

  2. Do you have any advice or videos on letting go of daily routines that don't serve you and changing to one's that do? I listen and read to so many things on these topics and truly believe, but the actions, on my part, are lacking!

  3. I kept getting Synchronicities of 000 and 555 and I was super positive, as that's a new beginning and life change, I was the happiest I've ever been & i thought the uni was bringing in my person, but no. I lost my job and I'm a single mom. Wtf. 😔 does anyone have any insight?

  4. Victor is one of the few people I started watching in the beginning of my journey and I still do. His energy, words, and delivery of the message always resonated with me and still does. Just wanted to say thank you for all you do and sharing your gift with us. I like reading the comments to see where others are in their journey and it reminds me of where I was and where I'm going and it's beautiful. I wish everyone well on theirs and if one thing I can offer as patient. It's not always peachy and often times draining but it's extremely rewarding and humbling to say the least. Thank you ❤

  5. I learned. Make these arrangements around the things and people that resonate with me. Thank you for your teaching. “During work” I am engulfed by people with extreme low vibrations and do not understand or accept my positivity and belief of abundance. After 4 years of enduring this environment I realized how much an impact it has had on me. No matter how I may have come a higher vibration initially. Any suggestions are welcome. Feeling a bit alone on this journey at the moment. Watching these videos and reading others comments helps me tremendously. 💕🙏🏼 hugs to all.

  6. Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great day! If this video helped you, you may enjoy some of my videos about spiritual healing, and internal guidance. I am a new channel and I really really appreciate any of your support <3 I have worked really hard on my videos so I would really appreciate your feedback! Please check out my latest video, and let me know what you think. Right now, it is so important for people to hear messages of love and healing during such crises, and I hope I can help others with my wisdom. Lots of love to you all!

  7. My birthday is tomorrow (August 31). I hope all that you say is true. Been a hermit for the longest time also been looking for work. Looking for work. So I really pray for my manifestations to come true

  8. When I think I’m about to loose my mind and needing to check myself in. I watched this and it all falls away to an understanding of the overwhelming emotional waves I’m riding. Thankyou ! Namaste 🙏

  9. My >self< created so much dissonance and struggle and then finding my Self I was at peace and guidance to go forward in my life. I started using my technological devices in more productive ways- less Instagram-less FB/less time reading emails… it feels odd in our society not to…then I started using it more in a guided way when intuition leads me to be on my phone or laptop- angel numbers/music/connection/to-do reminders/research/information/YouTube videos with likeminded individuals.

  10. Very inspiring at the end there Vic! 🙏

    Eery synchronicity with the ancestral stuff. I was only thinking recently these madness symptoms I'm experiencing doesn't make much sense with regard to my life / my life history – was wondering if it could be past life or ancestral… but I never have any way to validate such theories.

  11. Hi Victor,

    I Like your video's… Just found them today…

    I would call myself A spiritual person,
    But not one with The right explenation for it… ( or any for that matter )

    at the moment I am totally living on my intuition, and it's a scarry desicion
    A lot of insecurity…

    well if you get what I'm trying to explain..

    I just wonder what does your intuition say about the prozess I am in at the moment ?

    Keep up the good work
    and best wishes…


  12. Really on point with this video once again Vic! And 1 tip I have for you with doing the keto diet, have you heard about the cyclinical keto diet? It basically is eating keto for 5-6 days and carbohydrates for 1-2 days. But you need to get used to keto for 3-4 weeks at least.

  13. I am just so low guys, stuck in every situation, nothing's moving, nothing's working. I am just done with loa and all that stuff, I have been believing in loa and all with all my heart these 3-4 years, but now it's just not working, tried everything. I am done w everything, I see no hope 🙁

  14. It all makes sense now. I was feeling so fearful, anxious heavy heart energy that was weighing me down for no reason, out of nowhere. Thank you for your guidance 🦋🦋🦋

  15. Yeah some big old triggers and frustrations boiling up, racing thoughts and sleepless nights, everything you said here! It'll get better – it always does. The vibrations are raising and I gotta clean up these thoughts and emotions. Sometimes that means they show themselves more so I can spot them and shift them. I have definitely been noticing I am naturally gravitating more towards my desires and following my intuition better. My guidance is becoming "clearer". It's all for the greater good in becoming my best version. Thank you.

  16. I just found you and your channel!!! Oh my goodness, this is a fantastic video. Your approach, the way you articulate everything, … I really enjoyed it and it was very helpful! I subscribed and I will share this video with others. Thank you!!

  17. Victor… Check out the Jain tradition of Paryushan /Pajushan… They fast for almost 30 days if I'm not mistaken.. You might find it interesting… Sending you lots of love 💜

  18. Right on time, Victor! Thank you!
    I needed to hear this. When it comes to my passions and what I want to do, what interests me since my spiritual awakening, it changes so quickly. I was kinda wondering what was wrong with me, because I'm living intuitively and that feels good, that feels right. But, it doesn't coincide with the way this 3D world does things. Like I was really passionate about doing art journaling and pottery, so I signed up in the beginning of the year and dove right in and felt so inspired and was creating like crazy, but then the last 2 months or so I was signing up for these same classes, and found myself really having to push myself to want to attend and had no desire to go. I kept forcing myself because I paid for the classes and that just felt worse. Now, I found new interests in the metaphysical spiritual arena and I'm excited again. But, my family and friends question what is wrong with me, because they don't understand why I don't stick to the stuff I start for any length of time. I'm okay with that though. I have to do what feels right for me for once. My whole life before my awakening I spent trying to make everyone else happy and putting myself last, so yeah, thank you. Love your channel. Namaste. ☀️

  19. I use to find writing with a note pad helpful because it helps to declutter those 2 AM thoughts, and if I wrote with the hand I am not use to, that makes me use the other side of the brain, so as an act of charity and gratefulness, my parents did both have cancer, so when I write, or share someone else's problem in the world, the act of being charitable about another's ancestral history, and way of life, that allows me to have a respect for how others live, and that other cultures do work for them, and in being able to help tell their path they are on, helps to bring awareness, about water rituals too lights me up.

  20. Hey Guys! ♡
    Is anyone else here doing actually hard work to get to his 'best life' (favorite career, relationships, health, etc) but feels STUCK? Since June I do much inner work regarding this, but on the outside nothing seems to move, it's stuck or – in my job – gets even more worse.
    After mercury retrograde I hoped things would become better, but I still feel quite depressed about this ongoing funk…
    Thanks for listening 😉 Much love!

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