In the usa, the government still considers this illegal. So as we have firearms, i cannot have possesion of it. Hoping for more sense from our governmrnt soon. So till then, i have to continue with my pain pills suffering pain ever second. And yes, cold makes everything painfull. Thats why i prefer 90f temps.
I've used CBD a bit for chronic pain and tried edibles for the first time today. Neither did a whole lot, but for me the actual edible was a bit more helpful. The CBD, however, I can use at work!
Does anyone use it for chronic headaches? Does it work? Also, I can relate quite well to the Tin Man. Lol. In the United States, will Medicare cover it? I take way too much Ibueprophen, and I know it’s really not good for your stomach.
Hi, sorry I’m late to this video. When you went to black and white to give us the fun fact about the queen, it was really hard for me to understand what you were saying due to the muffled speech effect you used. I did figure it out but it took a couple listens.
How many glasses do you have? It seems like there are so many! Would you maybe do a video where you show all of them? I'm quite curious because on the 31st I've got my first optician appointment to get prescription glasses. Can't wait to finally see in HD again!
Definitely look and see if you can find something with a higher percentage of CBD in the oil. It may work a bit better? The longer you take the oil the better. For some recommend taking it for at least 3 months to get a real representation of the oil. So you really should keep up with it for longer to get a real overview of the oil.
Hi! I am kinda new to your channel, you are very inspiring from the videos I have seen. I just have one question, do you need hand controls to drive or do you have enough control to use foot controls? How do hand controls for disabilities work exactly? I have just studied a disability support certificate and I am interested to know as I have heard of but not seen any. Also, does your husband use them or does he have to do something to swap between hand and foot controls if you use them.
Hello Firstly I hope this finds you well. I’ve just come across your channel and I’m about to embark on my own CBD trial in the hope I can cut down on my large amount of other medicines I’m currently taking. I’m also in the UK with my own channel due for release in the spring…! Stay safe, stay well and stay happy..
Look on Amazon there has to be different weed oils that are lot stronger when you're supposed to take 20 drops here in Oklahoma United States and just different milligrams
Love it
CBD oil didn’t help me at all. I’m a paraplegic with a recently developed chronic, body wide neuropathic disorder that causes severe pain everywhere. Most cannabis actually makes the severe burning much worse- such that I rock incessantly. I don’t sleep, either, ever more than about three hours. I hope you get some relief, though!
Love it Little taste detective
Hi Gem, If you like Marshmallow try cbd marshmallows from the marshmallowist, they're really good.
Well this has now convinced me to at least look into it. My hips and lower back are my most pain spots. Not sure about the money though.
Great topic. As an L5 incomplete I suffer similar symptoms to you Gem and have been curious about the positive impact CBD oil can have on my life. Will delve into the legality of it here where I live
I've been taken 20% cbd since October, two drops at night and it reeeaaally help me with my backache but not with the nervous system that is important for me. I will keep trying but it is no easy to find here in Argentina because marihuana is still ilegal
Have you ever tried Kratom? It is an herbal supplement that comes in different strains. The red kratom is for pain relief. A couple of states here in the US have banned it because they are run by religious fanatics and even though it is not the same as opioids they have decided that they are the same! It is a great alternative to taking strong pain killers.
I tried it for months. Was an absolute nightmare to find a genuine full spectrum product in the UK, and it cost me an absolute fortune, and after all that it did nothing whatsoever to help with any of my pain. If actual marijuana is ever legalised here I would still be open to trying that, but even the highest, purest strength cbd available here gave me no relief
Your descriptions are spot on Gem if only this was available on prescription as I would happily give up my prescription opioids if CBD was available in the uk. I use the spoonie technique and have found I’ve gained an extra spoon using cbd. Fantastic post
A very interesting video essay. It's very positive that you have found the benefits…but also did a withdrawal to see if the conditions returned…much like a science experiment. You are a kind and generous lady. Hoping that 2020 will be the best year yet for you and your husband and daughter! ♥
Hi Gem,Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts on this very delicate subject I wish you well hope you and your family have a good and hopefully healthy 2020 Lin
Great review, this has given me thought to try it for my rheumatoid arthritis x
I've been playing with cbd and hemp for sometime.. if you shop hard you can get some deals.. I use hemp capsules for joint pain.. but I pop them and use this oil to rub into painful joints… I use a strong cbd oil .. but keep it for the bad pain days because I carnt afford it daily lol
That's crazy how much they charge. It's like 3x what I pay. I can check and see if there's a better option. It has been life changing for me, but it is definitely something that builds up in your system to benefit you, and you have to find your sweet spot – too much or too little does not work as well. I also use it in conjunction with ibuprofen and paracetamol. I take 600 mg ibuprofen, 1000 mg paracetamol, and 37.5mg of full spectrum CBD at night, and less CBD in the morning. I've been doing this about 3 years and really feel it if I miss it.
I tried cbd oil and could not get on but edibles all the way …great review and video ….I feel mellow ie at ease bit more, it's a shame it's not available on prescription ie different types as they do strong controlled drugs
Most CBD products contain a small amount of THC in because THC helps the CBD work has increased its effect (it’s still nowhere near enough to get high). I use a CBD balm which helps muscular pain and skin irritation. With CBD it’s very individual and different people have different experiences with different doses, it’s not the same as most painkillers where the higher dose the more the effect and you do need to titrate up and build up to a higher dose. Definitely look into different strains and the way they work to see if there might be some that are more beneficial than others
THC oil gave me very good pain relief, it's not all about the high and stuff…
Do you ever experience muscle spasms?
In the usa, the government still considers this illegal. So as we have firearms, i cannot have possesion of it. Hoping for more sense from our governmrnt soon. So till then, i have to continue with my pain pills suffering pain ever second. And yes, cold makes everything painfull. Thats why i prefer 90f temps.
I've used CBD a bit for chronic pain and tried edibles for the first time today. Neither did a whole lot, but for me the actual edible was a bit more helpful. The CBD, however, I can use at work!
Does anyone use it for chronic headaches? Does it work? Also, I can relate quite well to the Tin Man. Lol. In the United States, will Medicare cover it? I take way too much Ibueprophen, and I know it’s really not good for your stomach.
Hi, sorry I’m late to this video. When you went to black and white to give us the fun fact about the queen, it was really hard for me to understand what you were saying due to the muffled speech effect you used. I did figure it out but it took a couple listens.
How many glasses do you have? It seems like there are so many! Would you maybe do a video where you show all of them? I'm quite curious because on the 31st I've got my first optician appointment to get prescription glasses. Can't wait to finally see in HD again!
Definitely look and see if you can find something with a higher percentage of CBD in the oil. It may work a bit better? The longer you take the oil the better. For some recommend taking it for at least 3 months to get a real representation of the oil. So you really should keep up with it for longer to get a real overview of the oil.
Hi! I am kinda new to your channel, you are very inspiring from the videos I have seen. I just have one question, do you need hand controls to drive or do you have enough control to use foot controls? How do hand controls for disabilities work exactly? I have just studied a disability support certificate and I am interested to know as I have heard of but not seen any. Also, does your husband use them or does he have to do something to swap between hand and foot controls if you use them.

