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Marijuana Health Benefits

Alternate-Day Intermittent Fasting Put to the Test

Does every-other-day-eating prevent the metabolic slowing that accompanies weight loss or improve compliance over constant day-to-day calorie restriction?

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  1. What about bowel movements when people do IF? How does that go? Thus far if I’ve learned anything from plant based doctors is that the larger the end products, the better your body’s ability to keep diseases at bay!

  2. I fasted for 7 days, about 6 months ago. Just water. I lost 1kg per day for the first five days. Stopped feeling hungry at day 3 and was more energetic, physically and mentaly. At day 5 I stopped losing as much weight (about 0.2kg per day). I'm not recommending this to anyone, just sharing my personal experience.

  3. I switched to good fats and protein and vegetables, dumped sugar and refined carbs. I fast 18hr everyday, sometimes 24-48 hr fasts. I don’t get very hungry anymore, I went from 210lbs to 175lbs. Blood pressure dropped, all my metabolic blood panels greatly improved. Been doing this for over a year and feeling better at 70 than I felt at much younger age.

  4. Hunger will depend upon whether you are already fat adapted or not. If you go into a fast after eating a steady diet of a lot of carbs instead of keto, you will suffer and it probably isn't even good to do… Eat keto or close to keto first.

  5. Intresting video. 2 things aren´t mentioned here. The insuline response while eating 500calories vs 0 calores. And the autophaphy effect which you need to be on starving mode, 0 calories. Not some calories 🙂

  6. We live on a world where some people think than not eating all day falls in the "fasting" category, lol. If you are eating at least once a day you are not fasting, period.

    Do you think people of old times (without gas, fridge and precooked ready-to-eat foods) would wake up and start a fire/oven for cooking? People would wake up, work their ass all day (often to procure food) and then relax, cook and eat in reunion with their families/friends.

    Most modern city humans are addicted to exogenous energy, losing the ability to function without their timed calorie dose.

    If you have a healthy bodyfat level on you, and you feel drained and weak because you did not eat anything today (or you skipped a meal), then you've got some metabolic training to do.

  7. When on high carb diet IF is almost impossible to do, hunger and cravings are unbearable, I was weak and very agitated, now that Im on high fat diet its super easy and even when I dont eat for 18 hours I still have energy and Im calm, fat adaptation is def much better than running on sugar in my opinion, also appetite is not spiked so its hard to overeat.

  8. Hello Mr Greger. I just watched a bunch of people healing cystic acne with vitamin b5 superdose, after trying everything else… this seems as a really simple solution for such a complicated issue. Has there been any research on this… why is this not widely available information. Any information that you can share on this will be highly appreciated and acurate.

    Great video as always!

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