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Marijuana Medical Benefits

1. Alternative Therapy for Pain: Fighting the Opioid Crisis

Declared a public health emergency, the opioid crisis is the most urgent of matters. Today, chronic pain is the leading cause of opioid prescription, and though …

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  1. It is NOT pain patients that are overdosing and addicted!!!!!!! It is those who use heroin which is actually fentanyl analogues. Pain pill prescriptions are not causing the overdoses, as well the PAIN PATIENTS! who are cut are more likely TO USE! Street drugs to treat their severe intractable pain, so in reality you are only FURTHER! Pushing addiction and overdoses!!!!! No pain patient knows how to inject heroin/fent! Unless they are cut off by DOCTORS! Who should be treating their PAIN!

    I’ve got chronic SEVERE PAIN!! and NOTHING ELSE!!! Works besides opioids. Can’t use MJ, CBD IS SHIT, ibuprofen and Tylenol are only hurting my liver/stomach/heart/kidneys and don’t help my pain, and no doctor wants to treat my PAIN!!!! I don’t need physical therapy. This is INTERNALL!!!!! not even surgery can fix it.

  2. Let's blame everything on the so called opiod crisis everything from STDs to heart problems open yours eyes people look at how the media is condemning pain medication not the actual drug fentanyl and heroin that's causing the overdoses it's all propaganda intended for one reason only to sue for billions of dollars at the expense of people well being so they can live a halfway bearable life and the government pretends that they care for are well being get f***ing real and as far as pain medication causing people to become addicts bs they were already addicts found with multiple drugs in their systems I tell you this with all the stress and homelessness and financial problems of living in this world today no wonder people do drugs

  3. I'm a cancer survivor and I have no regrets using morphine and oxycodone when needed them. I still have some chronic pelvic pain 5 years later, I usually get about 60 Norco every year and use it only when needed. Screw the addicts let them either get treatment or die.

  4. So you are using the opiate crises for marketing the new test you offer. What a disservice for the patients with chronic pain. The CDC already released a statement saying practionors went way overboard. How about improving your functional medicine and mitochondrial disorder departments. In the online forums people talk about the issues CC has. You are failing us if the only genomics you know are used for CYP2 and simlar testing without awareness of how the other polymorphisms express. Been there done that. Michigan has no leaders in this field, you guys don't (you have seen me, my ex and our son, separately), nor Indiana… nothing in this part of the county unless you go to Wisconsin Mayo.

  5. doesn't matter at all , any doctor any time for any reason can cut off all medications with zero accountability trust me i know it happened to me in the u.p of michigan easily the worst place i've ever lived the shittiest of all doctors , TERRIBLE HEALTH CARE the worst of all time is u.p. health systems in marquette michigan DR HOENKE YOU SUCK also DR ARCHAMBEAULT YOU SUCK TOO

  6. Pain pills are cheap and there not making a huge profit , there is no crisis except me ready to kill myself because I'm in so much pain and can't afford a thousand bucks a month to feel like I want to live , time for a revolution

  7. All about money , more for the doctors and more for pharma , they all want to give you some kind of high priced crap that is worse than pain killers

  8. Nobody gets it , big pharma , the doctors association and payed politicians made all of it up , its been the same for a hundred years , people die and people trade pills , it's

  9. 116 deaths a day from opioid related drugs? CDC provisional reporting, 12 months through April 7th, 2019 indicate 92% of deaths are from fentanyl/heroin.  
    So prescription opioid deaths in that time fall somewhere in the remaining 3,680 deaths out of 46,000. Possibly 50% of those are opioids mixed with alcohol or benzodiazepines (disputed) or some other combination of up to 5 other drugs. Which leaves a total of 1,840 a year from just prescription opioids?
    There are 1,315 deaths a DAY from nicotine. 684 deaths a day from medical mistakes. 336 deaths a day from all prescription drugs, taken as directed by a doctor. 241 a day from alcohol. The "opioid crisis" is fentanyl and heroin. And yet more and more resources go into DEA and state medical boards going after doctors, nurse practitioners and other legitimate opioid prescribers. I asked a pharmacist the other day, "So there's a crowd of people and the DEA thinks there might be a couple of criminals in there. So they shoot down the whole crowd?" "Pretty much." DEA and state med boards – going after the wrong people and hurting those who are in pain and legitimately need the opioid pain meds. Your tax dollars at work.
    By the way, the economic impact on the country from chronic pain is $580 to $625 billion. 30% more than cancer and diabetes put together.
    The video talks about test for genetic metabolization variances in people. I've heard between 30x and 1000x from person to person. I believe it was Dr. Richard Payne who cited the 1000x differential. "Prior to his appointment at Duke, Dr. Payne was chief of Pain and Symptom Management Sections, Department of Neurology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (1992–1998) in Houston, Texas, and from 1998 to 2004 he led the Pain and Palliative Care Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, where he held the Anne Burnett Tandy Chair in Neurology."

