Behind Bars: Rookie Year – The Ones That Make It (Season 2, Episode 9) | Full Episode | A&E
Like Behind Bars: Rookie Year? Check out new episodes of Live PD, returning Friday, September 20th! After a few months on the job, some rookies are finding …
New episodes of Live PD return Friday, September 20th on A&E!
Fabian reminds me of that "White" guy in that Chappelle Show Trading Spouses.
Lilly has a nice chicanita voice
Really Rodriguez c'mon …she speaks like a bird
Fabian was only 18 folks. You have so much more learning and maturing to do at that age. I think 21 should be the age requirement
Ariel so badd💙😘
Was one of the cos on behind scare straight ??
People sound weird in new Mexico
9:57 oh LILLY, girl you are too cute and too scared to be working there. Them dudes would eat you up so fast
Lol my names Fabian
39:08 2004 When I was locked up we had cassette players with our ADC # engraved in it.
Mp3 Players now huh? Shhhh
Must be nice.
Fabian: I didn't know I could do this before. Manipulate them
No I would not want to go to work tomorrow
I can’t even with Fabian
this unit is a very dangerous unit, proceeds to have a female the size of a 7th grader go watch it good idea
Bro like fabian is the worst CO officer ever lol like I think I could fool that guy!!
Some good ole weed
Fabian & Andrew are much too young. Way too dangerous for them.
abayda part is fake
She does have a scared look on her face and when you work for a jail you can't be scared and show it
Women are totally unqualified to be prison guards.
You can tell Fabian only accepted the job for the income, not for the job description. Did he lie on his resume?! He had to, of.
ladies and gentlemen that’s how Fabian got corrupted.
did fabian go through training ?
Fabian is too precious lol he should go work at Disneyland
Lilly and Fabian are so bad at their jobs it’s a miracle they are still alive
It's pretty bad in America that there are shows based on prison. What's the problem? Things need to change.
If these convicted criminals are locked in 23 hours a day there should be 2 officers escorting them to the shower to medical etc improper protocol
Fabians too nice for such a job.i understand how scary it is to work with criminals, their scum and its never a good day.
"Some good old weed"
Fabian looks like he's afraid of his own shadow 😳😬😱
Someone fire that Fabian guys lmaooo
Javier is everything we wanted Fabian to be
Mangin v. Chad who wins
Lilly is a LIABILITY
What did Fabian do wrong?
everyone talking about fabian (and rightly so) but what is up with this chicks speech?! 20:58
Fabian should be fired or at the very least, written up. He threw out evidence. Hasn't reported the massive hole in the wall… like wtf man?!THEN HE FINDS HIM WITH WEED AND BLACKMAILS HIM WITH IT?!?!?!??!?!
I don't care what any of you say about fabian, he did a bro move instead of adding like 3 years to his sentence he let him do some work for him. I understand he's a bad co and shoulda written him up but I think what he did was cool
Fabians brother: hey ma imma go to work now
Mom: okay honey take your brother with you.
Fabian: 👁👄👁
6:25 i wanna be a better leader he says as he is almost kneeling in his pushup position yipping at others doing the same
I don't understand, unless this is for video sensationalism! Has this young correction officer been properly trained on how to open and close the doors??!!! That falls on the leadership, unless this is just great sensationalism marketing got me watching watching the video and looking at the commercials clip.
Fabian is literally the dumbest guy…ever. Rookie year…. breaking policy…. breaking serious policy…. exploiting and blackmailing an inmate….. KNOWINGLY ON CAMERA!! Really? Wtf
Just graduated from LSU fire academy a couple months ago .brought back the leadership award . 14 weeks of military school … Way harder and more intense than police academy
New episodes of Live PD return Friday, September 20th on A&E!
Fabian reminds me of that "White" guy in that Chappelle Show Trading Spouses.
Lilly has a nice chicanita voice
Really Rodriguez c'mon …she speaks like a bird
Fabian was only 18 folks. You have so much more learning and maturing to do at that age. I think 21 should be the age requirement
Ariel so badd💙😘
Was one of the cos on behind scare straight ??
People sound weird in new Mexico
9:57 oh LILLY, girl you are too cute and too scared to be working there. Them dudes would eat you up so fast
Lol my names Fabian
When I was locked up we had cassette players with our ADC # engraved in it.
Mp3 Players now huh? Shhhh
Must be nice.
Fabian: I didn't know I could do this before. Manipulate them
No I would not want to go to work tomorrow
I can’t even with Fabian
this unit is a very dangerous unit, proceeds to have a female the size of a 7th grader go watch it good idea
Bro like fabian is the worst CO officer ever lol like I think I could fool that guy!!
Some good ole weed
Fabian & Andrew are much too young. Way too dangerous for them.
abayda part is fake
She does have a scared look on her face and when you work for a jail you can't be scared and show it
Women are totally unqualified to be prison guards.
You can tell Fabian only accepted the job for the income, not for the job description. Did he lie on his resume?! He had to, of.
ladies and gentlemen that’s how Fabian got corrupted.
did fabian go through training ?
Fabian is too precious lol he should go work at Disneyland
Lilly and Fabian are so bad at their jobs it’s a miracle they are still alive
It's pretty bad in America that there are shows based on prison. What's the problem? Things need to change.
If these convicted criminals are locked in 23 hours a day there should be 2 officers escorting them to the shower to medical etc improper protocol
Fabians too nice for such a job.i understand how scary it is to work with criminals, their scum and its never a good day.
"Some good old weed"
Fabian looks like he's afraid of his own shadow
Someone fire that Fabian guys lmaooo
Javier is everything we wanted Fabian to be
Mangin v. Chad who wins
Lilly is a LIABILITY
What did Fabian do wrong?
everyone talking about fabian (and rightly so) but what is up with this chicks speech?! 20:58
Fabian should be fired or at the very least, written up. He threw out evidence. Hasn't reported the massive hole in the wall… like wtf man?!THEN HE FINDS HIM WITH WEED AND BLACKMAILS HIM WITH IT?!?!?!??!?!
I don't care what any of you say about fabian, he did a bro move instead of adding like 3 years to his sentence he let him do some work for him. I understand he's a bad co and shoulda written him up but I think what he did was cool
Fabians brother: hey ma imma go to work now
Mom: okay honey take your brother with you.
Fabian: 👁👄👁
6:25 i wanna be a better leader he says as he is almost kneeling in his pushup position yipping at others doing the same
I don't understand, unless this is for video sensationalism! Has this young correction officer been properly trained on how to open and close the doors??!!! That falls on the leadership, unless this is just great sensationalism marketing got me watching watching the video and looking at the commercials clip.
Fabian is literally the dumbest guy…ever.
Rookie year…. breaking policy…. breaking serious policy…. exploiting and blackmailing an inmate….. KNOWINGLY ON CAMERA!! Really? Wtf
Just graduated from LSU fire academy a couple months ago .brought back the leadership award . 14 weeks of military school … Way harder and more intense than police academy