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Marijuana Medical Benefits

30 Days Without Weed – Benefits & Difficulties

In this video, I talk about my experience of going 30 days without weed. I discuss the benefits I noticed, the difficulties I had to go through, and some of the things …

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  1. I'm 3 days away from the 30 day mark and i'm lovin life again… 25 yrs of burning was fun don't get me wrong but the past two yrs of buying legal store bought weed has made me change for the worst.. I was getting high but was having a reverse effect.. Whats really cool is the deep dreams are back.. Some scary but others very exciting.. I am now eating mush better, my skin is better, my cardio is getting so much better.. Man i wish i would have just stopped many yrs ago now.. I'm not bashing anyone that still smokes, there will be a day that YOU decide to kick the habit.. Once you do you will understand what Esoteric and i are saying… My attitude is definitely better and my outlook on life is so much better.. I can now take a trip without stressing if i run out of weed or stressing where im gonna get the extra money to buy it when leaving town! May 2020 be your year, if not that's ok, the time will come and when it does just take it one day ata time… For the first weeks craving try some Full Spectrum CBD Tinctures, don't buy the CBD weed as that will just make you want to smoke! Gotta get the smoking art out of your subconscious part of your mind. Once the subconscious mind doesn't ask for it your golden from there! Cheers to all!

  2. I used to smoke ALOT i was the type to leave half a blunt and wake and bake (witch thinking about it now is fucking ridiculous) in the morning without brushing my teeth straight smoking. The shit potheads do, smh. I’m a barber and when I’m not smoking I perform way better!! I never be late to work always on time! Sometimes even 10 minutes before my boss opens. I just feel amazing! I accomplish way more things I stoped smoking and my life changed completely for the better. My big problem
    Is that I don’t know when to stop when I start something I just want more and more and more. I guess that’s an addictive personality because I was the same way with sex, I would punish my penis when I was younger going for rounds and I mean rounds my guy, one night I ejaculated 7 to 8 times with my x girlfriend. The next day my penis was swollen, I was like wtf !? damm. Moral of the story is know thy self like the Greek said. If you are weak in the mind and know some things affect you way more than others, stay away from it. Everything in this world affects everybody differently wether it be trauma, drugs, words, some people just don’t know how to deal with things like others do. Wish I really respected that sticker that I seen everywhere saying don’t do drugs ! But hey I took the path but thank God i switched roads cause it would have been ugly if I still had been living that life and now I can preach about how stupid it was because I experienced it myself and learned the hard way on how the world could be fucked up if you choose the wrong friends.

  3. Man if u have a “hangover” like experience after not smoking for a week than, BOI WTF ARE YOU SMOKING THAN? I smoke for about 8/9’years now daily with tolerance brakes every 3/4 months for 3 weeks and i dont feel nothing. I smoke anywhere from 14-28 g a week

  4. I smoke to eat, sleep, and balance or something with my depression….other than that weed messes with my anxiety sometimes…only if I smoke too much

  5. Drug test in 1 week…I been smoking 30 yrs straight…3 day no weed…I feel very cranky…lol, but staying strong. Woke up this morning in cold sweat…I feel terrible…but I'm going to see how far I could stay clean…😉

  6. my last smoke was about 4-5 days ago, but i have to be sober because of my bestie ( she cant do it rn for about 4-5 weeks). we started together and we are going on a break together but it just started getting worse now, i cant eat much, i am so down and so sleepy but i have insomnia. anyone who could help me ?

  7. From my experience stopping joints is a lot easier than bongs, mainly because smoking bongs becomes a habit and you can constantly do it throughout the day. Which is when it becomes harder to stop as you aren’t only addicted to the weed you’re also habitually smoking bongs because it’s become a favoured pastime.
    Don’t even get me started on mixing that makes it even harder, I’m currently 2 days off and this is the time I quit for good 🙂

  8. Day 9 for me. The worst of the hump is already starting to fade. Day 6 was the worst. Not shooting for 30 days. Not shooting for quitting forever. Just trying to exercise discipline. When I run out, I get a little crazy. So I am combating that lack of control. I want the benefits buy also the self control. So, I either figure that out or it's just not meant to be. Not for me. Parted ways with alcohol 6.8 years ago, so I might have to part ways with my little BUDdy too.

  9. I quitted tobacco,alcohol and animal products without any problem but I fucking love weed. Been having insomnio lately and weed does not help at all. I'll start my very first break from weed in 4 years (:) wish me luck hahaha

  10. Its my first half a month that i quitted weed but its for a adhd perscription drug named dexamfetamine and its for my future in about two months im going to smoke weed again. I miss my grass

  11. I know I just started 7 days clean been smoking for 10 years is it normal to have bad dreams at night……cold sweat keep having to change my shirt overnight even with the a/c on……

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