🌿💡CBD OIL FOR AUTISM? CBD OIL & GUMMIES REVIEW & RESULTS l Mom’s step-by-step How-to use CBD
Hey EllisFamLifers, and welcome to another episode! In this video, I talk about CBD oil: it’s legal now in the US; it helps the twins with just about everything …
I'll be trying this for my autistic son as well 🙂 thank you so much you are an amazing mom 🙂
Hi Amber, love to see how Alex and Will are progressing, I just watch the video of them waiting for the school bus so happy!! It brought joy to my heart! , well, for my 2 yr old nephew, (whom I love from the moon and back..) He is showing autism sign similar to the twins, he is been going thru evaluation now. We have already bought a small 30ml bottle cbd from another brand called charlottes web that says 7mg. It says to use 2 full dropper of the oil. That means it is 14 mg? Or that two full droppers make 7mg? But it seems to be more of what you show in the video..Is this right for him? My sister would like to give it to him asap but this confussion about dosage has her concerned. I would change it to the brand you have linked but she already paid $40 for this one.
I just found your channel thanks for video I have a nonverbal son
Plz deliver me cbd oil for autism. Jafar from pakistan.
Plz ap humain cbd oil autism ki delivery kr dein. My adress is sep jafar 67 punjab regment peshawar cant near buy csd shop .plz plz humen cbd for autism ki delivey kar dein hum ap ko payment kr dein gy
i want to buy cbd oil. My son is autisic. Plz inform me. How to buy cbd oil? Plz hmain batain hum cbd oil kis tarah khared sakty hain jafar from pakistan.
Yes I’m going to try it!
We’re trying CBD starting Monday for our 2 1/2 year old nonverbal daughter. And YES Big Pharma is pushing their agenda to keep a stranglehold on their profit margins. Our government makes a ton of money from big pharmaceutical lobbyists to taxes from the companies. God willing,these drug pushers that control research funds will be ran out of Washington so people who actually care about their constituents and not just there for their own self serving agendas. No not a conspiracy theorist at all lol
YES!!!! All about $$$$$$$$
Cbd oil and hemps oil same or its different?
Yes, it's all about the money.
Yes!!!! 100%
Yes. I’m going to use this for my son also
Yes, I’m excited to try it for my autistic son. I’m interested in the gummies. Would it be just one gummy?
Big Pharma control…exactly!
A resounding yes!!
After the 15mg dose in the morning, do you give your twins any other dose during the day. Thank you for this helpful video
My husband just opened our own cbd store in Brockport NY 🥰🙏
Unfortunately (due to having to retain & process the whole scam behind all of this) the conspiracy is actually truth. The cancer act 1939 & the big pharma company's are the reason why cannabis was given the bogus name marijuana & so many lies told over the years including it being classed as an illegal drug! The cancer act states that ONLY pharma poisons can be used/promoted to treat & cure cancer, unknown to us until the truth began to come out, cannabis is a multi healer which has been proven & as you are probably aware, there are 100's of true story videos on you tube which confirms this. To think we have been brainwashed into thinking those in power want to protect & take care of us sickens me, it's all about money & how rich they can get at our detriment. People would benefit from researching this as there are still so many unaware of what is really taking place globally ☹️
Very educational video but please try and not use so many cuts in the video I was getting an headache watching it….
Thank you for your videos, my 8 year old son is autistic
I just want to thank you great video
Yes…. Of course.
Very good. Yes definitely. They’ll find their way to get in on it and make it prescription necessary if they feel they will benefit. What mg. For gummies do u feel for teen age children.
Hi do talk to my regular doctor or a medical marijuana doctor about using Cbd oil for my autistic child? Thank u so much !!!
No, I think CBD has great medical value. The old preconceived notions come from people that are ill informed. They don't read current data and information.
I would like to try this, I have twins a boy and a girl 2.5 old they are on the spectrum, non verbal, I'm from Mexico I don't know if is legal to use this product
Can u tell me the strength u use of CBD and which gummies u use please? I have an 11 year old ADHD, ODD, PTSD, RAD, and high functioning autistic child and want to try this but want to get the right strength
do they send to Germany ???
You are great. Forwarded to my friend for her grandson. Thanks. Great delivery.