  10. Before we start excuse the English I am French speaking living in Texas
    go tell that to my pain management doctor when after I received 4 shut
    of something in my spine. The last shut cyatic pain started to be
    excruciating also head hake that would not stop. I try to call Dr Limm
    my pain management over 20 time leaving message no answer no response.
    Blood pressure push up to 200 and the pain event worst. At the beginning
    he told me haa we will inject you to see what nerve and then we will
    kill them that should take care of the pain. I am missing 6 disc in the
    lower back and they told me they are gone… no way they will come back
    and Limm agreed to it after reading MRI and doc note. Anyway he never
    got back with me until 2 month later I receive a letter with 4
    with code on it that I did not knew what it meant…
    Hey finely he will kill the nerve. So little I knew . the day of the
    first appointment I get to is office and sit 00 half a hour. then call
    me and say I have to pay $1400.00 on the spot and I ask why? I have
    great insurance because at my age 62 I am still working I try at least
    and do not wont to collect social. The nurse tell me is for your
    deductible and the shut what shuts I ask. Limm told me he once will
    inject to find if it would work and then kill the nerve. I try to call
    and leave message they are all save and record in my phone. Scare to
    erase the proof of my despair. I tell her what happen and tell her it
    almost sent me to the ICU once again. 2 month before that I spend bone
    week in ICU for blood pressure over 275. I cannot have that anymore it
    does not work did not stop any pain at all and cause me more pain
    excruciating headache and problem with blood pressure.

    Ho she
    said lets me go ask him… she come back and whisper to me … The
    doctor said he cannot do nothing for you then just go back to your
    regular doctor… Yeah I was not good to him anymore because I did not
    accepted to be with the 15 peoples in the back waiting for these shut
    that he do each day … that is way to manage pain make $21000.00 a day 3
    days a week.
    H 4 never had any attention to burn the nerve he just
    wanted a cow to milk for money. That what you created and in the mid
    time I feel so lost ready to give up. and still suffer like crazy with
    no hope to stop it. no life at all I sit with a heating pad seeing my
    house getting filt of trash . I just try to clean my kitchen It took me
    26 hours and still not finish was working 5 minutes and resting 20 and
    taking 4 Ibuprofen revere hours or so. Social none . I just go work come
    back and sit pay child support and start over. You know one thing!!!!
    At least went I add pain medication I was not suffering and I had a sort
    of life but idiot like you who do not know nothing about pain except
    maybe once they had a paper cut on there finger want to make man kind
    suffer and be abuse by other man calling them self pain management
    DOCTOR Yeah I lost everything having to sell everything I own car gone.
    All I have left is a job and I cant barely make it anymore. Let me dye
    of overdose if it happen at least I will stop suffering . You are no
    God! Why you want me to suffer that much? I don't event know you

  11. What a crock of excrement. This isn’t therapeutic relief, it’s expensive assessment in place of immediate relief that is sorely needed. Opioids hijack the brain – every brain, regardless of genetic make up. The costs to the well- being of the individual and society in general are already horrendously depleting without adding an expensive and questionable assessment to the heap.

  12. It really pisses me off to hear people say that opioids don't work long term. They do work if they are used correctly. I am waiting for my genetic test results. My opioids are working, and I take them responsibly.

  13. "The problem here is that those young folks are abusing the medicine bringing and creating havoc to those that really need it, I know people that have no disc, and the bones are rubbing, pinching several nerves, and others with another very bad permanent back illnesses, some people need those medicine, they maybe never going to be pain free completely, but those medications help them to move around to do theirs daily endeavors with their love ones… what you need to do is to watch those people that are only using them with out any condition, we can't make people suffer for the stupidity of young folks…………….!¡

  14. stupid weak white drug trash can't get through life without getting high. I guess having white privilege isn't good enough for you pasty dummies. Just pathetic

  15. stop lying its 1 percent of Real pain patiants not the folks trying to get high l hope you assholes spreading this bullshit all get hit HARD by SEMI TRUCKS

  16. I'm waiting for a spinal injection to kill the pain of degenerative disk disease and spinal arthritis. I just got hit in the face with a soccer ball and have sprained neck muscles also. I am crying it hurts so much. ABSOLUTELY NOBODY WILL GIVE ME ANYTHING! All they are worried about is their liability. I don't understand how making responsible, legitimate people suffer is going to help addicted druggers. Nobody in this country knows how to deal with our drug problems. Even the "War on Drugs" was a flop. Excuse me…I have to get ice or my neck before I cry again.

  17. Pharmacogenomics testing is not treatment for pain. It tests patients and somehow determines how they react to several different medications. Where this testing came from is news to me. My new pain management doctor does this and gave me a copy and said to show it to my other doctors. According to the results, ultra does not work, my body rejects it and eliminates it. It recommended Fentonyl and morphine, which I think is really too strong for my chronic pain. If I did take either of those, they would snow me. Bull Slllt

  18. I just want to thank politicians and the media for causing hysteria regarding opioid treatment for chronic pain. I was run over by a truck 9 years ago; I've had multiple surgeries. Because of this hysteria I have been completely cut off from my pain medications. I have never had a dirty tox screen and always took my medicine as prescribed. I was not addicted. I did not run out and get a set of works and start shooting fentynayl or heroin after I was cut off from my legal pain management. Meanwhile, the junkies are still getting their illegal fentynal vand killing themselves with it ,while the thousands of chronic pain sufferers who used their medication as directed are now in pain 24/7 because of hysteria caused by ill informed politicians and media. This country is fucked up.

  19. This is illegal Fentanyl crisis…not a prescription drug issue. Those of us with chronic pain use opioids to get out of bed, go to work and have a semi normal life.

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