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Marijuana Health Benefits

आयुर्वेद में भाँग का महत्त्व | Cannabis And Ayurveda | Priya Mishra | Hemp

Main Talk: यूनान, चीन, मिस्र आदि प्राचीन सभ्यताओं में तथा यहूद…

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  1. What I am noticing is that in the past couple of years this championing of this particular cannabis/hemp/marijuana based drugs/medicines is becoming very loud, strong and fanned out right across the world. First in the west, and now here in India too. There are thousands of minerals, plants, animal extracts etc. which are used as medicines and which have restrictions on open and easy sale placed on them. Why are we not talking as loudly about them all? It is because most of them are useless to substance addicts. For these folk marijuana is comparitively cheap and of low potency, to begin on. Marijuana is one of the ostensibly not too harmful drugs which is used by drug pushers as bait to hook young people, including school children. It is as dangerous or even more so because of its innocent reputation, than the hard expensive drugs. It is also very dangerous because its use can be easily hidden and parents remain unknowing of their child's problem tilll it is too late..

    I am a teacher and a grandmother. I am NOT any kind of medical practitioner. But I have seen scores of wonderful, intelligent, good children who have begun on marijuana because of its low cost and comparitively easier access. Then they cannot stop. It is a free fall into deeper and stronger addictions and one more God's life is lost. Have you seen a youngster's struggle to break out of this habit? Have you seen the pain and suffering of the parents? It is heartbreaking. I personally get so angry and frustrated that I heap as curses on the drug dealers and those who benefit out of this cruelty, that they should suffer as their karma, every torture I can think of, even to the extent of cursing that they will suffer their own children getting destroyed as they are destroying other parents' children. I curse because that is all I can do.

    Tobacco was a highly venerated, rarely used, medicinal and ritualistic plant among the native Americans, It did not take more than a century for the blood-suckers who call themselves industrialists and businessmen to get more than half the world's population addicted to it, and power their private yachts and jets on the blood of tobacco addicts. Everything that could possibly be engineered by imagination and money and power was done to rope in more fools and simpletons into their vampire nets. Even heroes and heroines on screen went around with silly cigarette twigs sticking out of their mouths. I was shocked even out of any reaction when I saw a baby bottle with the picture of a bunny smoking a cigarette on it, selling for rates subsidized by that particular tobacco company. Unconscious familiarization. How low can humanity sink?

    I am beginning to suspect that the drug corporates crawling in the sewers are out at work in full steam. The respectable and knowledgeable experts are concentrating on their own fields of expertise and may be ignorant and innocent of the horrors being played out in the public spaces. There are even sincere folk laying out the economic losses India suffers due to the ban imposed on growing of hemp, and others who say that hemp and cannabis are not the same plant. Maybe they are right and I am wrong. But just to get a tiny indication of the huge numbers of people, mainly young, and some old, who are waiting for the laws that will legalize the growing, harvesting, converting cannabis into marijuana, just go to any internet site showing some sadhus smoking something somewhere, and read the comments below. The users looking for easy source and availibility of the drug are like salivating wolves who have smelt blood! It is pathetic and frightening.

    If these experts and medical people have problems with availibility of cannabis for medical purposes, I am sure they can approach the Government and work out some safe solution. And if they want to talk about the academic knowledge surrrounding this plant they can do it within closed medical and other select and responsible communities and refrain from going on to a public platform like Srijan talks which is most inappropriate, irresponsible and dangerous thing to do.

    I hope that Srijan, which is a perfectly respectable and responsible platform stops showing these talks and giving credence to the "legalize marijuana" lobby.

  2. इसकी दवाई कैसे कैसे बनती है इस बरे में बी बता दो प्लीज मैडम प्रिया मैडम ji

  3. If one is enumerating the medical uses of a substance, it's essential to give appropriate citations and mention the specific benefits of the drug. Research suggests there is increased risk of heart attack after smoking marijuana than it would be normally, potentially harmful for people with history of cardiovascular disease which contradicts the speaker. The speaker is very vague and comes off as totally unscientific in their demeanor.

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