Firstly I hope this finds you well.
I’ve just come across your channel and I’m about to embark on my own CBD trial in the hope I can cut down on my large amount of other medicines I’m currently taking.
I’m also in the UK with my own channel due for release in the spring…!
Stay safe, stay well and stay happy..
Look on Amazon there has to be different weed oils that are lot stronger when you're supposed to take 20 drops here in Oklahoma United States and just different milligrams
Love it
CBD oil didn’t help me at all. I’m a paraplegic with a recently developed chronic, body wide neuropathic disorder that causes severe pain everywhere. Most cannabis actually makes the severe burning much worse- such that I rock incessantly. I don’t sleep, either, ever more than about three hours. I hope you get some relief, though!
Love it Little taste detective
Hi Gem, If you like Marshmallow try cbd marshmallows from the marshmallowist, they're really good.
Well this has now convinced me to at least look into it. My hips and lower back are my most pain spots. Not sure about the money though.
Great topic. As an L5 incomplete I suffer similar symptoms to you Gem and have been curious about the positive impact CBD oil can have on my life. Will delve into the legality of it here where I live

Gem, I have been having banana tea for about the last week before bed & I think it really really helps.
I've been taken 20% cbd since October, two drops at night and it reeeaaally help me with my backache
but not with the nervous system that is important for me. I will keep trying but it is no easy to find here in Argentina because marihuana is still ilegal

Have you ever tried Kratom? It is an herbal supplement that comes in different strains. The red kratom is for pain relief. A couple of states here in the US have banned it because they are run by religious fanatics and even though it is not the same as opioids they have decided that they are the same! It is a great alternative to taking strong pain killers.
I tried it for months. Was an absolute nightmare to find a genuine full spectrum product in the UK, and it cost me an absolute fortune, and after all that it did nothing whatsoever to help with any of my pain.
If actual marijuana is ever legalised here I would still be open to trying that, but even the highest, purest strength cbd available here gave me no relief
Your descriptions are spot on Gem
if only this was available on prescription as I would happily give up my prescription opioids if CBD was available in the uk. I use the spoonie technique and have found I’ve gained an extra spoon using cbd. Fantastic post 

A very interesting video essay. It's very positive that you have found the benefits…but also did a withdrawal to see if the conditions returned…much like a science experiment. You are a kind and generous lady. Hoping that 2020 will be the best year yet for you and your husband and daughter! ♥
Hi Gem,Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts on this very delicate subject I wish you well hope you and your family have a good and hopefully healthy 2020
Great review, this has given me thought to try it for my rheumatoid arthritis x
I've been playing with cbd and hemp for sometime.. if you shop hard you can get some deals.. I use hemp capsules for joint pain.. but I pop them and use this oil to rub into painful joints… I use a strong cbd oil .. but keep it for the bad pain days because I carnt afford it daily lol
That's crazy how much they charge. It's like 3x what I pay. I can check and see if there's a better option. It has been life changing for me, but it is definitely something that builds up in your system to benefit you, and you have to find your sweet spot – too much or too little does not work as well. I also use it in conjunction with ibuprofen and paracetamol. I take 600 mg ibuprofen, 1000 mg paracetamol, and 37.5mg of full spectrum CBD at night, and less CBD in the morning. I've been doing this about 3 years and really feel it if I miss it.
I tried cbd oil and could not get on but edibles all the way
…great review and video
….I feel mellow ie at ease bit more, it's a shame it's not available on prescription ie different types as they do strong controlled drugs
Most CBD products contain a small amount of THC in because THC helps the CBD work has increased its effect (it’s still nowhere near enough to get high). I use a CBD balm which helps muscular pain and skin irritation. With CBD it’s very individual and different people have different experiences with different doses, it’s not the same as most painkillers where the higher dose the more the effect and you do need to titrate up and build up to a higher dose. Definitely look into different strains and the way they work to see if there might be some that are more beneficial than others
THC oil gave me very good pain relief, it's not all about the high and stuff…