Yes 😶👍👽
Yes about Big Pharma, Yes about Trying. Thank you for this video. It's exactly what I was looking for.
I'll be trying this for my autistic son as well 🙂 thank you so much you are an amazing mom 🙂
Hi Amber, love to see how Alex and Will are progressing, I just watch the video of them waiting for the school bus so happy!! It brought joy to my heart! , well, for my 2 yr old nephew, (whom I love from the moon and back..) He is showing autism sign similar to the twins, he is been going thru evaluation now. We have already bought a small 30ml bottle cbd from another brand called charlottes web that says 7mg. It says to use 2 full dropper of the oil. That means it is 14 mg? Or that two full droppers make 7mg? But it seems to be more of what you show in the video..Is this right for him? My sister would like to give it to him asap but this confussion about dosage has her concerned. I would change it to the brand you have linked but she already paid $40 for this one.
I just found your channel thanks for video I have a nonverbal son
Plz deliver me cbd oil for autism. Jafar from pakistan.
Plz ap humain cbd oil autism ki delivery kr dein. My adress is sep jafar 67 punjab regment peshawar cant near buy csd shop .plz plz humen cbd for autism ki delivey kar dein hum ap ko payment kr dein gy
i want to buy cbd oil. My son is autisic. Plz inform me. How to buy cbd oil? Plz hmain batain hum cbd oil kis tarah khared sakty hain jafar from pakistan.
Yes I’m going to try it!
We’re trying CBD starting Monday for our 2 1/2 year old nonverbal daughter. And YES Big Pharma is pushing their agenda to keep a stranglehold on their profit margins. Our government makes a ton of money from big pharmaceutical lobbyists to taxes from the companies. God willing,these drug pushers that control research funds will be ran out of Washington so people who actually care about their constituents and not just there for their own self serving agendas. No not a conspiracy theorist at all lol
YES!!!! All about $$$$$$$$
Cbd oil and hemps oil same or its different?
Yes, it's all about the money.
Yes!!!! 100%
Yes. I’m going to use this for my son also
Yes, I’m excited to try it for my autistic son. I’m interested in the gummies. Would it be just one gummy?
Big Pharma control…exactly!
A resounding yes!!
After the 15mg dose in the morning, do you give your twins any other dose during the day. Thank you for this helpful video
My husband just opened our own cbd store in Brockport NY 🥰🙏
Unfortunately (due to having to retain & process the whole scam behind all of this) the conspiracy is actually truth. The cancer act 1939 & the big pharma company's are the reason why cannabis was given the bogus name marijuana & so many lies told over the years including it being classed as an illegal drug! The cancer act states that ONLY pharma poisons can be used/promoted to treat & cure cancer, unknown to us until the truth began to come out, cannabis is a multi healer which has been proven & as you are probably aware, there are 100's of true story videos on you tube which confirms this.
To think we have been brainwashed into thinking those in power want to protect & take care of us sickens me, it's all about money & how rich they can get at our detriment. People would benefit from researching this as there are still so many unaware of what is really taking place globally ☹️
Very educational video but please try and not use so many cuts in the video I was getting an headache watching it….
Thank you for your videos, my 8 year old son is autistic
I just want to thank you great video
Yes…. Of course.
Very good. Yes definitely. They’ll find their way to get in on it and make it prescription necessary if they feel they will benefit. What mg. For gummies do u feel for teen age children.
Hi do talk to my regular doctor or a medical marijuana doctor about using Cbd oil for my autistic child? Thank u so much !!!
No, I think CBD has great medical value. The old preconceived notions come from people that are ill informed. They don't read current data and information.
I would like to try this, I have twins a boy and a girl 2.5 old they are on the spectrum, non verbal, I'm from Mexico I don't know if is legal to use this product
Can u tell me the strength u use of CBD and which gummies u use please? I have an 11 year old ADHD, ODD, PTSD, RAD, and high functioning autistic child and want to try this but want to get the right strength
do they send to Germany ???
You are great. Forwarded to my friend for her grandson. Thanks. Great delivery.
Yes 😶👍👽
Yes about Big Pharma, Yes about Trying. Thank you for this video. It's exactly what I was looking for.